January 30th, 2018 Week 05th Tuesday
The things you own end up owning you.
When we are longing for something, we would be willing to struggle very hard to get it.
Once we attain it, we may fear that it would be gone sometimes, such fear would make us constantly bother about the possible gains and losses, and then we may fail to concentrate our minds on what we should do.
Sometimes, the more we worry, the worse it will get.
So, don't let the things we own finally take control of our life, appreciate them and make the best use of them to generate something new.
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.
From Mark Twain.
Courage is the willingness to act in spite of your fear.
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather requires fear.
There is no need to be courageous if we are not afraid of something.
Luckily, we are afraid of plenty of things throughout hte course of our days and our lives.
We wouldn't be human if we were not.
Fear is something that we all have struggled with at some points in our lives.
Face up to it and conquer it, if we try to run from it, we will find it will keep chasing us.
Don't let fear take over and cause inaction, that would be very cowardly.
Be courageous today, look at fear in the eye and shoot it down, don't let it take over, don't let it win.