


希尔密码 已知明文攻击

import math
import string
import sys

import numpy as np
from sympy import Matrix

def menu():
    while True:
        print("---- Hill Cipher ----\n")
        print("1) Encrypt a Message.")
        print("2) Decipher a Message.")
        print("3) Force a Ciphertext (Known Plaintext Attack).")
        print("4) Quit.\n")
            choice = int(input("Select a function to run: "))
            if 1 <= choice <= 4:
                return choice
                print("\nYou must enter a number from 1 to 4\n")
        except ValueError:
            print("\nYou must enter a number from 1 to 4\n")
        input("Press Enter to continue.\n")

# Create two dictionaries, english alphabet to numbers and numbers to english alphabet, and returns them
def get_alphabet():
    alphabet = {}
    for character in string.ascii_uppercase:
        alphabet[character] = string.ascii_uppercase.index(character)

    reverse_alphabet = {}
    for key, value in alphabet.items():
        reverse_alphabet[value] = key

    return alphabet, reverse_alphabet

# Get input from the user and checks if respects the alphabet
def get_text_input(message, alphabet):
    while True:
        text = input(message)
        text = text.upper()
        if all(keys in alphabet for keys in text):
            return text
            print("\nThe text must contain only characters from the english alphabet ([A to Z] or [a to z]).")

# Check if the key is a square in length
def is_square(key):
    key_length = len(key)
    if 2 <= key_length == int(math.sqrt(key_length)) ** 2:
        return True
        return False

# Create the matrix k for the key
def get_key_matrix(key, alphabet):
    k = list(key)
    m = int(math.sqrt(len(k)))
    for (i, character) in enumerate(k):
        k[i] = alphabet[character]

    return np.reshape(k, (m, m))

# Create the matrix of m-grams of a text, if needed, complete the last m-gram with the last letter of the alphabet
def get_text_matrix(text, m, alphabet):
    matrix = list(text)
    remainder = len(text) % m
    for (i, character) in enumerate(matrix):
        matrix[i] = alphabet[character]
    if remainder != 0:
        for i in range(m - remainder):

    return np.reshape(matrix, (int(len(matrix) / m), m)).transpose()

# Encrypt a Message and returns the ciphertext matrix
def encrypt(key, plaintext, alphabet):
    m = key.shape[0]
    m_grams = plaintext.shape[1]

    # Encrypt the plaintext with the key provided k, calculate matrix c of ciphertext
    ciphertext = np.zeros((m, m_grams)).astype(int)
    for i in range(m_grams):
        ciphertext[:, i] = np.reshape(np.dot(key, plaintext[:, i]) % len(alphabet), m)
    return ciphertext

# Transform a matrix to a text, according to the alphabet
def matrix_to_text(matrix, order, alphabet):
    if order == 't':
        text_array = np.ravel(matrix, order='F')
        text_array = np.ravel(matrix)
    text = ""
    for i in range(len(text_array)):
        text = text + alphabet[text_array[i]]
    return text

# Check if the key is invertible and in that case returns the inverse of the matrix
def get_inverse(matrix, alphabet):
    alphabet_len = len(alphabet)
    if math.gcd(int(round(np.linalg.det(matrix))), alphabet_len) == 1:
        matrix = Matrix(matrix)
        return np.matrix(matrix.inv_mod(alphabet_len))
        return None

# Decrypt a Message and returns the plaintext matrix
def decrypt(k_inverse, c, alphabet):
    return encrypt(k_inverse, c, alphabet)

def get_m():
    while True:
            m = int(input("Insert the length of the grams (m): "))
            if m >= 2:
                return m
                print("\nYou must enter a number m >= 2\n")
        except ValueError:
            print("\nYou must enter a number m >= 2\n")

# Force a Ciphertext (Known Plaintext Attack)
def plaintext_attack(c, p_inverse, alphabet):
    return encrypt(c, p_inverse, alphabet)

def main():
    while True:
        # Ask the user what function wants to run
        choice = menu()

        # Get two dictionaries, english alphabet to numbers and numbers to english alphabet
        alphabet, reverse_alphabet = get_alphabet()

        # Run the function selected by the user
        if choice == 1:
            # Asks the user the plaintext and the key for the encryption and checks the input
            plaintext = get_text_input("\nInsert the text to be encrypted: ", alphabet)
            key = get_text_input("Insert the key for encryption: ", alphabet)

            if is_square(key):
                # Get the key matrix k
                k = get_key_matrix(key, alphabet)
                print("\nKey Matrix:\n", k)

                # Get the m-grams matrix p of the plaintext
                p = get_text_matrix(plaintext, k.shape[0], alphabet)
                print("Plaintext Matrix:\n", p)

                input("\nPress Enter to begin te encryption.")
                # Encrypt the plaintext
                c = encrypt(k, p, alphabet)

                # Transform the ciphertext matrix to a text of the alphabet
                ciphertext = matrix_to_text(c, "t", reverse_alphabet)

                print("\nThe message has been encrypted.\n")
                print("Generated Ciphertext: ", ciphertext)
                print("Generated Ciphertext Matrix:\n", c, "\n")
                print("\nThe length of the key must be a square and >= 2.\n")

        elif choice == 2:
            # Asks the user the ciphertext and the key for the encryption and checks the input
            ciphertext = get_text_input("\nInsert the ciphertext to be decrypted: ", alphabet)
            key = get_text_input("Insert the key for decryption: ", alphabet)

            if is_square(key):
                # Get the key matrix k
                k = get_key_matrix(key, alphabet)

                # Check if the key is invertible and in that case returns the inverse of the matrix
                k_inverse = get_inverse(k, alphabet)

                if k_inverse is not None:
                    # Get the m-grams matrix c of the ciphertext
                    c = get_text_matrix(ciphertext, k_inverse.shape[0], alphabet)

                    print("\nKey Matrix:\n", k)
                    print("Ciphertext Matrix:\n", c)

                    input("\nPress Enter to begin the decryption.")

                    # Decrypt the ciphertext
                    p = decrypt(k_inverse, c, alphabet)

                    # Transform the ciphertext matrix to a text of the alphabet
                    plaintext = matrix_to_text(p, "t", reverse_alphabet)

                    print("\nThe message has been decrypted.\n")
                    print("Generated Plaintext: ", plaintext)
                    print("Generated Plaintext Matrix:\n", p, "\n")
                    print("\nThe matrix of the key provided is not invertible.\n")
                print("\nThe key must be a square and size >= 2.\n")

        elif choice == 3:
            # Asks the user the text and the ciphertext to use them for the plaintext attack
            plaintext = get_text_input("\nInsert the plaintext for the attack: ", alphabet)
            ciphertext = get_text_input("Insert the ciphertext of the plaintext for the attack: ", alphabet)

            # Asks the user the length of the grams
            m = get_m()

            if len(plaintext) / m >= m:
                # Get the m-grams matrix p of the plaintext and takes the firsts m
                p = get_text_matrix(plaintext, m, alphabet)
                p = p[:, 0:m]

                # Check if the matrix of the plaintext is invertible and in that case returns the inverse of the matrix
                p_inverse = get_inverse(p, alphabet)

                if p_inverse is not None:
                    # Get the m-grams matrix c of the ciphertext
                    c = get_text_matrix(ciphertext, m, alphabet)
                    c = c[:, 0:m]

                    if c.shape[1] == p.shape[0]:
                        print("\nCiphertext Matrix:\n", c)
                        print("Plaintext Matrix:\n", p)

                        input("\nPress Enter to begin the attack.")

                        # Force the ciphertext provided
                        k = plaintext_attack(c, p_inverse, alphabet)

                        # Transform the key matrix to a text of the alphabet
                        key = matrix_to_text(k, "k", reverse_alphabet)

                        print("\nThe key has been found.\n")
                        print("Generated Key: ", key)
                        print("Generated Key Matrix:\n", k, "\n")
                        print("\nThe number of m-grams for plaintext and ciphertext are different.\n")
                    print("\nThe matrix of the plaintext provided is not invertible.\n")
                print("\nThe length of the plaintext must be compatible with the length of the grams (m).\n")
        elif choice == 4:
        input("Press Enter to continue.\n")

if __name__ == '__main__':


import argparse
import logging
import marshal
import opcode
import os
import py_compile
import sys
import math
import string
import types

if sys.version_info < (3, 6):
    sys.exit("Stegosaurus requires Python 3.6 or later")

class MutableBytecode():
    def __init__(self, code):
        self.originalCode = code
        self.bytes = bytearray(code.co_code)
        self.consts = [MutableBytecode(const) if isinstance(const, types.CodeType) else const for const in code.co_consts]

def _bytesAvailableForPayload(mutableBytecodeStack, explodeAfter, logger=None):
    for mutableBytecode in reversed(mutableBytecodeStack):
        bytes = mutableBytecode.bytes
        consecutivePrintableBytes = 0
        for i in range(0, len(bytes)):
            if chr(bytes[i]) in string.printable:
                consecutivePrintableBytes += 1
                consecutivePrintableBytes = 0

            if i % 2 == 0 and bytes[i] < opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
                if consecutivePrintableBytes >= explodeAfter:
                    if logger:
                        logger.debug("Skipping available byte to terminate string leak")
                    consecutivePrintableBytes = 0
                yield (bytes, i + 1)

def _createMutableBytecodeStack(mutableBytecode):
    def _stack(parent, stack):

        for child in [const for const in parent.consts if isinstance(const, MutableBytecode)]:
            _stack(child, stack)

        return stack

    return _stack(mutableBytecode, [])

def _dumpBytecode(header, code, carrier, logger):
        f = open(carrier, "wb")
        marshal.dump(code, f)
        logger.info("Wrote carrier file as %s", carrier)

def _embedPayload(mutableBytecodeStack, payload, explodeAfter, logger):
    payloadBytes = bytearray(payload, "utf8")
    payloadIndex = 0
    payloadLen = len(payloadBytes)

    for bytes, byteIndex in _bytesAvailableForPayload(mutableBytecodeStack, explodeAfter):
        if payloadIndex < payloadLen:
            bytes[byteIndex] = payloadBytes[payloadIndex]
            payloadIndex += 1
            bytes[byteIndex] = 0

    print("Payload embedded in carrier")

def _extractPayload(mutableBytecodeStack, explodeAfter, logger):
    payloadBytes = bytearray()

    for bytes, byteIndex in _bytesAvailableForPayload(mutableBytecodeStack, explodeAfter):
        byte = bytes[byteIndex]
        if byte == 0:

    payload = str(payloadBytes, "utf8")

    print("Extracted payload: {}".format(payload))

def _getCarrierFile(args, logger):
    carrier = args.carrier
    _, ext = os.path.splitext(carrier)

    if ext == ".py":
        carrier = py_compile.compile(carrier, doraise=True)
        logger.info("Compiled %s as %s for use as carrier", args.carrier, carrier)

    return carrier

def _initLogger(args):
    handler = logging.StreamHandler()
    handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'))

    logger = logging.getLogger("stegosaurus")

    if args.verbose:
        if args.verbose == 1:

    return logger

def _loadBytecode(carrier, logger):
        f = open(carrier, "rb")
        header = f.read(12)
        code = marshal.load(f)
        logger.debug("Read header and bytecode from carrier")

    return (header, code)

def _logBytesAvailableForPayload(mutableBytecodeStack, explodeAfter, logger):
    for bytes, i in _bytesAvailableForPayload(mutableBytecodeStack, explodeAfter, logger):
        logger.debug("%s (%d)", opcode.opname[bytes[i - 1]], bytes[i])

def _maxSupportedPayloadSize(mutableBytecodeStack, explodeAfter, logger):
    maxPayloadSize = 0

    for bytes, i in _bytesAvailableForPayload(mutableBytecodeStack, explodeAfter):
        maxPayloadSize += 1

    logger.info("Found %d bytes available for payload", maxPayloadSize)

    return maxPayloadSize

def _parseArgs():
    argParser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    argParser.add_argument("carrier", help="Carrier py, pyc or pyo file")
    argParser.add_argument("-p", "--payload", help="Embed payload in carrier file")
    argParser.add_argument("-r", "--report", action="store_true", help="Report max available payload size carrier supports")
    argParser.add_argument("-s", "--side-by-side", action="store_true", help="Do not overwrite carrier file, install side by side instead.")
    argParser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="count", help="Increase verbosity once per use")
    argParser.add_argument("-x", "--extract", action="store_true", help="Extract payload from carrier file")
    argParser.add_argument("-e", "--explode", type=int, default=math.inf, help="Explode payload into groups of a limited length if necessary")
    args = argParser.parse_args()

    return args

def _toCodeType(mutableBytecode):
    return types.CodeType(
        tuple([_toCodeType(const) if isinstance(const, MutableBytecode) else const for const in mutableBytecode.consts]),

def _validateArgs(args, logger):
    def _exit(msg):
        msg = "Fatal error: {}\nUse -h or --help for usage".format(msg)

    allowedCarriers = {".py", ".pyc", ".pyo"}

    _, ext = os.path.splitext(args.carrier)

    if ext not in allowedCarriers:
        _exit("Carrier file must be one of the following types: {}, got: {}".format(allowedCarriers, ext))

    if args.payload is None:
        if not args.report and not args.extract:
            _exit("Unless -r or -x are specified, a payload is required")

    if args.extract or args.report:
        if args.payload:
            logger.warn("Payload is ignored when -x or -r is specified")
        if args.side_by_side:
            logger.warn("Side by side is ignored when -x or -r is specified")

    if args.explode and args.explode < 1:
        _exit("Values for -e must be positive integers")

    logger.debug("Validated args")

def main():
    args = _parseArgs()
    logger = _initLogger(args)

    _validateArgs(args, logger)

    carrier = _getCarrierFile(args, logger)
    header, code = _loadBytecode(carrier, logger)

    mutableBytecode = MutableBytecode(code)
    mutableBytecodeStack = _createMutableBytecodeStack(mutableBytecode)
    _logBytesAvailableForPayload(mutableBytecodeStack, args.explode, logger)

    if args.extract:
        _extractPayload(mutableBytecodeStack, args.explode, logger)

    maxPayloadSize = _maxSupportedPayloadSize(mutableBytecodeStack, args.explode, logger)

    if args.report:
        print("Carrier can support a payload of {} bytes".format(maxPayloadSize))

    payloadLen = len(args.payload)
    if payloadLen > maxPayloadSize:
        sys.exit("Carrier can only support a payload of {} bytes, payload of {} bytes received".format(maxPayloadSize, payloadLen))

    _embedPayload(mutableBytecodeStack, args.payload, args.explode, logger)
    _logBytesAvailableForPayload(mutableBytecodeStack, args.explode, logger)

    if args.side_by_side:
        logger.debug("Creating new carrier file name for side-by-side install")
        base, ext = os.path.splitext(carrier)
        carrier = "{}-stegosaurus{}".format(base, ext)

    code = _toCodeType(mutableBytecode)

    _dumpBytecode(header, code, carrier, logger)

if __name__ == "__main__":


#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# 当指数e和Phi(n)不互素时
from Crypto.Util.number import *

import sympy

def gcd(a,b):
    if a < b:
        a,b = b,a
    while b != 0:
        tem = a % b
        a = b
        b = tem
    return a

def invalidExponent(p,q,e,c):
    phiN = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
    n = p * q
    GCD = gcd(e, phiN)
    if (GCD == 1):
        return "Public exponent is valid....."
    d = inverse(e//GCD,phiN)
    c = pow(c, d, n)
    plaintext = sympy.root(c, GCD)
    plaintext = long_to_bytes(plaintext)
    return plaintext

def main():
    e = 0x20002

    c = 69775954010477827342655007357413905879265207201140046408669586721885526123784907133716642304622235420317538384169817488136355157658329703705226141938991105912868209447036610553660972001461632840370922684108791263764483626927583087998066070299767122268085587208956687449243493403662943691619787801332549149107

    p = 12470704223521630361963826771946763220892587623191431207923413178791149916874153397100361890510496084700189763294677638398021009427510131598570281465633547

    q = 12470704223521630361963826771946763220892587623191431207923413178791149916874153397100361890510496084700189763294677638398021009427510131598570281465633283

    plaintext = invalidExponent(p,q,e,c)
    print plaintext


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