[idea]Plan to read some books
These days, I felt rather pain for the past.
Sometimes I feel fear about the future.
I remember one sentence in the <Star War>:
"Sure fear might lead to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering. But a quicker path to suffering includes not getting one of striking Lightsabers!!"
What a strike in my heart when I first heard about it! You can't believe it. You can't understand the litter boy! Sometimes I feel I understand him. I can touch his little heart. What a brave and a despairing heart!
Yes, I think I need to do something to change myself.
I feel afraid with a brain with no actual knowledge.
I don't want to be a person that just can sing some beautiful songs but without any practical actions.
So, first, I plan to read some famous English Books about economy.
1 <Principles.of.Economics.pdf >--- Mankiw.2003.
----Wish to finish in a month, at the 15 of February. 2006.
Second, I plan to read some English book about the software testing.
2 <Sams.Software.Testing.2nd.Edition.Jul.2005.chm> ----A really good book about the software test.
----Wish to finish in the end of January, 2006
This is just the first step. Hope to be finished according to the schedule.