Arduino HX711使用



set_scale();函数将用于刻度校准的calibration_factor设置为所需的值,tare(); 函数将其设置归零。

get_units(); 函数读取重量,如果小于零,则认为是零。

First action is to call begin(DATAPIN, CLOCKPIN) to make connetion to the HX711.

Second step is callibration for which a number of functions exist.

  • tare() measures zero point(清零校准)
  • set_scale(factor) set a known conversion factor e.g. from EEPROM.(设置已知的转换因子,就是校准系数)
  • callibrate_scale(WEIGHT, TIMES) determines the scale factor based upon a known weight e.g. 1 Kg.(根据已知的权重确定比例因子,例如1公斤)
posted @ 2020-12-28 11:06  天气之子A  阅读(948)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报