knockoutjs with绑定导致unobtrusive validation失效的问题
2013-09-02 22:42 山不转水转... 阅读(299) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报如果最初的时候with绑定的对象是空的,那么with绑定内部的unobtrusive validation规则在提交的时候无法生效,无法进行验证。
$.removeData($form[0], 'validator');
然后调用unobtrusive validation的parse函数重新对form内的控件进行解析。
knockoutjs 对with 的说明:
If the expression you supply evaluates to null
or undefined
, descendant elements will not be bound at all, but will instead be removed from the document.
If the expression you supply involves any observable values, the expression will be re-evaluated whenever any of those observables change. Then, descendant elements will be cleared out, and a new copy of the markup will be added to your document and bound in the context of the new evaluation result.
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