//声明: GetSystemInfo( var lpSystemInfo: TSystemInfo {} ); //TSystemInfo 是 _SYSTEM_INFO 结构的重定义: _SYSTEM_INFO = record case Integer of 0: ( dwOemId: DWORD); {返回计算机标识符, 已废弃} 1: ( wProcessorArchitecture: Word; {处理器的体系结构} wReserved: Word; {保留} dwPageSize: DWORD; {分页大小} lpMinimumApplicationAddress: Pointer;{最小寻址空间} lpMaximumApplicationAddress: Pointer;{最大寻址空间} dwActiveProcessorMask: DWORD; {处理器掩码; 0..31 表示不同的处理器} dwNumberOfProcessors: DWORD; {处理器数目} dwProcessorType: DWORD; {处理器类型} dwAllocationGranularity: DWORD; {虚拟内存空间的粒度} wProcessorLevel: Word; {处理器等级} wProcessorRevision: Word); {处理器版本} end; //举例: procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var SI: TSystemInfo; begin GetSystemInfo(SI); Memo1.Clear; with Memo1.Lines do begin Add(Format('OEMID:' + #9#9 + '%d', [SI.dwOemId])); Add(Format('处理器体系结构:' + #9 + '%d', [SI.wProcessorArchitecture])); Add(Format('分页大小:' + #9 + '%d', [SI.dwPageSize])); Add(Format('最小寻址空间:' + #9 + '%d', [Integer(SI.lpMinimumApplicationAddress)])); Add(Format('最大寻址空间:' + #9 + '%d', [Integer(SI.lpMaximumApplicationAddress)])); Add(Format('处理器掩码:' + #9 + '%d', [SI.dwActiveProcessorMask])); Add(Format('处理器数目:' + #9 + '%d', [SI.dwNumberOfProcessors])); Add(Format('处理器类型:' + #9 + '%d', [SI.dwProcessorType])); Add(Format('虚拟内存粒度:' + #9 + '%d', [SI.dwAllocationGranularity])); Add(Format('处理器等级:' + #9 + '%d', [SI.wProcessorLevel])); Add(Format('处理器版本:' + #9 + '%d', [SI.wProcessorRevision])); end; end;