[Story]外滩三号-Three on Bund & New Heights

One: Background:

New Heights, on the top floor of Three on the Bund, offers an amazing view of Shanghai.


The Bund 3, Located on the top floor of Three on the Bund - a historic waterfront building containing restaurants, boutiques, a spa and an art gallery - New Heights revels in its versatility: it is part casual-dining spot, part late-night watering hole, part outdoor cafe and part touristy photo op.

It's the type of place you can just drop in and have a drink,or come with friends to enjoy "beautiful comfort food" under the sun
or stars.

On the evening, the place is brimming with activity as people from all over the world sip cocktails and try to frame Pudong's Oriental Pearl Tower in their cameras' viewfinders. Never mind the autumn chill in the air; the crowd is toasty under strategically scattered heat lamps.
"It's classy, but not snobby,It has both international visitors and trendy Shanghainese.It's relaxing. You can just sit here all night and order cosmopolitans."

Another unmissable venue is M on the Bund (7/F, 20 Guangdong Road, +862163509988), whose balcony offers a tea or dinner-time view of the Bund and Lujiazui.

Two: My story:



 当时是晚上9点半,我们做电梯到7楼,走进金碧辉煌的大殿堂,经过放满葡糖酒,香槟的柜台,就看到新视野的酒吧,面积不大,热闹而拥挤。有很多的外国人在热闹的喝着香槟聊天,也有很多中国人的脸孔,不过他们似乎也都讲英文。 年龄以25-35岁的居多吧,在酒吧的有两面墙正对着黄浦江,所有墙上用很多玻璃门装饰着,推门走出去,是一个半月形的露天阳台,摆满的小圆桌子和凉椅,桌子上都放着一盏盏的黄铜的古典的烛台,烛光烘托出一种浪漫的情调。阳台的中心还有一个音乐演奏的设备,一个歌手在弹吉它,旁边一个中国女人在对着话筒很深情地唱英文歌。


 桌子上有用三国语言写的菜单,全是饮品,价格不菲,拿了单子,就点了一份原味的咖啡 45元。端上来的时候,才发现,咖啡还不足杯子的5/1,很苦的味道。







Hope one day, I can undertand more about shanghai. Yeah, I am trying....


posted @ 2006-06-04 01:38  cndebbie  阅读(3808)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报