
数据日期: 2020/03/26 (此时LeetCode题目数量:1582)
数据来源: LeetCode官方,将不同类别的题目按照官方给的出现频率(Frequency)降序排列,取有频率统计的题

1 #5 Longest Palindromic Substring 0.291 中等
2 #53 Maximum Subarray 0.499 简单
3 #85 Maximal Rectangle 0.449 困难
4 #95 Unique Binary Search Trees II 0.623 中等
5 #10 Regular Expression Matching 0.269 困难
6 #72 Edit Distance 0.567 困难
7 #96 Unique Binary Search Trees 0.652 中等
8 #312 Burst Balloons 0.584 困难
9 #70 Climbing Stairs 0.481 简单
10 #121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 0.538 简单
11 #64 Minimum Path Sum 0.651 中等
12 #309 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown 0.528 中等
13 #546 Remove Boxes 0.496 困难
14 #120 Triangle 0.641 中等
15 #552 Student Attendance Record II 0.392 困难
16 #698 Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets 0.41 中等
17 #303 Range Sum Query - Immutable 0.606 简单
18 #300 Longest Increasing Subsequence 0.44 中等
19 #516 Longest Palindromic Subsequence 0.518 中等
20 #221 Maximal Square 0.393 中等
21 #32 Longest Valid Parentheses 0.3 困难
22 #357 Count Numbers with Unique Digits 0.507 中等
23 #198 House Robber 0.44 简单
24 #264 Ugly Number II 0.508 中等
25 #877 Stone Game 0.679 中等
26 #466 Count The Repetitions 0.3 困难
27 #718 Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray 0.492 中等
28 #375 Guess Number Higher or Lower II 0.372 中等
29 #279 Perfect Squares 0.551 中等
30 #413 Arithmetic Slices 0.602 中等
31 #673 Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence 0.348 中等
32 #647 Palindromic Substrings 0.613 中等
33 #410 Split Array Largest Sum 0.414 困难
34 #363 Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than K 0.348 困难
35 #97 Interleaving String 0.393 困难
36 #132 Palindrome Partitioning II 0.426 困难
37 #62 Unique Paths 0.596 中等
38 #368 Largest Divisible Subset 0.371 中等
39 #338 Counting Bits 0.749 中等
40 #689 Maximum Sum of 3 Non-Overlapping Subarrays 0.445 困难
41 #87 Scramble String 0.459 困难
42 #322 Coin Change 0.387 中等
43 #464 Can I Win 0.333 中等
44 #139 Word Break 0.441 中等
45 #638 Shopping Offers 0.571 中等
46 #343 Integer Break 0.553 中等
47 #664 Strange Printer 0.43 困难
48 #174 Dungeon Game 0.404 困难
49 #152 Maximum Product Subarray 0.377 中等
50 #321 Create Maximum Number 0.278 困难
51 #650 2 Keys Keyboard 0.486 中等
52 #600 Non-negative Integers without Consecutive Ones 0.305 困难
53 #123 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III 0.422 困难
54 #629 K Inverse Pairs Array 0.365 困难
55 #486 Predict the Winner 0.508 中等
56 #712 Minimum ASCII Delete Sum for Two Strings 0.62 中等
57 #91 Decode Ways 0.233 中等
58 #351 Android Unlock Patterns 0.59 中等
59 #730 Count Different Palindromic Subsequences 0.474 困难
60 #474 Ones and Zeroes 0.514 中等
61 #213 House Robber II 0.37 中等
62 #354 Russian Doll Envelopes 0.346 困难
63 #741 Cherry Pickup 0.308 困难
64 #956 Tallest Billboard 0.373 困难
65 #639 Decode Ways II 0.264 困难
66 #688 Knight Probability in Chessboard 0.463 中等
67 #740 Delete and Earn 0.512 中等
68 #1025 Divisor Game 0.689 简单
69 #392 Is Subsequence 0.486 简单
70 #1240 Tiling a Rectangle with the Fewest Squares 0.453 困难
71 #115 Distinct Subsequences 0.474 困难
72 #44 Wildcard Matching 0.271 困难
73 #1130 Minimum Cost Tree From Leaf Values 0.572 中等
74 #714 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee 0.635 中等
75 #188 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV 0.294 困难
76 #646 Maximum Length of Pair Chain 0.534 中等
77 #967 Numbers With Same Consecutive Differences 0.355 中等
78 #691 Stickers to Spell Word 0.448 困难
79 #403 Frog Jump 0.335 困难
80 #902 Numbers At Most N Given Digit Set 0.284 困难
81 #377 Combination Sum IV 0.413 中等
82 #63 Unique Paths II 0.326 中等
83 #514 Freedom Trail 0.38 困难
84 #494 Target Sum 0.441 中等
85 #467 Unique Substrings in Wraparound String 0.403 中等
86 #416 Partition Equal Subset Sum 0.461 中等
87 #376 Wiggle Subsequence 0.415 中等
88 #140 Word Break II 0.376 困难
89 #1000 Minimum Cost to Merge Stones 0.307 困难
90 #523 Continuous Subarray Sum 0.229 中等
91 #576 Out of Boundary Paths 0.36 中等
92 #517 Super Washing Machines 0.408 困难
93 #256 Paint House 0.569 简单
94 #361 Bomb Enemy 0.519 中等
95 #304 Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable 0.431 中等
96 #472 Concatenated Words 0.438 困难
97 #656 Coin Path 0.284 困难
98 #1024 Video Stitching 0.461 中等
99 #446 Arithmetic Slices II - Subsequence 0.323 困难
100 #651 4 Keys Keyboard 0.573 中等
101 #276 Paint Fence 0.436 简单
102 #471 Encode String with Shortest Length 0.527 困难
103 #1388 Pizza With 3n Slices 0.395 困难
104 #1220 Count Vowels Permutation 0.526 困难
105 #265 Paint House II 0.518 困难
106 #568 Maximum Vacation Days 0.451 困难
107 #727 Minimum Window Subsequence 0.398 困难
108 #418 Sentence Screen Fitting 0.343 中等
109 #1277 Count Square Submatrices with All Ones 0.665 中等
110 #1067 Digit Count in Range 0.349 困难
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