云计算紫竹资讯之 Crossplane 准备投放生产,迎来重要里程碑
Crossplane 是一款 go 语言开发的开源的多云平台控制面板,它能够从单个控制平面管理多个 k8s 集群。
Crossplane 作者 Jared Watts 在其博客 Crossplane is now a CNCF Incubating project 中说,
First Major Milestone Ready for ProductionThe biggest accomplishment of note from the Crossplane community is the release of v1.0, the first major milestone in the project’s history, which was followed by even more improvements up to the latest release of v1.4. With these versions of Crossplane, the project has now reached a level of stability, reliability, and maturity to be declared stable and ready to be used in production scenarios.
The core APIs have been moved to v1 (stable) and future enhancements and improvements are intended to be done in a backwards compatible way with a clear upgrade path. We do not anticipate any further breaking changes in subsequent minor and patch releases, so you can deploy Crossplane with peace of mind to your production environments.
Jared Watts 声称 Crossplane 已经达到了稳定、可靠和成熟的水平,可以准备在生产场景中使用。这意味着 Crossplane 即将迎来其第一个重要的里程碑。