how to make my own mnist dataset?

Tensorflow mnist download mnist dataset for English digits , I'm working with mnist for Arabic digits and I have JPG !

how to convert JPG to my own " t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz " and " t10k-lables-idx1-ubyte.gz"?

help me please , thanks.

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What are you trying to do? – Mad Physicist Mar 9 at 18:16
I'm working on arabic handwritten characters recognition using deep learning –  adeeb Mar 9 at 20:53

You don't need to convert them into byte and tar format. You can just feed them into the placeholder.

img = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None))


digit = scipy.ndimage.imread("arabic_digit.jpg")
feed_dict = {img:digit}, feed_dict=feed_dict)

if you have multiple digits just load them into a numpy array before feeding it into the feed dict.

digits = []
for digit_location in digits_list:
digits = np.asarray(digits)
feed_dict = {img:digits}, feed_dict=feed_dict)
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thanks steven for quick response <3 –  adeeb Mar 9 at 20:50
If there's nothing else that you need please mark the question as solved. Thanks. – Steven Mar 9 at 21:47
what is digits_list? –  adeeb Mar 10 at 11:09
steven, thanks for comments, but I have training dataset and testing dataset, how to implement it? –  adeebMar 10 at 12:57
How to implement what? I would need you to be specific. digits_list is a list of locations of the images you wish to load. If you mean a model like mnist you can see here and… – Steven Mar 10 at 16:31