




  • 设置advisor用于来接实现DataSource接口的实现类
    public SeataAutoDataSourceProxyCreator(boolean useJdkProxy, String[] excludes, String dataSourceProxyMode) {
          this.excludes = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(excludes));
          // AT
          this.dataSourceProxyMode = dataSourceProxyMode;
          this.advisors = buildAdvisors(dataSourceProxyMode);
      private Object[] buildAdvisors(String dataSourceProxyMode) {
          Advice advice = new SeataAutoDataSourceProxyAdvice(dataSourceProxyMode);
          return new Object[]{new DefaultIntroductionAdvisor(advice)};
  • 重写wrapIfNecessary,设置数据源代理
      protected Object wrapIfNecessary(Object bean, String beanName, Object cacheKey) {
          // we only care DataSource bean
          if (!(bean instanceof DataSource)) {
              return bean;
          // when this bean is just a simple DataSource, not SeataDataSourceProxy
          LOGGER.error("bean={}", bean.getClass().getSimpleName());
          if (!(bean instanceof SeataDataSourceProxy)) {
              Object enhancer = super.wrapIfNecessary(bean, beanName, cacheKey);
              // this mean this bean is either excluded by user or had been proxy before
              if (bean == enhancer) {
                  return bean;
              // else, build proxy,  put <origin, proxy> to holder and return enhancer
              DataSource origin = (DataSource) bean;
              SeataDataSourceProxy proxy = buildProxy(origin, dataSourceProxyMode);
              DataSourceProxyHolder.put(origin, proxy);
              LOGGER.error("bean2origin={}, proxy={}, proxy.targetDataSource={}", origin.getClass().getSimpleName(), proxy.getClass().getSimpleName(), proxy.getTargetDataSource());
              return enhancer;
           * things get dangerous when you try to register SeataDataSourceProxy bean by yourself!
           * if you insist on doing so, you must make sure your method return type is DataSource,
           * because this processor will never return any subclass of SeataDataSourceProxy
          LOGGER.warn("Manually register SeataDataSourceProxy(or its subclass) bean is discouraged! bean name: {}", beanName);
          SeataDataSourceProxy proxy = (SeataDataSourceProxy) bean;
          DataSource origin = proxy.getTargetDataSource();
          LOGGER.error("TargetDataSource={}", origin.getClass().getSimpleName());
          Object originEnhancer = super.wrapIfNecessary(origin, beanName, cacheKey);
          // this mean origin is either excluded by user or had been proxy before
          if (origin == originEnhancer) {
              return origin;
          // else, put <origin, proxy> to holder and return originEnhancer
          DataSourceProxyHolder.put(origin, proxy);
          return originEnhancer;




  public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {
      // check whether current context is expected
      if (!inExpectedContext()) {
          return invocation.proceed();

      Method method = invocation.getMethod();
      String name = method.getName();
      Class<?>[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();

      Method declared;
      try {
          declared = DataSource.class.getDeclaredMethod(name, parameterTypes);
      } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
          // mean this method is not declared by DataSource
          return invocation.proceed();

      // switch invoke instance to its proxy
      DataSource origin = (DataSource) invocation.getThis();
      SeataDataSourceProxy proxy = DataSourceProxyHolder.get(origin);
      Object[] args = invocation.getArguments();
      LOGGER.error("执行类={},执行方法={},方法参数={}", proxy.getClass().getSimpleName(), declared.getName(), args);
      return declared.invoke(proxy, args);



  public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql) throws SQLException {
      String dbType = getDbType();
      // support oracle 10.2+
      PreparedStatement targetPreparedStatement = null;
      if (BranchType.AT == RootContext.getBranchType()) {
          List<SQLRecognizer> sqlRecognizers = SQLVisitorFactory.get(sql, dbType);
          if (sqlRecognizers != null && sqlRecognizers.size() == 1) {
              SQLRecognizer sqlRecognizer = sqlRecognizers.get(0);
              if (sqlRecognizer != null && sqlRecognizer.getSQLType() == SQLType.INSERT) {
                  TableMeta tableMeta = TableMetaCacheFactory.getTableMetaCache(dbType).getTableMeta(getTargetConnection(), sqlRecognizer.getTableName(), getDataSourceProxy().getResourceId());
                  String[] pkNameArray = new String[tableMeta.getPrimaryKeyOnlyName().size()];
                  targetPreparedStatement = getTargetConnection().prepareStatement(sql, pkNameArray);
      if (targetPreparedStatement == null) {
          targetPreparedStatement = getTargetConnection().prepareStatement(sql);
      return new PreparedStatementProxy(this, targetPreparedStatement, sql);



    public boolean execute() throws SQLException {
        // 执行两次
        // 第一次:代理类PreparedStatementProxy
        // 第二次:被代理的真实的PreparedStatement,即:targetStatement,此时执行业务SQL
        return ExecuteTemplate.execute(this, (statement, args) -> statement.execute());

    public ResultSet executeQuery() throws SQLException {
        return ExecuteTemplate.execute(this, (statement, args) -> statement.executeQuery());

    public int executeUpdate() throws SQLException {
        return ExecuteTemplate.execute(this, (statement, args) -> statement.executeUpdate());



    public void commit() throws SQLException {
        try {
            lockRetryPolicy.execute(() -> {
                return null;
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            if (targetConnection != null && !getAutoCommit() && !getContext().isAutoCommitChanged()) {
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SQLException(e);
posted @ 2023-03-03 10:26  BugsHunter  阅读(330)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报