#1、添加 #1、商品名称 #1、要从文件里面把所有的商品读出来 #2、价格 #1、写一个方法判断是否为合理的价格 #3、数量 #整数 # product = { # "爱疯差":{ # "price":999.98, # "count":5 # }, # "car":{ # "price":32423432, # "count":10 # } # } # product['mac'] = {"price":9999,"count":5} # write(product) # 写入文件,最新的商品写进去 #2、删除 # 1、商品名称 # 1、要从文件里面把所有的商品读出来 # product = { # "爱疯差": { # "price": 999.98, # "count": 5 # }, # # } # product.pop('car') #3、查询 # 1、要从文件里面把所有的商品读出来 FILENAME = 'product.json' import json import os def get_product(): with open(FILENAME,'a+',encoding='utf-8') as fr: content = if content: res = json.loads(content) else: res = {} return res def is_price(s): s=str(s) if s.count('.')==1: left,right = s.split('.') if left.isdigit() and right.isdigit(): print('正小数') return float(s) elif s.isdigit(): if int(s)>0: print('大于0的整数') return int(s) return False def is_count(s): if s.isdigit(): if int(s)>0: return int(s) def write_product(product_dic): with open(FILENAME,'w',encoding='utf-8') as fw: json.dump(product_dic,fw,ensure_ascii=False,indent=4) def add(): all_products = get_product() pname = input('product_name:').strip() price = input('product_price:').strip() count = input('product_count:').strip() if not pname or not price or not count:#为空的时候干啥 print('不能为空!') elif pname in all_products: print('商品已经存在') elif not is_price(price): print('价格不合法,只能是大于0的数值') elif not is_count(count): print('数量不合法!') else: all_products[pname] = {"price": float(price), "count": int(count)} write_product(all_products) print('添加商品成功') return return add() # if pname and price and count: #不为空的时候,我干啥。。 def delete(): all_products = get_product() pname = input('product_name:').strip() if not pname :#为空的时候干啥 print('不能为空!') elif pname not in all_products: print('商品不存在') else: all_products.pop(pname) write_product(all_products) print('删除商品成功') return return delete() def show(): all_products = get_product() if all_products: print(all_products) else: print('暂时还没有商品!') choice = input('1、add\n' '2、delete\n' '3、show \n' '4、exit \n') func_map = {"1":add,"2":delete,"3":show,"4":quit} if choice in func_map: func_map[choice]() else: print('输入有误!') # if choice =="1": # add() # elif choice=="2": # delete() # elif choice=="3": # show() # elif choice=="4": # quit("程序退出") # else: # print('输入错误!') # def a(): # print('asdfdfs') # # b = a # b() #函数即变量