C# linq创建嵌套组
以下示例演示如何在 LINQ 查询表达式中创建嵌套组。 首先根据学生年级创建每个组,然后根据每个人的姓名进一步细分为小组。
public void QueryNestedGroups() { var queryNestedGroups = from student in students group student by student.Year into newGroup1 from newGroup2 in (from student in newGroup1 group student by student.LastName) group newGroup2 by newGroup1.Key; // Three nested foreach loops are required to iterate // over all elements of a grouped group. Hover the mouse // cursor over the iteration variables to see their actual type. foreach (var outerGroup in queryNestedGroups) { Console.WriteLine($"DataClass.Student Level = {outerGroup.Key}"); foreach (var innerGroup in outerGroup) { Console.WriteLine($"\tNames that begin with: {innerGroup.Key}"); foreach (var innerGroupElement in innerGroup) { Console.WriteLine("\t\t{innerGroupElement.LastName} {innerGroupElement.FirstName}"); } } } }
请注意,需要使用 3 个嵌套的 foreach