unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ComCtrls, StdCtrls, Grids; type TForm1 = class(TForm) TreeView1: TTreeView; StringGrid1: TStringGrid; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure TreeView1Change(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var Nodes: TTreeNodes; node: TTreeNode; begin {初始化 TreeView1} TreeView1.Align := alLeft; Nodes := TreeView1.Items; node := Nodes.Add(nil, '一连长'); node := Nodes.AddChild(node, '一排长'); node := Nodes.AddChild(node, '一班长'); node := Nodes.AddChild(node, '战士1'); Nodes.Add(node, '战士2'); Nodes.Add(node, '战士3'); Nodes.Add(node, '战士4'); node := node.Parent; Nodes.Add(node, '二班长'); Nodes.Add(node, '三班长'); node := node.Parent; Nodes.Add(node, '二排长'); Nodes.Add(node, '三排长'); node := node.Parent; Nodes.Add(node, '二连长'); Nodes.Add(node, '三连长'); {初始化 StringGrid1} with StringGrid1 do begin Align := alClient; FixedRows := 0; ColCount := 2; ColWidths[0] := 78; ColWidths[1] := 50; DefaultRowHeight := 18; RowCount := 15; Cells[0,0] := '当前选择'; Cells[0,1] := '序号'; Cells[0,2] := '所在级别'; Cells[0,3] := '在兄弟中排行'; Cells[0,4] := '下级总数'; Cells[0,5] := '上级元素'; Cells[0,6] := '上一个'; Cells[0,7] := '下一个'; Cells[0,8] := '上一个兄弟'; Cells[0,9] := '下一个兄弟'; Cells[0,10] := '上一个可见'; Cells[0,11] := '下一个可见'; Cells[0,12] := '第一个下级'; Cells[0,13] := '最后一个下级'; Cells[0,14] := '总数'; end; end; procedure TForm1.TreeView1Change(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); begin with StringGrid1 do begin {清除第二列的数据} StringGrid1.Cols[1].Clear; {当前选择} Cells[1,0] := Node.Text; {序号; AbsoluteIndex 是绝对序号} Cells[1,1] := IntToStr(Node.AbsoluteIndex); {所在级别} Cells[1,2] := IntToStr(Node.Level); {在兄弟中排行} Cells[1,3] := IntToStr(Node.Index); {下级总数} Cells[1,4] := IntToStr(Node.Count); {上级元素} if Boolean(Node.Parent) then Cells[1,5] := Node.Parent.Text; {上一个} if Boolean(Node.GetPrev) then Cells[1,6] := Node.GetPrev.Text; {下一个} if Boolean(Node.GetNext) then Cells[1,7] := Node.GetNext.Text; {上一个兄弟} if Boolean(Node.getPrevSibling) then Cells[1,8] := Node.getPrevSibling.Text; {下一个兄弟} if Boolean(Node.getNextSibling) then Cells[1,9] := Node.getNextSibling.Text; {上一个可见} if Boolean(Node.GetPrevVisible) then Cells[1,10] := Node.GetPrevVisible.Text; {下一个可见} if Boolean(Node.GetNextVisible) then Cells[1,11] := Node.GetNextVisible.Text; {第一个下级} if Node.HasChildren then Cells[1,12] := Node.getFirstChild.Text; {最后一个下级} if Node.HasChildren then Cells[1,13] := Node.GetLastChild.Text; {总数} Cells[1,14] := IntToStr(Node.Owner.Count); end; end; end.
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