January 22 2017 Week 4 Sunday

Dare and the world always yields.


Try it if you dare.

If you want to change, if you want the world yields to you, you must dare to try changing yourslef first, you must dare to challenge what you are now.

If you don't have the courage to striving for promotion, or you don't dare to give up something you have now, that is, things that currently make you feel comfortable, then, it may be impossible for you to get promoted.


In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.


I must first believe I can make it on my own, not others can help me make it.

Once you firmly believe you can make it, the things left for you are just execution.

A good execution down your plan is the only way to guarantee your success.

posted @ 2017-03-28 10:35  waitingdeng  阅读(137)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报