Pet Shop 4.0 什么是 System.Transactions ? 泛型

System.Transactions 是 .NET 2.0 框架中新增的事务控件命名空间。它是一种处理分布式事务的新方式,没有 COM+ 注册和 COM+ 目录的开销。请注意,Microsoft 分布式事务协调器用于初始化事务。


同步定单处理中的 Order.Insert() 方法使用 System.Transactions 插入一个定单并更新库存。通过添加对 System.Transaction 命名空间的引用,并将定单插入方法和库存减少方法包装在 TransactionScope 内,我们实现了 Order.Insert() 方法,如代码清单 1 所示。

清单 1. 运行中的 System.Transactions

using System;
using System.Transactions;
using PetShop.IBLLStrategy;
namespace PetShop.BLL {
/// <summary>
/// This is a synchronous implementation of IOrderStrategy
/// By implementing IOrderStrategy interface, the developer can
/// add a new order insert strategy without re-compiling the whole
/// BLL.
/// </summary>
public class OrderSynchronous : IOrderStrategy {
/// <summary>
/// Inserts the order and updates the inventory stock within
/// a transaction.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="order">All information about the order</param>
public void Insert(PetShop.Model.OrderInfo order) {
using (TransactionScope ts = new
TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required)) {
// Update the inventory to reflect the current inventory
// after the order submission.
Inventory inventory = new Inventory();
// Calling Complete commits the transaction.
// Excluding this call by the end of TransactionScope's
// scope will rollback the transaction.

在 .NET Pet Shop 3 中,分布式事务由企业服务处理,需要 COM+ 注册。OrderInsert 类从服务组件派生,事务由 COM+ 处理。然后,服务组件使用 regsvr32 命令进行注册。

清单 2. Pet Shop 3 的定单插入

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.EnterpriseServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace PetShop.BLL {
/// <summary>
/// A business component to manage the creation of orders
/// Creation of an order requires a distributed transaction
/// so the Order class derives from ServicedComponents
/// </summary>
[ObjectPooling(MinPoolSize=4, MaxPoolSize=4)]
public class OrderInsert : ServicedComponent {
/// <summary>
/// A method to insert a new order into the system
/// The orderId will be generated within the method and should not
/// be supplied as part of the order creation the inventory will be
/// reduced by the quantity ordered.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="order">All the information about the order</param>
/// <returns>
/// The new orderId is returned in the order object
/// </returns>
public int Insert(OrderInfo order) {
// Get an instance of the Order DAL using the DALFactory
IOrder dal = PetShop.DALFactory.Order.Create();
// Call the insert method in the DAL to insert the header
int orderId = dal.Insert(order);
// Get an instance of the Inventory business component
Inventory inventory = new Inventory();
inventory.TakeStock( order.LineItems);
// Set the orderId so that it can be returned to the caller
return orderId;

System.Transactions 的优点

从企业服务移动到 System.Transactions 可以简化部署,因为后者不需要使用 COM+ 目录。使用 COM+ 目录时,我们忽略了其他一些额外的功能,只保留了分布式事务支持。System.Transaction 使得在 ASP.NET 2.0 应用程序中编程和部署分布式应用程序变得十分简单。System.Transactions 在运行时的性能提高了 50%,因为它避免了对象实例化的 COM+ 目录查找所产生的开销。最后一个优点是,针对 SQL Server 2005 运行时,System.Transactions 能够检测到某个分布式事务何时针对宿主在一个 SQL Server 2005 实例上的两个不同数据库运行。在这种情况下,它能够将该分布式事务提升为一个本地事务,这样就可避免与分布式事务登录/两阶段提交相关的全部开销,从而极大地提高性能。



每次返回一个 Pet Shop 模型对象集合时,我们都针对该对象使用泛型类型的一个集合列表。这是 C# 2.0 的一个新增功能,称之为泛型。


我们可以从清单 3 所示的 GetProductsByCategory 方法中看到泛型的运行情况。

清单 3. Product.cs (Pet Shop 4.0)

      /// <summary>
/// A method to retrieve products by category name
/// </summary>
/// <param name="order">The category name to search by</param>
/// <returns>A Generic List of ProductInfo</returns>
public IList<ProductInfo>GetProductsByCategory(string category) {
// Return new if the string is empty
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(category))
return new List<ProductInfo>();
// Run a search against the data store
return dal.GetProductsByCategory(category);

以下是 Pet Shop 3 中的等效代码,它返回一个 IList

清单 4. Product.cs (Pet Shop 3)

      /// <summary>
/// A method to retrieve products by category name
/// </summary>
/// <param name="order">The category name to search by</param>
/// <returns>
/// An interface to an arraylist of the search results
/// </returns>
public IList GetProductsByCategory(string category) {
// Return null if the string is empty
if (category.Trim() == string.Empty)
return null;
// Get an instance of the Product DAL using the DALFactory
IProduct dal = PetShop.DALFactory.Product.Create();
// Run a search against the data store
return dal.GetProductsByCategory(category);


泛型允许我们返回对象的强类型集合,而不是 .NET Pet Shop 3 中的 IList 集合。泛型强类型集合提供类型安全,其性能优于普通的集合。另外,泛型强类型集合将在 Visual Studio 2005 Intellisense 中出现,这可以提高开发人员工作效率。

posted @ 2008-12-10 22:31  Devbar  阅读(478)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报