
Chapter 1: Views and Quality Objectives of Software Construction

1.1 Multi-Dimensional Views of Software Construction


Multi-dimensional software views


By phases: build- and run-time views   

By dynamics: moment and period views

By levels: code and component views

Elements, relations, and models of each view

阶段:build-time && run-time

动态:moment && period

级别:code && component

Software construction: transformation between views


– =>Code

Code =>Component

Build-time => Run-time

Moment => Period




1 Multi-dimensional software views  多维度软件视图


(1) What is a Software? 什么是软件?

System software vs. Application software

Desktop/web/mobile/embedded software

Business/personal-oriented software

Open source vs. proprietary(专有的) software



Software = Program (codes)?

§ Software = Algorithms + Data Structure?

§ Software = Program + Data + Documents

§ Software = Modules (Components) + Data/Control Flows



Software system =

 ProgramsUI,算法,utilities(实用工具 function),APIstest cases
+ Datafilesdatabase

+ DocumentsSRS(需求规格声明),SDD(设计规格声明),user manuals

+ Users(谁来使用)

+ Business Objective(为什么使用它)

+ Social Environment(法规)

+ Technological Environement(如何部署)

+ Hardware / Network(硬件)



(4)Multi-dimensional software views 多维度软件视图

1.阶段:构建 || 运行

2.动态:时刻 || 周期

3.级别:代码 || 组件


(5)Build-time Views

Build-time views of a software system  软件系统的构建时间视图

想法 -> 需求 -> 设计 -> 代码 -> 可安装可执行的包

Code-level view: source code ---- how source code are logically organized by basic program blocks such as functions, classes, methods, interfaces,etc, and the dependencies among them

- 代码级视图:源代码----源代码是如何由基本程序块(如函数,类,方法,接口等)以及它们之间的依赖关系在逻辑上组织的

 Component-level view: architecture ---- how source code are physically

organized by files, directories, packages, libraries, and the dependencies

among them

- 组件级视图:体系结构----源代码如何通过文件,目录,包,库以及它们之间的依赖关系进行物理组织

Moment view: what do source code and component look like in a specific time

- 时刻观点:特定时间内源代码和组件的外观

Period view: how do they evolve/change along with time

- 时期观点:他们如何随时间演变/变化

Build-time,moment,andcode-level view



How source code are logically organized by basic program blocks such as functions, classes, methods, interfaces, etc, and the dependencies among them.


 Three inter-related forms:

Lexical-oriented source code(面向词法)

Syntax-oriented program structure: e.g., Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)(面向


Semantics-oriented program structure: e.g., Class Diagram (面向语义)

A)Syntax-oriented program structure面向语法的程序结构




B)Semantics-oriented program structure面向语义的程序结构





Build-time, period, and code-level view


Views describing changesalong with time.

Code churn: Lines added, modified or deleted to a file from one version to another.


Build-time, moment, and component-level view


Source code are physically organized into files which further are organized by directories;

Files are encapsulated into packages and, logically, components and sub-systems.

Reusable modules are in the form of libraries.






- 开发人员并不总是构建单个可执行程序文件,而是将定制开发的软件和预先构建的库加入到单个程序中。

在构建时,库函数可以被看作是标准语言的扩展,并且以与开发人员编写的函数相同的方式使用。System.out.println(“Hello World” 的);


From OS pre-installed set of libraries for operations such as file and network I/O, GUI, mathematics, database assess;

- 从操作系统预装的一组库中进行文件和网络I / OGUI,数学,数据库评估等操作;

From language SDK;

- 从语言SDK;

From third-party sources, such as downloading them from the Internet.

- 来自第三方来源,例如从互联网下载它们。

Developers can also publish their own libraries.

- 开发人员也可以发布他们自己的库。

linking Library

When a program is edited, built and installed, a list of libraries to search must be provided.


If a function is referenced in the source code but the developer didnt explicitly write it, the list of libraries is searched to locate the required function.


When the function is found, the appropriate object file is copied into the executable program.

Two different approaches of integrating a library into an executable program:

Static linking

Dynamic linking


- 静态链接

- 动态链接

Static linking静态链接】

In static linking, a library is a collection of individual object files.


During the build process, when the linker tool determines that a function is required, it extracts the appropriate object file from the library and copies it into the executable program.


The librarys object file appears identical to any of the object files the developer created on his or her own.库的目标文件看起来与开发者自己创建的任何目标文件完全相同。

§ Static linking happens in build time ---The act of linking a library with the developers own software happens during the build process.

End up with a single executable program to be loaded onto the target machine.

After the final executable program has been created, its impossible to separate the program from its libraries.


- 最终将一个可执行程序加载到目标机器上。

- 最终的可执行程序创建完成后,无法将程序与其库相分离。

Build-time, period, and component-level view


Version Control System (VCS)版本控制系统(VCS


Evolution Graph (of a SCI or a Software)演化图(SCI或软件的演变图)




- 在给定的版本号类别(主要,次要)中,这些数字通常按递增顺序进行分配,并与软件中的新发展相对应。

- 在细粒度的层次上,修订控制通常用于追踪不同版本的电子信息,不管这些信息是否为计算机软件。

Software Evolution软件进化


- 典型系统的90%以上的成本出现在维护阶段,任何成功的软件都将不可避免地得到维护。

(6)Runtime Views运行时视图


Runtime views of a software system 软件系统的运行时视图】

 Runtime: what does a program look like when it runs inside the target machine, and what are all the disk files that the target machine needs to load into memory?§运行时:程序在目标机器内部运行时的外观是什么,目标机器需要加载到内存中的所有磁盘文件是什么?

Code-level view: source code ---- what do the in-memory states of an executable program look like and how do program units (objects, functions, etc) interact with each other?


Component-level view: architecture ---- how are software packages deployed into physical environment (OS, network, hardware, etc) and how do they interact?


Moment view: how do programs behave in a specific time

- 时刻观点:程序如何在特定时间内运行

Period view: how do they behave along with time

- 周期视图:他们如何随着时间而行动

High-level concepts of run-time software运行时软件的高级概念】


- 这是完全编译的程序,可以加载到计算机的内存中并执行。


- 大多数操作系统包含一组标准库,开发人员可以重复使用,而不是要求每个程序都提供自己的。

- 库不能直接加载并在目标机器上执行; 它必须首先与一个可执行程序链接。

配置和数据文件:这些不是可执行文件; 它们提供程序可以从磁盘加载的有用数据和配置信息。


- 这与具有单个单片程序映像的更传统的软件形成鲜明对比。

Run-time, moment, and code-level view


Snapshot diagram快照图:着眼于目标计算机内存中的变量级执行状态,体现某时刻内存中变量的情况。

Memory dump


- 调试器可以加载转储文件并显示它包含的有关正在运行的程序状态的信息。

- 信息包括寄存器,调用堆栈和所有其他程序数据(计数器,变量,开关,标志等)的内容。

- 这是为了分析程序的状态,程序员查看内存缓冲区以查看哪些数据项在失败时正在处理。

Run-time, period and code-level view





Run-time, moment, and component-level view


【⑥Run-time, period, and component-level view




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