using System; using System.Collections.Generic; struct SomeStruct { public int SomeValue; } class SomeContainerClass { public SomeStruct Struct; } struct SomeContainerStruct { public SomeStruct Struct; } class Program { static void Main() { TestStruct(); TestClass(); TestArray(); TestList(); Console.ReadKey(); } static SomeStruct GetDefaultValue() { return new SomeStruct { SomeValue = 100 }; } private static void TestStruct() { ShowTestName("TestStruct:"); var c = new SomeContainerStruct { Struct = GetDefaultValue() }; ShowResult("original:", c.Struct.SomeValue); var s = c.Struct; s.SomeValue = 200; ShowResult("indirectly:", c.Struct.SomeValue); c.Struct.SomeValue = 300; ShowResult("directly:", c.Struct.SomeValue); } private static void TestClass() { ShowTestName("TestClass:"); var c = new SomeContainerClass { Struct = GetDefaultValue() }; ShowResult("original:", c.Struct.SomeValue); var s = c.Struct; s.SomeValue = 200; ShowResult("indirectly:", c.Struct.SomeValue); c.Struct.SomeValue = 300; ShowResult("directly:", c.Struct.SomeValue); } private static void TestArray() { ShowTestName("TestArray:"); var c = new[] { GetDefaultValue() }; ShowResult("original:", c[0].SomeValue); var s = c[0]; s.SomeValue = 200; ShowResult("indirectly:", c[0].SomeValue); c[0].SomeValue = 300; ShowResult("directly:", c[0].SomeValue); } private static void TestList() { ShowTestName("TestList:"); var c = new List<SomeStruct> { GetDefaultValue() }; ShowResult("original:", c[0].SomeValue); var s = c[0]; s.SomeValue = 200; ShowResult("indirectly:", c[0].SomeValue); //the follow line won't compile //Cannot modify the return value of 'System.Collections.Generic.List<StructTest.SomeStruct>.this[int]' because it is not a variable //c[0].SomeValue = 300; //ShowTestName("directly:", c[0].SomeValue); } static void ShowResult(string condition, int value) { Console.Write(condition); Console.Write("\t"); Console.WriteLine(value); } static void ShowTestName(string message) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(message); } }