1 前言
The UK Department of Health and Social Care provides a multitude of medical services to people. The UK government is considering developing a new information system to get faster and better decision-support information. The government has limited experience with information system development, so it engages a consulting company to plan and implement it. You need to take the role of an employee of the consulting company and are in charge of this project. The first business process the government will implement is the hospital admission process.
The government looks after many public hospitals with a range of medical officers(MO)within different medical fields(Specialty). Whenever a patient is admitted, a record is created with an admission number(EpisodeNo), date and time, urgency and admission, as well as hospital, patient no., and other patient data. During the stay,all the procedures performed and costs are recorded. When patients are discharged,again the date and time as well as the status get recorded.
At this stage, the government is providing you with test data only. The spreadsheet will be provided with different worksheets in which data are explained further.
Your project consists of a range of tasks,beginning with designing the databaseimplementinc it,creating queries,documenting the design and implementation stepsand answering clients questions. You are required to answer each of the following tasks in sequence:
You need to set up the database operating environment in Python and then use Python to
answer and discuss the following questions:
- Admission count per hospital, by specialty,in a certain period of time;
- Average length of stay by hospital, by class, by medical officer;
- Average cost by hospital, by class, by age, by age group(age groups are 0-1617-3839-6061 and above);
2 分析
2.1 数据库建库方案
2.2 程序分析
- python使用第三方库pymysql实现对数据库的操作;
- python使用第三方库pandas将excel表格数据导入数据库表;
- 程序开始时判断数据库是否已经存在,若不存在则建库建表并导入数据,若存在则进行查询操作。
3 代码
3.1 判断是否存在相应的库
import os
import pymysql
import pandas as pd
import openpyxl # pandas读取excel的.xlsx以来此库
os.system("pip install pandas pymysql openpyxl")
import pymysql
import pandas as pd
import openpyxl
3.2 基本框架
class myDatabase():
def __init__(self) -> None:
def createTables(self): # 建表
def insertValue(self): # 导入excel表格数据
def CountbyClass(self): # 实现查询1.Admission count per hospital, by specialty,in a certain period of time;
def averageAdmtime(self): # 实现查询2.Average length of stay by hospital, by class, by medical officer;
def averageCost(self): #实现查询3.Average cost by hospital, by class, by age, by age group(age groups are 0-1617-3839-6061 and above);
if __name__ == "__main__":
mysql = myDatabase() # 实例化一个myDatabase对象
mysql.CountbyClass() # 查询1
mysql.averageAdmtime() # 查询2
mysql.averageCost() # 查询3
3.3 pymysql库的使用
# host是mysql所在的ip,本机的可以不传入这个参数或者host="localhost"
# user和password是mysql用户和密码
# charset是字符编码
# sql是sql语句,可以不带分号;
3.4 sql语句
create database databaseName;
create table tableName(word1 class, word2 class, word3 class……); -- 直接创建,如果已存在这个表会报错
create table if not exists tableName(word1 class, word2 class, word3 class……); -- 判断如果不存在则创建表
-- word是字段名,class是数据类型(如int,char,double,date等)
insert into tableName(word1,word2,word3……) value (value1,value2,value3……);
drop table tableName;
drop database databaseName;
select word1,word2 from tableName; -- 从表tableName中查询word1和word2字段的记录
select * from tableName; -- 显示tableName表的全部记录
select count(*) from tableName; -- 统计tableName的全部记录数量
select count(*) from tableName group by word1; -- 以word1为条件进行分组统计
select avg(word1) from tableName; -- 计算tableName的word1字段的平均值
select word11,word21 from (select word11,word12,word21,word22 from table1,table2 where table1.word1n=table2.word2m) -- 嵌套查询
- Admission count per hospital, by specialty,in a certain period of time;
- Average length of stay by hospital, by class, by medical officer;
- Average cost by hospital, by class, by age, by age group(age groups are 0-1617-3839-6061 and above);
select Hospital,
avg(timestampdiff(day,AdmDT,DischDT)) -- avg函数计算平均值,timestampdiff函数计算时间差
select Hospital,
str_to_date(concat(AdmDate," ",AdmTime),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s") as AdmDT, -- concat函数将原本分为两个字段的入院日期(AdmDate)和入院时间(AdmTime)合为一个字符串,str_to_date函数将字符串转为时间格式,as AdmDT给这个数据取一个别名
str_to_date(concat(DischDate," ",DischTime),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s") as DischDT
from Patientinfo,AdmDisch -- 医院数据Hospital来自表Patientinfo,出入院时间来自表AdmDisch
where Patientinfo.EpisodeNo=AdmDisch.EpisodeNo) as hospital -- 将Patientinfo表和AdmDisch表按EpisodeNo进行合并
group by Hospital; -- 按医院分组求平均住院时间