January 18th, 2018 Week 03rd Thursday

To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.


Strive for our dreams, seek the very answers of life which can help us out with doubts about life, and find out the very meaning of our existence.

There are always many disappointing moments in our life, but never yield to those things that make us feel frustrated and disappointed. 

Sometimes a disappointment can be the very best thing that could happen to us.

It is diffcult when things don't work out as we have expected, and yet it can also be a source of new opportunity.

So, never give up.

If we want to go somewhere, we have to know where we want to go and how to get there.

Then just never, never give up.

The secret of life isn't what happens to us, but what we do with what happens to us.

Help others to cope with their problems and our own will be easier to cope with.

Never use the word 'impossible' seriously again. Toss it into the verbal wastebasket.


Human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves.


From Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Change is the only unchangeable thing in this world.

We must learn how to swiftly adapt ourselves to those new challenges in life.

Don't stick too precisely to what we are used to and our past experience.

Try to make some change, try to add some brighter colors to our life, every day, every hour and every minute.

posted @ 2018-02-24 23:04  waitingdeng  阅读(229)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报