
bst :binary search tree(二叉搜索树)


struct  node{

  int        key;

  struct   node   *left;     //左节点

  struct   node   *right;  //右节点



#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;

const int chy_ok    = 0;
const int chy_error = -1;

struct node{
    node(int k):key(k),left(NULL),right(NULL){}
    int                key;
    struct node        *left;
    struct node        *right;

class bst{
        bst(int k):tree(new node(k)){}
        node *min(node *n);
        node *max(node *n);
        node *parent(node *n);
        node *find(int k);
        bool is_empty(){ return tree == NULL ;}

        void chy_insert(int k);
        node *insert(int k,node *n);
        void insert(int k); //insert(k,tree)

        node *remove(node *n,int k);
        void remove(node *n);
        void remove(int k);// be called by ~bst 
        void chy_remove(int k);

        node *get_root(){return tree;}
        void print(node *n);
        void print();
        node *tree;


node *bst::parent(node *n){
    node *tmp;
    tmp = tree;
    if(n == tree){
        return NULL;
        if((tmp->left == n) || (tmp->right == n)){
            return tmp;
        }else if(tmp->key < n->key){
            tmp = tmp->right;
        }else if(tmp->key > n->key){
            tmp = tmp->left;
    return NULL;

node *bst::min(node *n){
        if(n->left == NULL){
            return n;
        n  = n->left;
    return NULL;

node *bst::max(node *n){
        if(n->right == NULL)
            return n;
        n = n->right;
    return NULL;

node *bst::find(int k){
    node *tmp;
    tmp = tree;
        if(tmp->key < k){
            tmp = tmp->right;
        }else if(tmp->key > k){
            tmp = tmp->left;
            return tmp;
    return NULL;

void bst::print(node *n){
        cout << n->key << endl;

void bst::print(){

void bst::chy_insert(int k){      //直接插入
    node *tmp;
    tmp = tree;
    if(tmp == NULL){
        tree = new node(k);
        return ;
        if(tmp->key < k){
            if(tmp->right == NULL){
                tmp->right = new node(k);
                return ;
            tmp = tmp->right;
        }else if(tmp->key > k){
            if(tmp->left == NULL){
                tmp->left = new node(k);
                return ;
            tmp = tmp->left;
        }else {
            return ;

node *bst::insert(int k,node *n){      //递归调用插入
    node *tmp;
    if(n == NULL){
        n = new node(k);
    if(n->key < k){
        n->right = insert(k,n->right);
    }else if(n->key > k){
        n->left = insert(k,n->left);
    return n;

void bst::insert(int k){
    if(tree == NULL){
        tree = new node(k);
        return ;

node *bst::remove(node *n,int k){   //递归调用删除
    node *tmp,*x;
    tmp = n;
    if(n == NULL){
        return NULL;
    if(tmp->key == k){
        if((tmp->left != NULL ) && (tmp->right != NULL) ){
            x = min(tmp->right);
            tmp->key = x->key;
            tmp->right = remove(tmp->right,tmp->key);
        }else if(tmp->left != NULL && tmp->right == NULL){
            x = tmp;      //要结合递归,因为tmp可能是某个节点的左节点或者右节点,而且又因为此时才是真正的删除,所以在此之前肯定调用了
            tmp = tmp->left; //tmp->right = remove(tmp->right,k) 或者tmp->left = remove(tmp->left,k) 所以返回的是tmp的左节点作为tmp原来的作为
            delete x;      //左节点或者右节点的位置的值,如果没有递归调用,则必须找到父节点才能删除
        }else if(tmp->right != NULL && tmp->left == NULL){
            x = tmp;
            tmp = tmp->right;
            delete x;
        }else if((tmp->left == NULL ) && (tmp->right == NULL)){
            delete tmp;
            tmp = NULL;
    }else if(tmp->key < k){
        tmp->right = remove(tmp->right,k);
    }else if(tmp->key > k){
        tmp->left = remove(tmp->left,k);
    return tmp;

void bst::remove(int k){
    tree = remove(tree,k);

void bst::remove(node *n){
        delete n;

//no cycle 
void bst::chy_remove(int k){    //直接删除
    node *tmp;
    node *p;
    node *x;
    tmp = tree;
    if(tmp == NULL){
        return ;
        if(tmp->key == k){
            if((tmp->left != NULL )&& (tmp->right != NULL)){ //tmp have left child and right child
                x = min(tmp->right);    //x  must have no left child
                p = parent(x);            //one    can't be two's postion
                tmp->key = x->key;        //two    can't be one's postion
                if(p->left == x){
                    p->left = x->right;
                    cout << "delete value is " << x->key << endl;
                    delete x;
                    return ;
                    p->right = x->right;
                    cout << "delete value is " << x->key << endl;
                    delete x;
                    return ;
            }else if(tmp->left != NULL){
                p = parent(tmp);
                if(p == NULL){
                    tree = tree->left;
                    cout << "delete value is " << tmp->key << endl;
                    delete tmp;
                    return ;
                    if(p->left == tmp){
                        p->left = tmp->left;
                        cout << "delete value is " << tmp->key << endl;
                        delete tmp;
                        return ;
                        p->right = tmp->left;
                        cout << "delete value is " << tmp->key << endl;
                        delete tmp;
                        return ;
            }else if(tmp->right != NULL){
                p = parent(tmp);
                if(p == NULL){
                    tree = tree->right;
                    cout << "delete value is " << tmp->key << endl;
                    delete tmp;
                    return ;
                    if(p->left == tmp){
                        p->left = tmp->right;
                        cout << "delete value is " << tmp->key << endl;
                        delete tmp;
                        return ;
                        p->right = tmp->right;
                        cout << "delete value is " << tmp->key << endl;
                        delete tmp;
                        return ;
            }else {                        //tmp have no child 
                p = parent(tmp);
                if(p == NULL){
                    tree = NULL;
                    cout << "delete value is " << tmp->key << endl;
                    delete tmp;
                    return ;
                    if(p->left == tmp){
                        p->left = NULL;
                        p->right = NULL;
                    cout << "delete value is " << tmp->key << endl;
                    delete tmp;
                    return ;
        }else if(tmp->key < k){    //k may be in tree's right
            tmp = tmp->right;
        }else if(tmp->key > k){    //k may be in tree's left;    
            tmp = tmp->left;
    return ;            //k not in tree

void f1(){
    bst b1;
    int arr[1000];
#if 1
    for(int i =0;i < 1000;i ++){
        arr[i] = rand() % 1232127;

#if 0
  for(int i = 0;i < 1000;i ++){
    arr[i] = rand() % 1232127;
#if 0 for(int i = 0;i < 1000;i ++){ b1.chy_remove(arr[i]); } #endif b1.print(); #if 0 for(int i =0;i < 1000;i ++){ b1.remove(arr[i]); } #endif #if 1 for(int i = 0;i < 1000;i ++){ b1.remove(arr[i]); } #endif } int main(){ f1(); return 0; }


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