62 进制需要的字符及次序: 0..9 a..z A..Z; 只实现了 62 进制字符串与正整数的互换.
unit H62; interface uses SysUtils; function IntToH62(N: UInt64): string; //整数转到 62 进制字符串 function H62ToInt(S: string): UInt64; //62 进制字符串转到整数 implementation function _C2B(C: Char): Byte; inline; begin Result := 0; if CharInSet(C, ['0'..'9']) then Exit(Byte(C) - 48); //0..9 if CharInSet(C, ['a'..'z']) then Exit(Byte(C) - 97 + 10); //a..z if CharInSet(C, ['A'..'Z']) then Exit(Byte(C) - 65 + 36); //A..Z end; function _B2C(B: Byte): Char; inline; begin Result := #0; if B <= 9 then Exit(Char(B + 48)); //0..9 if (B >= 10) and (B <= 35) then Exit(Char(B - 10 + 97)); //a..z if (B >= 36) and (B <= 61) then Exit(Char(B - 36 + 65)); //A..Z end; function _Power(B,P: Cardinal): UInt64; inline; var i: Integer; begin Result := B; for i := 1 to P-1 do Result := Result * B; end; function _C2V(C: Char; N: Byte): UInt64; inline; begin Result := 0; if (N = 0) then Exit(_C2B(C)); if (N > 0) then Result := _C2B(C) * _Power(62, N); end; function IntToH62(N: UInt64): string; var C: Char; begin Result := ''; repeat C := _B2C(N mod 62); Result := C + Result; N := N div 62; until (N = 0); end; function H62ToInt(S: string): UInt64; var C: Char; L,N,I: Cardinal; begin Result := 0; L := Length(S); if L > 11 then raise Exception.Create('Err: H62ToInt'); //不能多于 11 位 for I := L downto 1 do begin C := S[I]; N := L - I; Result := Result + _C2V(C, N); end; end; end.
//测试: uses H62; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var n: Cardinal; I: UInt64; str: string; begin str := IntToH62(MaxInt); // 2lkCB1 n := H62ToInt(str); // 2147483647 I := 9999999999999999999; // 19 位 str := IntToH62(I); // bUI6zOLZTrh str := 'ZZZZZZZZZZZ'; // 最大值 I := H62ToInt(str); // 15143072536417990655; 比 UInt64 的最大值(18446744073709551615)小一点, 比 Int64 的最大值(9223372036854775807)大一点 end;