February 1st, 2018 Week 5th Thursday

The world is a fine place, and worth fighting for.


The world is beautiful, there are so many wonderful things we should defend against any wrongdoing that would undermine them.

And there are so many people we love and we are willing to devote ourselves to guarantee them a better life.

There are too many reasons that are worth fighting for if we want to live a fulfilling life.

Reach for the stars so if you fall you land on a cloud.


From Kanye West, "Homecoming".

When I was a littlbe boy, I had dreamed I could drive a plane and fly in the sky, higher and higher, and I could reach for the stars, and I could enjoy the feeling when people are looking up at me.

And I could get closer and closer to the Heaven and see the God, and I intended to ask him who I was supposed to be.

The stars smiled down on me, the sun generously poured its warm rays on me.

That was really a wonderful moment.

When I was teenager, I realized that there would be little chance for me to become a pilot, then I dreamed that I could become a famous scientist or a successful enterprenuer.

But so far, it seems the dream would not be true either.

I am becoming older and older, and I am feeling a little grey.

I don't know what's left to say about my life, and sometimes I planned to leave, forever.

No, no, that should not be an option, I have determined not to give in while I can still stand on the earth and see this beautiful world.

I will keep walking on the road, no matter how tough it is, I know that the destiny only leaves behind bunch of uncertain light to my dream, but I could do something more to strive for more light, to reflect its shadow.

posted @ 2018-03-10 12:42  waitingdeng  阅读(347)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报