


   |   y-axis                   
   |  /                         
   | /                           
   +---------------->   x-axis     

围绕Z轴旋转叫做偏航角,Yaw;围绕X轴旋转叫做 俯仰角,Pitch;围绕Y轴旋转,叫做滚转角,Roll 




int m_flags;             
int m_forwardFlags;            
int m_backwardsFlags;


    m_flags = eVCam_goingForwards | eVCam_canRotate; // 向前 + 可旋转
    m_forwardFlags = eVCam_rotationSpring | eVCam_rotationClamp; //带悬架的旋转 + 限制旋转角度
    m_backwardsFlags = m_forwardFlags;//和上面那个值一样,所以感觉没什么用处


void CVehicleViewSteer::OnAction(const TVehicleActionId actionId, int activationMode, float value)
    if (m_flags & eVCam_canRotate)
        if (actionId == eVAI_RotateYaw)
            m_rotatingAction.z += value;
        else if (actionId == eVAI_RotatePitch)
            m_rotatingAction.x += value;




    IEntity * pEntity = m_pVehicle->GetEntity();

    CVehicleMovementBase * pVehicleMovement = static_cast<CVehicleMovementBase*>(m_pVehicle->GetMovement());
    const pe_status_dynamics& dynStatus = pVehicleMovement->GetPhysicsDyn(); //这个貌似是取出了物理系统

    SMovementState movementState;    
    const float pedal = pVehicleMovement->GetEnginePedal();//获取坦克引擎力
    const float maxSpeed = movementState.maxSpeed;//获取当前坦克的最大速度
    const Matrix34& pose = m_pAimPart ? m_pAimPart->GetWorldTM() : pEntity->GetWorldTM();//取出坦克的世界坐标到局部坐标的矩阵
    const Vec3 entityPos = pose.GetColumn3();
    const Vec3 xAxis = pose.GetColumn0();
    const Vec3 yAxis = pose.GetColumn1();
    const Vec3 zAxis = pose.GetColumn2();
    const float forwardSpeed =;//当前坦克的速度,在Y轴上的投影,就是Y轴方向上的速度了
    const float speedNorm = clamp(forwardSpeed / maxSpeed, 0.0f, 1.0f);//计算出这个Y轴的速度与最大速度比例,其实就是个百分比
    const Vec3 maxRotation = m_maxRotation + speedNorm * (m_maxRotation2 - m_maxRotation);//这个不知道

    CalcLookAt(pose);//根据世界坐标矩阵,计算 m_lookAt,看起来是将look at转到坦克本地坐标系下 
    if (m_lookAt.IsValid())
        if (!m_lastOffset.IsValid())
       //如果之前没有设置过last offset
            m_position = pose * m_localSpaceCameraOffset; //这个应该是想把相机设置到坦克局部坐标系下,同时偏移了一个offset
            m_lastOffset = m_position - m_lookAt;// 基本上相当于相机和坦克之间的向量
            m_lastOffsetBeforeElev = m_lastOffset;

        Vec3 offset = m_lastOffsetBeforeElev;

        if (pedal<0.1f && forwardSpeed<1.0f)
        {//Y轴速度小于 1,并且当前引擎马力小于 0.1,说明相机要向后移动
            // Going Backwards
            m_flags &= ~(eVCam_goingForwards | m_forwardFlags);
            m_flags |= m_backwardsFlags;

        if ( < 0.8f && forwardSpeed>1.f)
            // Going Forwards
            m_flags &= ~m_backwardsFlags;
            m_flags |= eVCam_goingForwards | m_forwardFlags;
float sensitivity = (1.f-speedNorm) * m_stickSensitivity.z + speedNorm * m_stickSensitivity2.z;//影响值。speedNorm是个比例,意义是,在stickSensitivity1,2之间做插值 float rotate = -m_rotatingAction.z * sensitivity;//输入的Z要乘以个0.5,即sensitivity的值 rotate = rotate * dt;//再乘以时间? if (zAxis.z > 0.1f) {//如果坦克的高度超过 0.1 // Safe to update curYaw Vec3 projectedX = xAxis; projectedX.z = 0.f; Vec3 projectedY = yAxis; projectedY.z = 0.f; const float newYaw = atan2_tpl(, -(; const float maxChange = DEG2RAD(270.f)*dt; const float delta = clamp(newYaw - m_curYaw, -maxChange, +maxChange); m_curYaw += delta; } // Rotation Action { if (m_flags & eVCam_rotationClamp) { float newYaw = clamp(m_curYaw + rotate, -maxRotation.z, +maxRotation.z); rotate = newYaw - m_curYaw; rotate = clamp(newYaw - m_curYaw, -fabsf(rotate), +fabsf(rotate)); m_rotation.z += rotate; } else { m_rotation.z=0.f; } if (speedNorm > 0.1f) { float reduce = dt * 1.f; m_rotation.z = m_rotation.z - reduce*m_rotation.z/(fabsf(m_rotation.z) + reduce); } } // Ang Spring { float angSpeedCorrection = dt*dt*m_angSpeedCorrection/(dt*m_angSpeedCorrection+1.f)*dynStatus.w.z; if ((m_flags & eVCam_rotationSpring)==0) { m_angReturnSpeed = 0.f; angSpeedCorrection = 0.f; } float difference = m_rotation.z - m_curYaw; float relax = difference * (m_angReturnSpeed*dt) / ((m_angReturnSpeed*dt) + 1.f); const float delta = +relax + angSpeedCorrection + rotate; m_curYaw += delta; Matrix33 rot = Matrix33::CreateRotationZ(delta); offset = rot * offset; // Lerp the spring speed float angSpeedTarget = m_angReturnSpeed1 + speedNorm * (m_angReturnSpeed2 - m_angReturnSpeed1); m_angReturnSpeed += (angSpeedTarget - m_angReturnSpeed) * (dt/(dt+0.3f)); m_angSpeedCorrection += (m_angSpeedCorrection0 - m_angSpeedCorrection) * (dt/(dt+0.3f)); } if (!offset.IsValid()) offset = m_lastOffset; // Velocity influence Vec3 displacement = -((2.f-speedNorm) * dt) * dynStatus.v;//车辆产生位移,这里算的是位移和2倍位移之间的插值,例如,-5和-10之间的插值 float dot =; //Offset 是从相机的偏移位置 到 坦克位置的向量,这个向量和坦克的移动做点积,根据两个向量的方向 ,判断是向前还是向后,再做修正。 if (dot < 0.f) { displacement = displacement + offset * -0.1f * ( / offset.GetLengthSquared()); } offset = offset + displacement;//这个部分计算的应该是跟随,车辆的移动,需要对偏移值做修正 const float radius0 = fabsf(m_localSpaceCameraOffset.y); const float minRadius = radius0 * m_radiusMin; const float maxRadius = radius0 * m_radiusMax; float radiusXY = sqrtf(sqr(offset.x) + sqr(offset.y)); Vec3 offsetXY = offset; offsetXY.z = 0.f; Vec3 accelerationV = (dynStatus.v - m_lastVehVel);//速度变化,加速度 float acceleration = / radiusXY; // m_lastVehVel = dynStatus.v; m_radiusVel -= acceleration; m_radius += m_radiusVel * dt - dt*m_radiusVelInfluence *; m_radiusVel *= expf(-dt*m_radiusDampRate); m_radius += (radius0-m_radius)*(dt*m_radiusRelaxRate)/(dt*m_radiusRelaxRate+1.f); m_radius = clamp(m_radius, minRadius, maxRadius); offset = offset * (m_radius/radiusXY); // Vertical motion float targetOffsetHeight = m_localSpaceCameraOffset.z * (m_radius/radius0);// float oldOffsetHeight = offset.z; offset.z += (targetOffsetHeight - offset.z)*(dt/(dt+0.3f)); Limit(offset.z, targetOffsetHeight - 2.f, targetOffsetHeight + 2.f); float verticalChange = offset.z - oldOffsetHeight; m_lastOffsetBeforeElev = offset; // Add up and down camera tilt { offset.z -= verticalChange; m_rotation.x += dt * m_stickSensitivity.x * m_rotatingAction.x; m_rotation.x = clamp(m_rotation.x, -maxRotation.x, +maxRotation.x); float elevAngleVehicle = m_inheritedElev * yAxis.z; // yAxis.z == approx elevation angle float elevationAngle = m_rotation.x - elevAngleVehicle; float sinElev, cosElev; cry_sincosf(elevationAngle, &sinElev, &cosElev); float horizLen = sqrtf(offset.GetLengthSquared2D()); float horizLenNew = horizLen * cosElev - sinElev * offset.z; if (horizLen>1e-4f) { horizLenNew /= horizLen; offset.x *= horizLenNew; offset.y *= horizLenNew; offset.z = offset.z * cosElev + sinElev * horizLen; } offset.z += verticalChange; } if (!offset.IsValid()) offset = m_lastOffset; m_position = m_lookAt + offset; // intersection check... { IPhysicalEntity* pSkipEntities[10]; int nSkip = 0; if(m_pVehicle) { nSkip = m_pVehicle->GetSkipEntities(pSkipEntities, 10); } primitives::sphere sphere; = m_lookAt; sphere.r = g_CameraRadius; Vec3 dir = m_position-m_lookAt; geom_contact *pContact = 0; float hitDist = gEnv->pPhysicalWorld->PrimitiveWorldIntersection(sphere.type, &sphere, dir, ent_static|ent_terrain|ent_rigid|ent_sleeping_rigid, &pContact, 0, (geom_colltype_player<<rwi_colltype_bit) | rwi_stop_at_pierceable, 0, 0, 0, pSkipEntities, nSkip); if(hitDist > 0.0f) { // Interpolate the offset Vec3 newPos = m_lookAt + hitDist * dir.GetNormalizedSafe(); offset = newPos - m_lookAt; } } Interpolate(m_lastOffset, offset, 10.f, dt); m_position = m_lookAt + m_lastOffset; } else { CRY_ASSERT_MESSAGE(0, "camera will fail because lookat position is invalid"); } //float sensitivity = (m_pSensitivity) ? m_pSensitivity->GetFVal() : 1.0f;;


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