GLPI 0.85.5 上传漏洞分析




The application allows users to upgrade their own profile. The user has
the possibility to add a new photo as attachment.

The photo that he uploads will be stored into "GLPI_ROOT/files/_pictures/".

This file, for example named "photo.jpeg", will be directly accessible
through "http://host/GLPI_ROOT/files/_pictures/XXXX.jpeg", where "XXXX"
is an ID automatically generated by the system and visible in the HTML
source code.

Besides, the server does not check the extension of the uploaded file,
but only the first bytes within it, that indicates which kind of file is.

Exploiting this flaw, an attacker may upload a tampered jpeg file that
contains php code placed at the end of the file, so that, just changing
the file extention to ".php", by default the php code will be interpreted!
To trigger this vulnerability it is necessary to have an account.

This vulnerability is a combination of two issues:
- predictable uploaded file names and path
- upload of any kind of file, not limited to images






1 // Move uploaded file
2                   $filename     = $this->fields['id'];
3                   $tmp          = explode(".", $_FILES['picture']['name']);
4                   $extension    = array_pop($tmp);  //获取原始文件的后缀
5                   $picture_path = GLPI_PICTURE_DIR."/$filename.".$extension; //直接拼接原来的后缀
6                   self::dropPictureFiles($filename.".".$extension);


posted @ 2015-10-07 17:36  不断学习中的小菜鸟  阅读(312)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报