
LLM探索:GPT类模型的几个常用参数 Top-k, Top-p, Temperature



  • temperature
  • top_p
  • top_k



A recent breakthrough in artificial intelligence (AI) is the introduction of language processing technologies that enable us to build more intelligent systems with a richer understanding of language than ever before. Large pre-trained Transformer language models, or simply large language models, vastly extend the capabilities of what systems are able to do with text.

Large language models are computer programs that open new possibilities of text understanding and generation in software systems.




  • 设置为 0,对每个prompt都生成固定的输出
  • 较低的值,输出更集中,更有确定性
  • 较高的值,输出更随机(更有创意😃)

Adjusting the temperature setting

一般来说,prompt 越长,描述得越清楚,模型生成的输出质量就越好,置信度越高,这时可以适当调高 temperature 的值;反过来,如果 prompt 很短,很含糊,这时再设置一个比较高的 temperature 值,模型的输出就很不稳定了。



top_k & top_p

这俩也是采样参数,跟 temperature 不一样的采样方式。

前面有介绍到,模型在输出之前,会生成一堆 token,这些 token 根据质量高低排名。

比如下面这个图片,输入 The name of that country is the 这句话,模型生成了一堆 token,然后根据不同的 decoding strategy 从 tokens 中选择输出。

The model calculates a likelihood for each token in its vocabulary. The decoding strategy then picks one as the output.

这里的 decoding strategy 可以选择

  • greedy decoding: 总是选择最高分的 token,有用但是有些弊端,详见下文
  • top-k: 从 tokens 里选择 k 个作为候选,然后根据它们的 likelihood scores 来采样
  • top-p: 候选词列表是动态的,从 tokens 里按百分比选择候选词

top-k 与 top-p 为选择 token 引入了随机性,让其他高分的 token 有被选择的机会,不像 greedy decoding 一样总是选最高分的。

greedy decoding


Greedy decoding is a reasonable strategy but has some drawbacks such as outputs with repetitive loops of text. Think of the suggestions in your smartphone's auto-suggest. When you continually pick the highest suggested word, it may devolve into repeated sentences.




设置为1时,和 greedy decoding 效果一样。

Adjusting to the top-k setting.

Changing the top-k parameter sets the size of the shortlist the model samples from as it outputs each token. Setting top-k to 1 gives us greedy decoding.


top-p 又名 Nucleus Sampling(核采样)

与 top-k 固定选取前 k 个 tokens 不同,top-p 选取的 tokens 数量不是固定的,这个方法是设定一个概率阈值。

继续上面的例子,将 top-p 设定为 0.15,即选择前 15% 概率的 tokens 作为候选。如下图所示,United 和 Netherlands 的概率加起来为 15% ,所以候选词就是这俩,最后再从这些候选词里,根据概率分数,选择 united 这个词。

In top-p, the size of the shortlist is dynamically selected based on the sum of likelihood scores reaching some threshold.

Top-p is usually set to a high value (like 0.75) with the purpose of limiting the long tail of low-probability tokens that may be sampled. We can use both top-k and top-p together. If both k and p are enabled, p acts after k.

经常遇到的默认 top-p 值就是 0.7/0.8 这样,还是那个说法,设置太低模型的输出太固定,设置太高,模型彻底放飞自我也不好。


posted @ 2023-05-24 11:35  程序设计实验室  阅读(1940)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报