June 5. 2018 Week 23rd Tuesday
Learn to let go and be clear of where you really want to head for.
From Kissing a Fool.
As an average man, and no longer young, I should focus my life in several goals that are the most likely to achieve, I am not a genius of all-power, even to be an expert in my current job would be quite a difficult task for me.
So, I must know what I really want to head for and I must know what I should stop pursuing.
I want to be an expert in programming for autonomous vehicle.
He who seize the right moment, is the right man.
I have failed in seizing many moments that could have brought great changes to my life, and I always want to do something to make up for them.
But now I realized that I might spend too much of my time dwelling on the mistakes I had made in the past, I had spent too much time regretting things that I had no power to change, and I had spent too much time wishing things would be different, I had spent too much time beating myself up over what I have done.
Maybe I should be somewhat braver and more realistic, that is, to live a more positive life, free of regrets, but how to?
Uh, it would be better if I can live the rest of life with some concrete purpose.