CS 61B homework6

。。一直出现nullpointexception 查了半天。。竟然是忘了initialize。。

      buckets = new DList[capacity];  //buckets
//      for(int i=0;i<capacity;i++)
//          buckets[i]=new DList();



  public void makeEmpty() {
    // Your solution here.
      for(int i=capacity-1;i>=0;i--){



  public void makeEmpty() {
    // Your solution here.
      for(int i=capacity-1;i>=0;i--){
          buckets[i]=new DList();




    ListNode[] buckets;

然后每次insert的时候再new DList(), 并让buckets[x]=newDList.front(); 完成part one 还是没有问题的,但是到后面需要返回每个DLIst的size,就buckets[x].myList.size..但是发现myList是protected的。。无法在其他package使用。。所以还是

    List[] buckets;

compression function 用的

     int hashcode = code % capacity;


  public boolean equals(Object board) {
    // Replace the following line with your solution.  Be sure to return false
    //   (rather than throwing a ClassCastException) if "board" is not
    //   a SimpleBoard.
      for(int i=0;i<DIMENSION;i++)
          for(int j=0;j<DIMENSION;j++){
               return false;}
    return true;

   *  Returns a hash code for this SimpleBoard.
   *  @return a number between Integer.MIN_VALUE and Integer.MAX_VALUE.

  public int hashCode() {
    // Replace the following line with your solution.
      int cellToInt =0;
      for(int i=0;i<DIMENSION;i++)
          for(int j=0;j<DIMENSION;j++){
    return cellToInt;
/* HashTableChained.java */

package dict;

import list.*;
 *  HashTableChained implements a Dictionary as a hash table with chaining.
 *  All objects used as keys must have a valid hashCode() method, which is
 *  used to determine which bucket of the hash table an entry is stored in.
 *  Each object's hashCode() is presumed to return an int between
 *  Integer.MIN_VALUE and Integer.MAX_VALUE.  The HashTableChained class
 *  implements only the compression function, which maps the hash code to
 *  a bucket in the table's range.

public class HashTableChained implements Dictionary {

   *  Place any data fields here.
    protected int n_Entries=0;
    protected int capacity;  //number of buckets
    List[] buckets;

   *  Construct a new empty hash table intended to hold roughly sizeEstimate
   *  entries.  (The precise number of buckets is up to you, but we recommend
   *  you use a prime number, and shoot for a load factor between 0.5 and 1.)

   public boolean isPrime(int n){
       if(n < 2) return false;
       if(n == 2) return true;
       if(n%2==0) return false;
       for(int i = 3; i*i <= n; i += 2)
           if(n%i == 0) return false;
       return true;
  public HashTableChained(int sizeEstimate) {
    // Your solution here.
      capacity = sizeEstimate;
      buckets = new List[capacity];  //buckets
      for(int i=0;i<capacity;i++)
          buckets[i]=new DList();

   *  Construct a new empty hash table with a default size.  Say, a prime in
   *  the neighborhood of 100.

  public HashTableChained() {
    // Your solution here.

   *  Converts a hash code in the range Integer.MIN_VALUE...Integer.MAX_VALUE
   *  to a value in the range 0...(size of hash table) - 1.
   *  This function should have package protection (so we can test it), and
   *  should be used by insert, find, and remove.

  int compFunction(int code) {
    // Replace the following line with your solution.
     int hashcode = code % capacity;
    return hashcode;

   *  Returns the number of entries stored in the dictionary.  Entries with
   *  the same key (or even the same key and value) each still count as
   *  a separate entry.
   *  @return number of entries in the dictionary.

  public int size() {
    // Replace the following line with your solution.
    return n_Entries;

   *  Tests if the dictionary is empty.
   *  @return true if the dictionary has no entries; false otherwise.

  public boolean isEmpty() {
    // Replace the following line with your solution.
          return true;
      else return false;

   *  Create a new Entry object referencing the input key and associated value,
   *  and insert the entry into the dictionary.  Return a reference to the new
   *  entry.  Multiple entries with the same key (or even the same key and
   *  value) can coexist in the dictionary.
   *  This method should run in O(1) time if the number of collisions is small.
   *  @param key the key by which the entry can be retrieved.
   *  @param value an arbitrary object.
   *  @return an entry containing the key and value.

  public Entry insert(Object key, Object value) {
    // Replace the following line with your solution.
      Entry entry = new Entry();
      int hashcode = compFunction(key.hashCode());      
    return entry;

   *  Search for an entry with the specified key.  If such an entry is found,
   *  return it; otherwise return null.  If several entries have the specified
   *  key, choose one arbitrarily and return it.
   *  This method should run in O(1) time if the number of collisions is small.
   *  @param key the search key.
   *  @return an entry containing the key and an associated value, or null if
   *          no entry contains the specified key.

  public Entry find(Object key) {
    // Replace the following line with your solution.
      int hashcode = compFunction(key.hashCode());
          Entry entry = (Entry)(buckets[hashcode].front().item());
          return entry;
      }catch(InvalidNodeException e){System.err.println ("Caught InvalidNodeException that should not happen."
    return null;

   *  Remove an entry with the specified key.  If such an entry is found,
   *  remove it from the table and return it; otherwise return null.
   *  If several entries have the specified key, choose one arbitrarily, then
   *  remove and return it.
   *  This method should run in O(1) time if the number of collisions is small.
   *  @param key the search key.
   *  @return an entry containing the key and an associated value, or null if
   *          no entry contains the specified key.

  public Entry remove(Object key) {
    // Replace the following line with your solution.
      int hashcode = compFunction(key.hashCode());
          Entry entry = (Entry)buckets[hashcode].front().item();
          return entry;
      }catch(InvalidNodeException e){System.err.println ("Caught InvalidNodeException that should not happen."
    return null;

   *  Remove all entries from the dictionary.
  public void makeEmpty() {
    // Your solution here.
      for(int i=capacity-1;i>=0;i--){
          buckets[i]=new DList();
//      buckets = new DList[capacity];

  public void histograph(){
      //print the table
      int SumOfCollisions = 0;
      for(int i=0;i<this.capacity;i++){
          else System.out.print("[0]"); 
      System.out.println("expected number of collisions:"+(double)(n_Entries-capacity+(double)capacity*Math.pow((1-1.0/capacity), n_Entries)));
      System.out.println("actual number of collisions:"+SumOfCollisions);



posted @ 2017-07-31 11:29  切力  阅读(189)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报