Need 3 candidates for MS



JD for STE:

  • Have work experience in MS projects
  • Have knowledge and experience with globalization and localization testing
  • Quick learner and hard-working
  • Has passion to the project
  • Has BI knowledge or experience is plus
  • Has automation experience is plus
  • Can work proactively
  • Good English


JD for SDET:

  • Have work experience in MS projects
  • Have knowledge and experience with globalization and localization testing
  • Quick learner and hard-working
  • Has passion to the project
  • Strong coding skill and automation experience is must
  • Strong problem-solving skills must
  • Can work proactively and independently
  • Good English
posted @ 2008-12-22 09:51  deepblue  阅读(298)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报