<h2 id="testHelp">帮助一</h2>
<p>some contents here.</p>
<live:LiveHelper HelpId="testHelp" runat="server"></live:LiveHelper>
作为开发人员,我觉得应用程序有个 /Help/ 文件夹专门放帮助就行了;但是客户却要求在操作界面也放给出相应的帮助,原因是他不愿意多点击几下鼠标.好吧,You're the boss,容我想个能偷懒的方案来吧.
首先我不打算在不同的地方重复文档的具体内容(一是我懒,二是如果有变化了要改的地方很多,而且有忽略了某处造成信息不同步的可能),那么最好的办法就是文档内容还是在原来的 /Help/ 文件夹里,你愿意到这来看还能看到;操作界面调用这里的内容(估且称在某处出现的帮助文字叫帮助块(HelpPiece)吧)。这样的话就必须给这些文档定义一个统一的格式,因为只有这样才能方便地解析出里面的帮助块,以便调用。根据原有文档的格式,我稍作修改,做出了以下约定:帮助块是紧随在命名的<h2>或<h3>或<h4>后面<div>。前面的<hx id="xxx">的id是此帮助块的id, 其内容是帮助块的title, <div>里的内容是此帮助块的具体内容。<hx>的id应该是唯一的,而且是在所有帮助文档的范围内唯一。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace LiveHelp
public class HelpPiece
string id;
string title;
string content;
string pageUrl;
public string Title
get { return title; }
set { title = value; }
public string Id
get { return id; }
set { id = value; }
public string PageUrl
get { return pageUrl; }
set { pageUrl = value; }
public string Content
get { return content; }
set { content = value; }
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace LiveHelp
public class HelpPiece
string id;
string title;
string content;
string pageUrl;
public string Title
get { return title; }
set { title = value; }
public string Id
get { return id; }
set { id = value; }
public string PageUrl
get { return pageUrl; }
set { pageUrl = value; }
public string Content
get { return content; }
set { content = value; }
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;
using System.Web;
namespace LiveHelp
public class HelpParser
string path;
string filter;
ParseMode parseMode;
string urlFormat;
string rootPath;
public HelpParser(string dirPath, string filter, bool parseSubFolders, string urlFormat, string rootPath)
this.path = dirPath;
this.filter = filter;
this.parseMode = parseSubFolders ? ParseMode.DirectoryAndDescendants : ParseMode.Directory;
this.urlFormat = urlFormat;
if (rootPath.EndsWith("\\"))
rootPath = rootPath.Substring(0, rootPath.Length - 1);
this.rootPath = rootPath;
public HelpParser(string filePath, string urlFormat, string rootPath)
this.path = filePath;
this.parseMode = ParseMode.File;
this.urlFormat = urlFormat;
if (rootPath.EndsWith("\\"))
rootPath = rootPath.Substring(0, rootPath.Length - 1);
this.rootPath = rootPath;
public Dictionary<string, HelpPiece> Parse()
switch (parseMode)
case ParseMode.File:
return ParseFile();
case ParseMode.Directory:
return ParseDirectory();
return ParseDirectory(true);
private Dictionary<string, HelpPiece> ParseDirectory(bool parseSubFolders)
return ParseDirectory(this.path, parseSubFolders);
private Dictionary<string, HelpPiece> ParseDirectory(string path, bool parseSubFolders)
Dictionary<string, HelpPiece> result = new Dictionary<string, HelpPiece>();
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(path);
foreach (FileInfo file in dir.GetFiles(this.filter))
MergeDictionary<string, HelpPiece>(result, ParseFile(file.FullName));
if (parseSubFolders)
foreach (DirectoryInfo subdir in dir.GetDirectories())
MergeDictionary<string, HelpPiece>(result, ParseDirectory(subdir.FullName, parseSubFolders));
return result;
private Dictionary<string, HelpPiece> ParseDirectory()
return ParseDirectory(false);
private Dictionary<string, HelpPiece> ParseFile()
return ParseFile(this.path);
#region too slow to use XmlDocument + XPath
//private Dictionary<string, HelpPiece> ParseFile(string path)
// XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
// xml.Load(path);
// XmlNamespaceManager nm = new XmlNamespaceManager(xml.NameTable);
// nm.AddNamespace("html", "");
// XmlNodeList headers = xml.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("//html:h2[@id] | //html:h3[@id] | //html:h4[@id]", nm);
// Dictionary<string, HelpPiece> result = new Dictionary<string, HelpPiece>();
// foreach (XmlNode header in headers)
// {
// if (header.NextSibling.Name == "div")
// {
// HelpPiece piece = new HelpPiece();
// piece.Id = header.Attributes["id"].Value;
// piece.Title = header.InnerText.Trim();
// piece.PageUrl = GetUrl(path);
// piece.Content = header.NextSibling.OuterXml;
// result.Add(piece.Id, piece);
// }
// }
// return result;
private Dictionary<string, HelpPiece> ParseFile(string path)
Regex regHeader = new Regex(
#region regex
, RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);
Regex regDiv = new Regex(
#region regex
@"^\s*<div[^>]*> #最外层的<div>
(?'Open'<div[^>]*>) #碰到了<div>,在黑板上写一个Open
.*? #匹配<div>后面的内容
(?'-Open'</div>) #碰到了</div>,擦掉一个Open
.*? #匹配</div>后面不是括号的内容
.*? #最外层的<div></div>间的其它内容
(?(Open)(?!)) #在遇到最外层的</div>前面,判断黑板上还有没有没擦掉的Open;如果还有,则匹配失败
</div> #最外层的</div>"
, RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);
string fileContent;
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path))
fileContent = reader.ReadToEnd();
Dictionary<string, HelpPiece> result = new Dictionary<string, HelpPiece>();
if (regHeader.IsMatch(fileContent))
string fileUrl = GetUrl(path);
foreach (Match matchHeader in regHeader.Matches(fileContent))
string rest = fileContent.Substring(matchHeader.Index + matchHeader.Length);
Match matchContent = regDiv.Match(rest);
if (!matchContent.Success)
HelpPiece piece = new HelpPiece();
piece.Id = matchHeader.Groups["Id"].Value;
piece.Title = matchHeader.Groups["Title"].Value;
piece.Content = matchContent.Value;
piece.PageUrl = fileUrl;
result.Add(piece.Id, piece);
return result;
private string GetUrl(string fullPath)
if (fullPath.StartsWith(this.rootPath, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
string localPath = fullPath.Substring(this.rootPath.Length);
return string.Format(urlFormat, localPath.Replace("\\", "/"));
return null;
public static void MergeDictionary<TKey, TVal>(Dictionary<TKey, TVal> result, Dictionary<TKey, TVal> dictionary)
foreach (TKey key in dictionary.Keys)
result.Add(key, dictionary[key]);
public enum ParseMode
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;
using System.Web;
namespace LiveHelp
public class HelpParser
string path;
string filter;
ParseMode parseMode;
string urlFormat;
string rootPath;
public HelpParser(string dirPath, string filter, bool parseSubFolders, string urlFormat, string rootPath)
this.path = dirPath;
this.filter = filter;
this.parseMode = parseSubFolders ? ParseMode.DirectoryAndDescendants : ParseMode.Directory;
this.urlFormat = urlFormat;
if (rootPath.EndsWith("\\"))
rootPath = rootPath.Substring(0, rootPath.Length - 1);
this.rootPath = rootPath;
public HelpParser(string filePath, string urlFormat, string rootPath)
this.path = filePath;
this.parseMode = ParseMode.File;
this.urlFormat = urlFormat;
if (rootPath.EndsWith("\\"))
rootPath = rootPath.Substring(0, rootPath.Length - 1);
this.rootPath = rootPath;
public Dictionary<string, HelpPiece> Parse()
switch (parseMode)
case ParseMode.File:
return ParseFile();
case ParseMode.Directory:
return ParseDirectory();
return ParseDirectory(true);
private Dictionary<string, HelpPiece> ParseDirectory(bool parseSubFolders)
return ParseDirectory(this.path, parseSubFolders);
private Dictionary<string, HelpPiece> ParseDirectory(string path, bool parseSubFolders)
Dictionary<string, HelpPiece> result = new Dictionary<string, HelpPiece>();
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(path);
foreach (FileInfo file in dir.GetFiles(this.filter))
MergeDictionary<string, HelpPiece>(result, ParseFile(file.FullName));
if (parseSubFolders)
foreach (DirectoryInfo subdir in dir.GetDirectories())
MergeDictionary<string, HelpPiece>(result, ParseDirectory(subdir.FullName, parseSubFolders));
return result;
private Dictionary<string, HelpPiece> ParseDirectory()
return ParseDirectory(false);
private Dictionary<string, HelpPiece> ParseFile()
return ParseFile(this.path);
#region too slow to use XmlDocument + XPath
//private Dictionary<string, HelpPiece> ParseFile(string path)
// XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
// xml.Load(path);
// XmlNamespaceManager nm = new XmlNamespaceManager(xml.NameTable);
// nm.AddNamespace("html", "");
// XmlNodeList headers = xml.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("//html:h2[@id] | //html:h3[@id] | //html:h4[@id]", nm);
// Dictionary<string, HelpPiece> result = new Dictionary<string, HelpPiece>();
// foreach (XmlNode header in headers)
// {
// if (header.NextSibling.Name == "div")
// {
// HelpPiece piece = new HelpPiece();
// piece.Id = header.Attributes["id"].Value;
// piece.Title = header.InnerText.Trim();
// piece.PageUrl = GetUrl(path);
// piece.Content = header.NextSibling.OuterXml;
// result.Add(piece.Id, piece);
// }
// }
// return result;
private Dictionary<string, HelpPiece> ParseFile(string path)
Regex regHeader = new Regex(
#region regex
, RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);
Regex regDiv = new Regex(
#region regex
@"^\s*<div[^>]*> #最外层的<div>
(?'Open'<div[^>]*>) #碰到了<div>,在黑板上写一个Open
.*? #匹配<div>后面的内容
(?'-Open'</div>) #碰到了</div>,擦掉一个Open
.*? #匹配</div>后面不是括号的内容
.*? #最外层的<div></div>间的其它内容
(?(Open)(?!)) #在遇到最外层的</div>前面,判断黑板上还有没有没擦掉的Open;如果还有,则匹配失败
</div> #最外层的</div>"
, RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);
string fileContent;
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path))
fileContent = reader.ReadToEnd();
Dictionary<string, HelpPiece> result = new Dictionary<string, HelpPiece>();
if (regHeader.IsMatch(fileContent))
string fileUrl = GetUrl(path);
foreach (Match matchHeader in regHeader.Matches(fileContent))
string rest = fileContent.Substring(matchHeader.Index + matchHeader.Length);
Match matchContent = regDiv.Match(rest);
if (!matchContent.Success)
HelpPiece piece = new HelpPiece();
piece.Id = matchHeader.Groups["Id"].Value;
piece.Title = matchHeader.Groups["Title"].Value;
piece.Content = matchContent.Value;
piece.PageUrl = fileUrl;
result.Add(piece.Id, piece);
return result;
private string GetUrl(string fullPath)
if (fullPath.StartsWith(this.rootPath, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
string localPath = fullPath.Substring(this.rootPath.Length);
return string.Format(urlFormat, localPath.Replace("\\", "/"));
return null;
public static void MergeDictionary<TKey, TVal>(Dictionary<TKey, TVal> result, Dictionary<TKey, TVal> dictionary)
foreach (TKey key in dictionary.Keys)
result.Add(key, dictionary[key]);
public enum ParseMode
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
namespace LiveHelp
public class LiveHelper : Control
string helpId;
string helpHtmlPath = "~/help/";
ParseMode parseMode = ParseMode.DirectoryAndDescendants;
string helpUrlFormat = "{0}";
string fileFilter = "*.htm";
string text="Help";
[Category("HelpFiles"), DefaultValue("*.htm"), Description("When parsing files in directory, use this to filter files to parse.")]
public string FileFilter
get { return fileFilter; }
set { fileFilter = value; }
[Category("HelpFiles"), DefaultValue("~/help/"), Description("The file or directory path where the help files are.")]
public string HelpHtmlPath
get { return helpHtmlPath; }
set { helpHtmlPath = value; }
[Category("HelpFiles"), DefaultValue(ParseMode.DirectoryAndDescendants), Description("Parse a file, Parse a directory, or Parse a directory and all its sub directories.")]
public ParseMode ParseMode
get { return parseMode; }
set { parseMode = value; }
[Category("Data"), Description("This specifies which help will be shown.")]
public string HelpId
get { return helpId; }
set { helpId = value; }
[Category("Data"), DefaultValue("Help")]
public string Text
get { return text; }
set { text = value; }
public HelpPiece Help
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(helpId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(helpHtmlPath))
throw new ArgumentNullException("HelpId, HelpHtmlPath", "要使用LiveHelper,必须先设置这两个参数.");
Dictionary<string, HelpPiece> cached = Page.Cache[GetCacheKey()] as Dictionary<string, HelpPiece>;
if (cached == null)
cached = GetParsedResult();
Page.Cache[GetCacheKey()] = cached;
return cached[helpId];
Dictionary<string, HelpPiece> GetParsedResult()
string helpPath = Page.Server.MapPath(helpHtmlPath);
HelpParser parser;
switch (parseMode)
case ParseMode.File:
parser = new HelpParser(helpPath, helpUrlFormat, Page.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath);
case ParseMode.Directory:
parser = new HelpParser(helpPath, fileFilter, false, helpUrlFormat, Page.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath);
parser = new HelpParser(helpPath, fileFilter, true, helpUrlFormat, Page.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath);
return parser.Parse();
string GetCacheKey()
return parseMode.ToString() + ":" + helpHtmlPath +":" + fileFilter +":" +helpUrlFormat;
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
ClientScriptManager sm = Page.ClientScript;
sm.RegisterClientScriptResource(this.GetType(), "LiveHelp.ibox.js");
HtmlLink link = new HtmlLink();
link.Attributes.Add("type", "text/css");
link.Attributes.Add("rel", "stylesheet");
string defaultStyleSheet = sm.GetWebResourceUrl(this.GetType(), "LiveHelp.ibox.css");
link.Attributes.Add("href", defaultStyleSheet);
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
writer.Write(string.Format(@"<a href=""#{0}"" rel=""ibox"" title=""{1}"">{2}</a>", ContentClientId(), Help.Title, text));
writer.Write(string.Format(@"<div id=""{0}"" style=""display:none"">{1}<p style=""text-align:right;""><a href=""{2}"">More</a></p></div>", ContentClientId(), Help.Content, Help.PageUrl));
string ContentClientId()
return "help_" + HelpId;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
namespace LiveHelp
public class LiveHelper : Control
string helpId;
string helpHtmlPath = "~/help/";
ParseMode parseMode = ParseMode.DirectoryAndDescendants;
string helpUrlFormat = "{0}";
string fileFilter = "*.htm";
string text="Help";
[Category("HelpFiles"), DefaultValue("*.htm"), Description("When parsing files in directory, use this to filter files to parse.")]
public string FileFilter
get { return fileFilter; }
set { fileFilter = value; }
[Category("HelpFiles"), DefaultValue("~/help/"), Description("The file or directory path where the help files are.")]
public string HelpHtmlPath
get { return helpHtmlPath; }
set { helpHtmlPath = value; }
[Category("HelpFiles"), DefaultValue(ParseMode.DirectoryAndDescendants), Description("Parse a file, Parse a directory, or Parse a directory and all its sub directories.")]
public ParseMode ParseMode
get { return parseMode; }
set { parseMode = value; }
[Category("Data"), Description("This specifies which help will be shown.")]
public string HelpId
get { return helpId; }
set { helpId = value; }
[Category("Data"), DefaultValue("Help")]
public string Text
get { return text; }
set { text = value; }
public HelpPiece Help
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(helpId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(helpHtmlPath))
throw new ArgumentNullException("HelpId, HelpHtmlPath", "要使用LiveHelper,必须先设置这两个参数.");
Dictionary<string, HelpPiece> cached = Page.Cache[GetCacheKey()] as Dictionary<string, HelpPiece>;
if (cached == null)
cached = GetParsedResult();
Page.Cache[GetCacheKey()] = cached;
return cached[helpId];
Dictionary<string, HelpPiece> GetParsedResult()
string helpPath = Page.Server.MapPath(helpHtmlPath);
HelpParser parser;
switch (parseMode)
case ParseMode.File:
parser = new HelpParser(helpPath, helpUrlFormat, Page.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath);
case ParseMode.Directory:
parser = new HelpParser(helpPath, fileFilter, false, helpUrlFormat, Page.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath);
parser = new HelpParser(helpPath, fileFilter, true, helpUrlFormat, Page.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath);
return parser.Parse();
string GetCacheKey()
return parseMode.ToString() + ":" + helpHtmlPath +":" + fileFilter +":" +helpUrlFormat;
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
ClientScriptManager sm = Page.ClientScript;
sm.RegisterClientScriptResource(this.GetType(), "LiveHelp.ibox.js");
HtmlLink link = new HtmlLink();
link.Attributes.Add("type", "text/css");
link.Attributes.Add("rel", "stylesheet");
string defaultStyleSheet = sm.GetWebResourceUrl(this.GetType(), "LiveHelp.ibox.css");
link.Attributes.Add("href", defaultStyleSheet);
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
writer.Write(string.Format(@"<a href=""#{0}"" rel=""ibox"" title=""{1}"">{2}</a>", ContentClientId(), Help.Title, text));
writer.Write(string.Format(@"<div id=""{0}"" style=""display:none"">{1}<p style=""text-align:right;""><a href=""{2}"">More</a></p></div>", ContentClientId(), Help.Content, Help.PageUrl));
string ContentClientId()
return "help_" + HelpId;
OK,现在我们能这样使用这个控件了:<%@ Register Assembly="LiveHelp" Namespace="LiveHelp" TagPrefix="live" %>
<live:LiveHelper FileFilter="*.htm" HelpHtmlPath="~/Help" HelpId="testHelp"
ParseMode="DirectoryAndDescendants" Text="Help" runat="server">
<live:LiveHelper HelpId="testHelp" runat="server"></live:LiveHelper>
<live:LiveHelper FileFilter="*.htm" HelpHtmlPath="~/Help" HelpId="testHelp"
ParseMode="DirectoryAndDescendants" Text="Help" runat="server">
<live:LiveHelper HelpId="testHelp" runat="server"></live:LiveHelper>
<h2 id="testHelp">帮助一</h2>
<p>some contents here.</p>
<h2 id="testHelp">帮助一</h2>
<p>some contents here.</p>
全部代码(包括测试,演示)下载:为什么不让上传 7z 格式的文件? 我用 7z 格式压了只有35KB, 用了zip格式压缩是110KB.)感想
还是正则表达式快,比XmlDocument+XPath快了十倍以上!posted on 2007-03-22 18:04 deerchao 阅读(3095) 评论(10) 编辑 收藏 举报
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