类别  运算符 运算符标识 使用
转换 隐式转换  Implicit Implicit(a: type): resultType;
显式转换 Explicit Explicit(a: type): resultType;
一元 - Negative Negative(a: type): resultType;
+ Positive Positive(a: type): resultType;
Inc Inc Inc(a: type): resultType;
Dec Dec Dec(a: type): resultType
not LogicalNot LogicalNot(a: type): resultType;
not BitwiseNot BitwiseNot(a: type): resultType;
Trunc Trunc Trunc(a: type): resultType;
Round Round Round(a: type): resultType;
比较 = Equal Equal(a: type; b: type): Boolean;
<> NotEqual NotEqual(a: type; b: type): Boolean;
> GreaterThan GreaterThan(a: type; b: type) Boolean;
>= GreaterThanOrEqual  GreaterThanOrEqual(a: type; b: type): resultType; 
< LessThan LessThan(a: type; b: type): resultType;
<= LessThanOrEqual LessThanOrEqual(a: type; b: type): resultType;
二元 + Add Add(a: type; b: type): resultType;
- Subtract Subtract(a: type; b: type): resultType;
* Multiply Multiply(a: type; b: type): resultType;
/ Divide Divide(a: type; b: type): resultType;
div IntDivide IntDivide(a: type; b: type): resultType;
mod Modulus Modulus(a: type; b: type): resultType;
shl LeftShift LeftShift(a: type; b: type): resultType;
shr RightShift RightShift(a: type; b: type): resultType;
and LogicalAnd LogicalAnd(a: type; b: type): resultType;
or LogicalOr LogicalOr(a: type; b: type): resultType;
xor LogicalXor LogicalXor(a: type; b: type): resultType;
and BitwiseAnd BitwiseAnd(a: type; b: type): resultType;
or BitwiseOr BitwiseOr(a: type; b: type): resultType;
xor BitwiseXor BitwiseXor(a: type; b: type): resultType;

posted on 2008-12-09 23:50  万一  阅读(5772)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报