
#!coding: utf-8

import sys
import jieba
import jieba.posseg as pseg
import jieba.analyse as anal
from optparse import OptionParser

usage = "usage: python %prog [--tfidf topK] [--textr topK]";
parser = OptionParser(usage);
parser.add_option("--tag", dest="tag", action="store_true");
parser.add_option("--fast", dest="fast", action="store_true");
parser.add_option("--tfidf", dest="tfidf");
parser.add_option("--textr", dest="textr");
parser.add_option("--stopdict", dest="stopdict");
opt,args = parser.parse_args();

def wordFilter(wordlist):
    if opt.stopdict:
        with open(opt.stopdict,"r") as f:
            stopList = f.read().strip().split("\n");
        print "please special stopword file path";

    returnlist = [];

    for word in wordlist:
        if word:
            word = word.encode("utf-8");
            if word not in stopList:

    return returnlist;

def wordPosFilter(wordlist):
    if opt.stopdict:
        with open(opt.stopdict,"r") as f:
            stopList = f.read().strip().split("\n");
        stopList = [];

    returnlist = [];
    save_post = ["an","n","nr","ns","nt","nz","v","vd","eng","ni"];

    for w in wordlist:
        word = w.word.encode("utf-8");
        pos = w.flag;
        if word not in stopList and pos in save_post:

    return returnlist;

txt = "支持三种分词模式: 精确模式,试图将句子最精确地切开,适合文本分析; \
全模式,把句子中所有的可以成词的词语都扫描出来, 速度非常快,但是不能解决歧义; \
搜索引擎模式,在精确模式的基础上,对长词再次切分,提高召回率,适合用于搜索引擎分词。  \
支持繁体分词 支持自定义词典 MIT 授权协议 在线演示";

if opt.fast:

#define word-dict
jieba.suggest_freq(("",""), True) ;


#print "/".join(jieba.cut(txt));

with open("dict/stopword.txt") as f:
    stoplist = f.read().strip().split("\n");

rest = jieba.lcut(txt);

print "/".join(rest);
print "=========================  filter ===========================";
rest = wordFilter(rest);
print "/".join(rest);

psss = pseg.lcut(txt);

print "=========================  posFilter  ===========================";
psss = wordPosFilter(psss);
print "/".join(psss);


print "/".join(jieba.lcut(txt));

#search mode
print "/".join(jieba.cut_for_search(txt));

#get word's position
res = jieba.tokenize(txt.decode("utf-8"));
#res = jieba.tokenize(txt.decode("utf-8"), mode="search"); #search mode
print "word\t\tstart\t\tend";
for tk in res:
    print("%s\t\t %d \t\t %d" % (tk[0],tk[1],tk[2]));

#tagging word
if opt.tag:
    for w,k in pseg.cut(txt):
        print w+"("+k+")",

#tfidf sort keyword
if opt.tfidf:
    topK =  int(opt.tfidf);
    tags = anal.extract_tags(txt, topK, withWeight=True);

    for word,weight in tags:
        print word,weight

#textrank sort keyword
if opt.textr:
    topk = int(opt.textr);
    tags = anal.textrank(txt, topk, withWeight=True);

    for word,weight in tags:
        print word,weight;


posted @ 2018-06-12 16:49  Khazix  阅读(322)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报