[Melody Mood]->[乐队介绍]->老鹰乐队

因为喜欢《Hotel Calofornia》这首歌,而特意去查了查 Eagles 这支神奇的天才乐队。这里有一个很棒的关于Eagles乐队的flash,放上来和大家一起分享吧。

  Eagles乐队,也就是我们所熟悉的老鹰乐队,成立于1971年,最初一共有四个成员,主唱兼鼓手Don Henley,主唱、吉他兼键盘Glenn Frey,吉他手班Bernie Leadon,司手Randy Meisner。乐队成立后,迅速凭借其超强的实力赢得了歌迷的爱戴,乐队的成员都能主唱,而且都擅长作曲。   1972年乐队在伦敦完成了第一张专辑,作品充满了典型的乡村摇滚风格。代表作“Take It Easy”在当年夏天横扫整个美国。接着他们又推出了一张具有整体概念的唱片《Desperado》。

  1974年4月的《On the border》推出后,Eagles有前进了一步,他们获得了同年葛莱美的多项提名。   
70年代中期乐队获得了很多成功,《One of these night》获得了5周的冠军,而大家非熟悉的经典歌曲, “Hotel California”更是在1977年获得了8周冠军,这首旷世之作达到500万张的销量。

The band was formed by four Los Angeles-based musicians who had come to the West Coast from other parts of the U.S. With five number one singles and four number one albums, the Eagles were among the most successful recording artists of the 1970s; at the end of the 20th century, two of those albums, Eagles: Their Greatest Hits 1971-1975 and Hotel California, ranked among the ten best-selling albums ever.

  Though most of its members came from outside California, the group was closely identified with a country- and folk-tinged sound that initially found favor in and around Los Angeles in the late '60s.   But the band also drew upon traditional rock & roll styles and, in their later work, helped define the broadly popular rock sound eventually referred to as classic rock. That helped the Eagles to achieve a perennial appeal among generations of music fans who continued to buy their records many years after they had split up, which inspired the reunion they mounted in the mid-'90s.
posted @ 2005-05-19 18:25  cndebbie  阅读(1119)  评论(4编辑  收藏  举报