sql 表连接on后面加where和and的区别
create table testA(
Id number(10) primary key,
Name varchar(10)
insert into testA values(1,'小黄');
insert into testA values(2,'小绿');
insert into testA values(3,'小白');
insert into testA values(4,'小黑');
insert into testA values(5,'小花');
create table testB(
Id number(10) primary key,
age number(10)
insert into testB values(1,10);
insert into testB values(2,11);
insert into testB values(3,12);
insert into testB values(4,13);
select * from testA a left join testB b on a.id = b.id and b.age=10
- 1
- 2
select * from testA a left join testB b on a.id = b.id where b.age=10
- 1
on 是用于消除笛卡儿积的,表连接时不加on会报错,left join语句会从左表那里返回所有的行,即使在右表中没有匹配的行,on后面接and也会兼顾左连接,不管and 后面接什么内容,左表数据都会全部展示
下图语句由于a.name =10在testA没有匹配数据,所以与其关联的testB也匹配不到数据。
select * from testA a left join testB b on a.id = b.id and a.name='10'
- 1
select * from testA a left join testB b on a.id = b.id where a.name='10'
- 1