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   1. 选一个足够大的话题,让它有趣。但是又不能大到令人难以控制。
   2. 找材料,先选三到四篇文章,并看它们的参考书目,重复这个过程,直到你找到足够的资料。
   3. 为参考文章编号制作索引卡片。记录下参考文章的所引用的参考书目,并编好号,以便将来使用。
   4. 针对索引卡片上的编号记下阅读笔记,只写下和你文章最相关的内容。并在笔记上写下参考文章号。
   5. 通过标题和子标题组织好你的记录卡片。
   6. 利用这些卡片写出一个大纲。(见如何写论文大纲)
   7. 写一个介绍吸引住读者,并规划好你论证的思路。
   8. 根据你的大纲写论文的正文,记住一定要“引用”你的参考文章。
   9. 写结尾,回顾下你是如何得到结果的。
  10. 现在写文章标题,而不是之前,可以避免文不对题。
  11. 至少把论文看两遍,确保你的论点是有意义的,并且推理具有逻辑性。
  12. 仔细校对,老师们讨厌排版错误。可以用word的拼写检查。


    * 不要把写论文留到最后,早点开始,不断努力。

    * 利用参考软件来管理你的参考文章。对于引用参考文章的细节可以参考MLA(Mordern Language                        Association)的手册。

    * 考虑上一堂如何写论文的课。



How to Write a Research Paper
Writing a good research paper is a tough challenge, but breaking it down into smaller pieces helps a lot.
1. Choose a topic that is broad enough to be interesting but narrow enough to be manageable.
2. Find your sources. Start with three or four, check their bibliographies for additional sources, and repeat the process
    until you have enough material to work with.
3. Reserve one index card for each source. Record the bibliographic information for the source on its index card, and
    number each card for ease of future reference.
4. Take reading notes on index cards, writing down only the material that is most relevant to your project. Write the
    source number on each card.
5. Organize your index cards by topic and subtopic.
6. Use the cards as a basis for an outline (see 'How to Outline a Paper').
7. Write an introduction that grabs the reader and plots out the trajectory of your argument.
8. Write the body of the paper, following the structure you created in your outline. Be sure to cite sources.
9. Write the conclusion, reviewing how you've made your points.
10. Come up with a title after you've written the paper, not before: You don't want the content of the paper to be hamstrung
    by an inappropriate title.
11. Read your paper at least twice to be sure your argument makes sense and is presented logically.
12. Proofread carefully; teachers hate typographical errors. Use your word processor's spelling checker, but don't rely on it

Don't leave such a difficult task to the last minute. Start early, and work gradually.
Use bibliography software to help manage your sources. Consult a style guide, such as the MLA (Modern Language
Association) manual of style, for details on citation of sources.
Consider taking a class on writing a research paper.

Be sure to cite your sources whenever you make use of an idea from someone else. (See "How to Avoid Plagiarism in
a Research Paper.")

posted on 2006-09-01 00:21  denovo  阅读(1483)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报