July 26th, Week 31st Tuesday, 2016
The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.
The road toward tomorrow is paved by what you have done today.
If well paved, the road will be more easily to walk on and and more effectively to be stretched.
If poorly paved, it will be tough and you may fall down on your journey.
To be or not to be, all depends on our own choices and our own actions.
Let perseverance be your engine and hope your fuel.
Perseverance is one of the few good characters I have.
But it seems the engine may be lack of fuel, hope.
Where does hope come from?
It can't be out of thin air, it comes from trival successes in your daily life.
Only the feeling of accomplishment can stimulate you to further efforts.
So, give some awards, and I can reward you more.