Jmeter + selenium + ant 接口自动化并生成报告
3、确认ant环境配置,打开cmd命令提示符,输入ant -v,出现如下图说明环境配置OK
A) 下载style文件 ,该文件可自行网上搜索;
作者使用的是 hph_report.xsl,将上述 build.xml 中 report sytle 值修改为此文件名
B) 把下载的文件放到jmeter的extras目录下 ;

1 2 # response_data is not currently supported for CSV output 3 4 # Save ResponseData for failed samples 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 # Only available with HttpClient4 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 # Only available with HttpClient4 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
3、修改build.xml文件,附上自己的原文件,修改一下自己的 jmeter 环境变量地址

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --> <project name="ant-jmeter" default="all" basedir="."> <tstamp> <format property="time" pattern="yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm" /> <format property="timelog" pattern="yyyyMMddHHmm" /> <format property="timeyj" pattern="MMddyyyHHmm" /> </tstamp> <description> Sample build file for use with ant-jmeter.jar See To run a test and create the output report: ant -Dtest=script To run a test only: ant -Dtest=script run To run report on existing test output ant -Dtest=script report The "script" parameter is the name of the script without the .jmx suffix. Additional options: -Dshow-data=y - include response data in Failure Details -Dtestpath=xyz - path to test file(s) (default user.dir). N.B. Ant interprets relative paths against the build file -Djmeter.home=.. - path to JMeter home directory (defaults to parent of this build file) -Dreport.title="My Report" - title for html report (default is 'Load Test Results') </description> <property name="jmeter.home" value="这里为 jmeter环境变量目录"/> <property name="testpath" value="${jmeter.home}/TestCase"/> <property name="jmeter.result.jtl.dir" value="${jmeter.home}/TestCase/report/jtl"/> <property name="jmeter.result.html.dir" value="${jmeter.home}/TestCase/report/html"/> <property name="jmeter.result.jtlName" value="${jmeter.result.jtl.dir}/${ReportName}${timelog}.jtl"/> <property name="jmeter.result.htmlName" value="${jmeter.result.html.dir}/${ReportName}${timelog}.html"/> <property name="jmeter.result.htmlNameyj" value="${jmeter.result.html.dir}/${ReportName}${timeyj}.html"/> <property name="lib.dir" value="${jmeter.home}/lib"/> <property name="ReportName" value="TestReport"/> <!-- Name of test (without .jmx) --> <property name="test" value="这里填写 jmeter 脚本名称,注意不含.jmx"/> <!-- Should report include response data for failures? --> <property name="show-data" value="n"/> <property name="format" value="2.1"/> <condition property="style_version" value="_21"> <equals arg1="${format}" arg2="2.1"/> </condition> <condition property="funcMode"> <equals arg1="${show-data}" arg2="y"/> </condition> <condition property="funcMode" value="false"> <not> <equals arg1="${show-data}" arg2="y"/> </not> </condition> <!-- Allow jar to be picked up locally (jmeter 相对应 ant-jmeter-1.1.1.jar 包存放地址及包名设置)--> <path id="jmeter.classpath"> <fileset dir="${jmeter.home}/extras"> <include name="ant-jmeter*.jar"/> </fileset> </path> <taskdef name="jmeter" classpathref="jmeter.classpath" classname="org.programmerplanet.ant.taskdefs.jmeter.JMeterTask"/> <!--运行的顺序,先 run test 后 report --> <target name="all" depends="run,report"/> <target name="run"> <echo>funcMode = ${funcMode}</echo> <delete file="${jmeter.result.html.dir}/${test}.html"/> <jmeter jmeterhome="${jmeter.home}" testplan ="${testpath}/${test}.jmx" resultlog="${jmeter.result.jtl.dir}/${test}.jtl"> <!-- <jvmarg value="-Xincgc"/> <jvmarg value="-Xmx128m"/> <jvmarg value="-Dproperty=value"/> <jmeterarg value=""/> --> <!-- Force suitable defaults jmeter相对应配置要改为 true--> <property name="" value="true"/> <property name="" value="true"/> <property name="" value="true"/> <property name="" value="true"/> <property name="" value="true"/> <property name="" value="true"/> <property name="" value="true"/> <property name="" value="true"/> <property name="" value="true"/> <property name="" value="true"/> <property name="" value="true"/> <property name="" value="xml"/> <property name="" value="all"/> <property name="" value="true"/> <property name="file_format.testlog" value="${format}"/> <property name="" value="${funcMode}"/> </jmeter> </target> <property name="lib.dir" value="${jmeter.home}/lib"/> <!-- Use xalan copy from JMeter lib directory to ensure consistent processing with Java 1.4+ --> <path id="xslt.classpath"> <fileset dir="${lib.dir}" includes="xalan*.jar"/> <fileset dir="${lib.dir}" includes="serializer*.jar"/> </path> <target name="report" depends="xslt-report,copy-images"> <echo>Report generated at ${report.datestamp}</echo> </target> <!-- 报告样式设置 --> <target name="xslt-report" depends="_message_xalan"> <tstamp><format property="report.datestamp" pattern="yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"/></tstamp> <xslt classpathref="xslt.classpath" force="true" in="${jmeter.result.jtl.dir}/${test}.jtl" out="${jmeter.result.html.dir}/${test}.html" style="${jmeter.home}/extras/jmeter-results-hph_report.xsl"> <param name="showData" expression="${show-data}"/> <param name="titleReport" expression="${report.title}"/> <param name="dateReport" expression="${report.datestamp}"/> </xslt> </target> <!-- Copy report images if needed --> <target name="copy-images" depends="verify-images" unless="samepath"> <copy file="${basedir}/expand.png" tofile="${testpath}/expand.png"/> <copy file="${basedir}/collapse.png" tofile="${testpath}/collapse.png"/> </target> <target name="verify-images"> <condition property="samepath"> <equals arg1="${testpath}" arg2="${basedir}" /> </condition> </target> <!-- Check that the xalan libraries are present --> <condition property="xalan.present"> <and> <!-- No need to check all jars; just check a few --> <available classpathref="xslt.classpath" classname="org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl"/> <available classpathref="xslt.classpath" classname="org.apache.xml.serializer.ExtendedContentHandler"/> </and> </condition> <target name="_message_xalan" unless="xalan.present"> <echo>Cannot find all xalan and/or serialiser jars</echo> <echo>The XSLT formatting may not work correctly.</echo> <echo>Check you have xalan and serializer jars in ${lib.dir}</echo> </target> </project>

1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 2 <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0"> 3 <xsl:output method="html" indent="no" encoding="UTF-8" doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" doctype-system=""/> 4 <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/> 5 <xsl:template match="/testResults"> 6 <html lang="en"> 7 <head> 8 <meta name="Author" content=""/> 9 <title>JMeter Test Results</title> 10 <style type="text/css"><![CDATA[ 11 12 * { margin: 0; padding: 0 } 13 html, body { width: 100%; height: 100%; background: #b4b4b4; font-size: 12px } 14 table { border: none; border-collapse: collapse; table-layout: fixed } 15 td { vertical-align: baseline; font-size: 12px } 16 #left-panel { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; width: 300px; overflow: auto; background: #dee4ea } 17 #left-panel li.navigation { font-weight: bold; cursor: default; color: #9da8b2; line-height: 18px; background-position: 12px 5px; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding: 0 0 0 25px; background-image: url() } 18 #left-panel li.success { color: #565b60 } 19 #left-panel li.failure { color: red } 20 #left-panel li { list-style: none; color: black; cursor: pointer } 21 #left-panel li.selected { background-repeat: repeat-x; color: white; background: url() } 22 #left-panel div { line-height: 25px; background-position: 25px 3px; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding: 0 0 0 45px } 23 #left-panel div.success { background-image: url() } 24 #left-panel div.failure { background-image: url() } 25 #left-panel div.detail { display: none } 26 #right-panel { position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 301px; overflow: auto; background: white } 27 #right-panel .group { font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 20px; padding: 0 0 2px 18px; counter-reset: assertion; background-repeat: repeat-x; background-image: url() } 28 #right-panel .zebra { background-repeat: repeat; padding: 0 0 20px 18px; background-image: url() } 29 #right-panel .data { line-height: 24px; white-space: nowrap} 30 #right-panel { white-space: pre-line} 31 #right-panel tbody.failure { color: red } 32 #right-panel td.key { min-width: 108px } 33 #right-panel td.delimiter { min-width: 18px } 34 #right-panel td.assertion:before { counter-increment: assertion; content: counter(assertion) ". " } 35 #right-panel td.assertion { color: black } 36 #right-panel .trail { border-top: 1px solid #b4b4b4 } 37 38 ]]></style> 39 <script type="text/javascript"><![CDATA[ 40 41 var onclick_li = (function() { 42 var last_selected = null; 43 return function(li) { 44 if( last_selected == li ) 45 return; 46 if( last_selected ) 47 last_selected.className = ""; 48 last_selected = li; 49 last_selected.className = "selected"; 50 var detail = li.querySelector('div.detail'); 51 // deleted 52 //document.getElementById("right-panel").innerHTML = last_selected.firstChild.nextSibling.innerHTML; 53 // add 54 document.getElementById("right-panel").innerHTML = detail.innerHTML; 55 return false; 56 }; 57 })(); 58 59 var patch_timestamp = function() { 60 var spans = document.getElementsByTagName("span"); 61 var len = spans.length; 62 for( var i = 0; i < len; ++i ) { 63 var span = spans[i]; 64 if( "patch_timestamp" == span.className ) 65 span.innerHTML = new Date( parseInt( span.innerHTML ) ); 66 } 67 }; 68 69 var patch_navigation_class = (function() { 70 71 var set_class = function(el, flag) { 72 if(el) { 73 el.className += flag ? " success" : " failure"; 74 } 75 }; 76 77 var traverse = function(el, group_el, flag) { 78 while(1) { 79 if(el) { 80 if(el.className == 'navigation') { 81 set_class(group_el, flag); 82 group_el = el; 83 flag = true; 84 } else { 85 var o = el.firstChild; 86 o = o ? o.className : null; 87 flag = flag ? 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select="*"> 135 <!-- group with the previous sibling --> 136 <!-- 137 <xsl:if test="position() = 1 or @tn != preceding-sibling::*[1]/@tn"> 138 <li class="navigation">Thread: <xsl:value-of select="@tn"/></li> 139 </xsl:if> 140 --> 141 <li onclick="return onclick_li(this);"> 142 <div> 143 <xsl:attribute name="class"> 144 <xsl:choose> 145 <xsl:when test="@s = 'true'">success</xsl:when> 146 <xsl:otherwise>failure</xsl:otherwise> 147 </xsl:choose> 148 </xsl:attribute> 149 <xsl:value-of select="@lb"/> 150 </div><div class="detail"> 151 <div class="group">Sampler</div> 152 <div class="zebra"> 153 <table> 154 <tr><td class="data key">Thread Name</td><td class="data delimiter">:</td><td class="data"><xsl:value-of select="@tn"/></td></tr> 155 <tr><td class="data key">Timestamp</td><td class="data delimiter">:</td><td class="data"><span class="patch_timestamp"><xsl:value-of select="@ts"/></span></td></tr> 156 <tr><td class="data key">Time</td><td class="data delimiter">:</td><td class="data"><xsl:value-of select="@t"/> ms</td></tr> 157 <tr><td class="data key">Latency</td><td class="data delimiter">:</td><td class="data"><xsl:value-of select="@lt"/> ms</td></tr> 158 <tr><td class="data key">Bytes</td><td class="data delimiter">:</td><td class="data"><xsl:value-of select="@by"/></td></tr> 159 <tr><td class="data key">Sample Count</td><td class="data delimiter">:</td><td class="data"><xsl:value-of select="@sc"/></td></tr> 160 <tr><td class="data key">Error Count</td><td class="data delimiter">:</td><td class="data"><xsl:value-of select="@ec"/></td></tr> 161 <tr><td class="data key">Response Code</td><td class="data delimiter">:</td><td class="data"><xsl:value-of select="@rc"/></td></tr> 162 <tr><td class="data key">Response Message</td><td class="data delimiter">:</td><td class="data"><xsl:value-of select="@rm"/></td></tr> 163 </table> 164 </div> 165 <div class="trail"></div> 166 <xsl:if test="count(assertionResult) > 0"> 167 <div class="group">Assertion</div> 168 <div class="zebra"> 169 <table> 170 <xsl:for-each select="assertionResult"> 171 <tbody> 172 <xsl:attribute name="class"> 173 <xsl:choose> 174 <xsl:when test="failure = 'true'">failure</xsl:when> 175 <xsl:when test="error = 'true'">failure</xsl:when> 176 </xsl:choose> 177 </xsl:attribute> 178 <tr><td class="data assertion" colspan="3"><xsl:value-of select="name"/></td></tr> 179 <tr><td class="data key">Failure</td><td class="data delimiter">:</td><td class="data"><xsl:value-of select="failure"/></td></tr> 180 <tr><td class="data key">Error</td><td class="data delimiter">:</td><td class="data"><xsl:value-of select="error"/></td></tr> 181 <tr><td class="data key">Failure Message</td><td class="data delimiter">:</td><td class="data"><xsl:value-of select="failureMessage"/></td></tr> 182 </tbody> 183 </xsl:for-each> 184 </table> 185 </div> 186 <div class="trail"></div> 187 </xsl:if> 188 <div class="group">Request</div> 189 <div class="zebra"> 190 <table> 191 <tr><td class="data key">Method/Url</td><td class="data delimiter">:</td><td class="data"><pre class="data"><xsl:value-of select="method"/><xsl:text> </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select=""/></pre></td></tr> 192 <tr><td class="data key">Query String</td><td class="data delimiter">:</td><td class="data"><pre class="data"><xsl:value-of select="queryString"/></pre></td></tr> 193 <tr><td class="data key">Cookies</td><td class="data delimiter">:</td><td class="data"><pre class="data"><xsl:value-of select="cookies"/></pre></td></tr> 194 <tr><td class="data key">Request Headers</td><td class="data delimiter">:</td><td class="data" ><pre class="data"><xsl:value-of select="requestHeader"/></pre></td></tr> 195 </table> 196 </div> 197 <div class="trail"></div> 198 <div class="group">Response</div> 199 <div class="zebra"> 200 <table> 201 <tr><td class="data key">Response Headers</td><td class="data delimiter">:</td><td class="data"><pre class="data"><xsl:value-of select="responseHeader"/></pre></td></tr> 202 <tr><td class="data key">Response Data</td><td class="data delimiter">:</td><td class="data"><pre class="data"><xsl:value-of select="responseData"/></pre></td></tr> 203 <tr><td class="data key">Response File</td><td class="data delimiter">:</td><td class="data"><pre class="data"><xsl:value-of select="responseFile"/></pre></td></tr> 204 </table> 205 </div> 206 <div class="trail"></div> 207 </div> 208 </li> 209 </xsl:for-each> 210 </ol> 211 </div> 212 <div id="right-panel"></div> 213 <script> 214 Spliter = function (objLeft, objRight) { 215 this.flag = false; 216 var ele = document.createElement('div'); 217 document.body.append(ele); 218 = "100%"; 219 = "absolute"; 220 = "5px"; 221 = objLeft.offsetWidth - 2 + "px"; 222 = "gray"; 223 = 0; 224 225 this.ele = ele 226 this.objLeft = objLeft; 227 this.objRight = objRight; 228 = "w-resize"; //设置鼠标样式 229 this.up = function (event) { 230 if (this.flag) { 231 if (this.ele.releaseCapture) { 232 this.ele.releaseCapture(); 233 } 234 else { 235 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select="sum(/testResults/*/@t)" /> 309 <xsl:variable name="allAverageTime" select="$allTotalTime div $allCount" /> 310 <xsl:variable name="allMinTime"> 311 <xsl:call-template name="min"> 312 <xsl:with-param name="nodes" select="/testResults/*/@t" /> 313 </xsl:call-template> 314 </xsl:variable> 315 <xsl:variable name="allMaxTime"> 316 <xsl:call-template name="max"> 317 <xsl:with-param name="nodes" select="/testResults/*/@t" /> 318 </xsl:call-template> 319 </xsl:variable> 320 <xsl:attribute name="class"> 321 <xsl:choose> 322 <xsl:when test="$allFailureCount > 0">Failure</xsl:when> 323 </xsl:choose> 324 </xsl:attribute> 325 <td align="center"> 326 <xsl:value-of select="$allCount" /> 327 </td> 328 <xsl:if test="$allFailureCount > 0"> 329 <td align="center" style="color:red"> 330 <xsl:value-of select="$allFailureCount" /> 331 </td> 332 </xsl:if> 333 <xsl:if test="0 >= $allFailureCount"> 334 <td align="center"> 335 <xsl:value-of select="$allFailureCount" /> 336 </td> 337 </xsl:if> 338 <td align="center"> 339 <xsl:call-template name="display-percent"> 340 <xsl:with-param name="value" select="$allSuccessPercent" /> 341 </xsl:call-template> 342 </td> 343 <td align="center"> 344 <xsl:call-template name="display-time"> 345 <xsl:with-param name="value" select="$allAverageTime" /> 346 </xsl:call-template> 347 </td> 348 <td align="center"> 349 <xsl:call-template name="display-time"> 350 <xsl:with-param name="value" select="$allMinTime" /> 351 </xsl:call-template> 352 </td> 353 <td align="center"> 354 <xsl:call-template name="display-time"> 355 <xsl:with-param name="value" select="$allMaxTime" /> 356 </xsl:call-template> 357 </td> 358 </tr> 359 </table> 360 </xsl:template> 361 362 <xsl:template name="pagelist"> 363 <div class="group">Pages</div> 364 <table align="center" class="details" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="2" width="95%"> 365 <tr valign="top"> 366 <th width="50%" >请求内容</th> 367 <th>请求数</th> 368 <th>异常数</th> 369 <th>成功率</th> 370 <th>平均消耗时间</th> 371 <th>最小消耗时间</th> 372 <th>最大消耗时间</th> 373 </tr> 374 <xsl:for-each select="/testResults/*[not(@lb = preceding::*/@lb)]"> 375 <xsl:variable name="label" select="@lb" /> 376 <xsl:variable name="count" select="count(../*[@lb = current()/@lb])" /> 377 <xsl:variable name="failureCount" select="count(../*[@lb = current()/@lb][attribute::s='false'])" /> 378 <xsl:variable name="successCount" select="count(../*[@lb = current()/@lb][attribute::s='true'])" /> 379 <xsl:variable name="successPercent" select="$successCount div $count" /> 380 <xsl:variable name="totalTime" select="sum(../*[@lb = current()/@lb]/@t)" /> 381 <xsl:variable name="averageTime" select="$totalTime div $count" /> 382 <xsl:variable name="minTime"> 383 <xsl:call-template name="min"> 384 <xsl:with-param name="nodes" select="../*[@lb = current()/@lb]/@t" /> 385 </xsl:call-template> 386 </xsl:variable> 387 <xsl:variable name="maxTime"> 388 <xsl:call-template name="max"> 389 <xsl:with-param name="nodes" select="../*[@lb = current()/@lb]/@t" /> 390 </xsl:call-template> 391 </xsl:variable> 392 <tr valign="top"> 393 <xsl:attribute name="class"> 394 <xsl:choose> 395 <xsl:when test="$failureCount > 0">Failure</xsl:when> 396 </xsl:choose> 397 </xsl:attribute> 398 <td class="data" > 399 <xsl:value-of select="$label" /> 400 </td> 401 <td align="center"> 402 <xsl:value-of select="$count" /> 403 </td> 404 <xsl:if test="$failureCount > 0"> 405 <td align="center" style="color:red"> 406 <xsl:value-of select="$failureCount" /> 407 </td> 408 </xsl:if> 409 <xsl:if test="0 >= $failureCount"> 410 <td align="center"> 411 <xsl:value-of select="$failureCount" /> 412 </td> 413 </xsl:if> 414 <td align="center"> 415 <xsl:call-template name="display-percent"> 416 <xsl:with-param name="value" select="$successPercent" /> 417 </xsl:call-template> 418 </td> 419 <td align="center"> 420 <xsl:call-template name="display-time"> 421 <xsl:with-param name="value" select="$averageTime" /> 422 </xsl:call-template> 423 </td> 424 <td align="center"> 425 <xsl:call-template name="display-time"> 426 <xsl:with-param name="value" select="$minTime" /> 427 </xsl:call-template> 428 </td> 429 <td align="center"> 430 <xsl:call-template name="display-time"> 431 <xsl:with-param name="value" select="$maxTime" /> 432 </xsl:call-template> 433 </td> 434 </tr> 435 </xsl:for-each> 436 </table> 437 </xsl:template> 438 <xsl:template name="min"> 439 <xsl:param name="nodes" select="/.." /> 440 <xsl:choose> 441 <xsl:when test="not($nodes)">NaN</xsl:when> 442 <xsl:otherwise> 443 <xsl:for-each select="$nodes"> 444 <xsl:sort data-type="number" /> 445 <xsl:if test="position() = 1"> 446 <xsl:value-of select="number(.)" /> 447 </xsl:if> 448 </xsl:for-each> 449 </xsl:otherwise> 450 </xsl:choose> 451 </xsl:template> 452 453 <xsl:template name="max"> 454 <xsl:param name="nodes" select="/.." /> 455 <xsl:choose> 456 <xsl:when test="not($nodes)">NaN</xsl:when> 457 <xsl:otherwise> 458 <xsl:for-each select="$nodes"> 459 <xsl:sort data-type="number" order="descending" /> 460 <xsl:if test="position() = 1"> 461 <xsl:value-of select="number(.)" /> 462 </xsl:if> 463 </xsl:for-each> 464 </xsl:otherwise> 465 </xsl:choose> 466 </xsl:template> 467 468 <xsl:template name="display-percent"> 469 <xsl:param name="value" /> 470 <xsl:value-of select="format-number($value,'0.00%')" /> 471 </xsl:template> 472 473 <xsl:template name="display-time"> 474 <xsl:param name="value" /> 475 <xsl:value-of select="format-number($value,'0 ms')" /> 476 </xsl:template> 477 478 </xsl:stylesheet>
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