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Extending C# Tree's

Sunday, 17 August 2008 22:54 by MartinKirk

Lets say you have a TreeView or a random TreeNode, that you want to present in sorted state. 

to make it REALLY easy, we just want to call a single method on either object .Sort() -


    TreeView mytree = new TreeView();
    //add nodes



this require that we extend each object like this:


    public static void Sort(this TreeView tv)
        TreeNodeCollection T = tv.Nodes.Sort();

    public static void Sort(this TreeNode tn)
        TreeNodeCollection T = tn.ChildNodes.Sort();



The sorting algorithm itself is ofcause a recursive descent through the nodes:


    public static TreeNodeCollection Sort(this TreeNodeCollection tnc)
        TreeNodeCollection T = new TreeNodeCollection();

        while (tnc.Count > 0)
            string comp = "";
            TreeNode tmp = new TreeNode() ;

            foreach (TreeNode node in tnc)
                if (node.Text.CompareTo(comp) > 0)
                    tmp = node;
                    comp = node.Text;

        foreach (TreeNode sub in T)

        return T;



The AddRange method i use, is also an extension, since these type of collections dont have such neat feature like Generics' collections


    public static void AddRange(this TreeNodeCollection TNC, TreeNodeCollection Col)
        foreach (TreeNode node in Col)



Sorting has never been easier...

Now lets look at another missing method on Trees/Nodes : Descendants - known from XPath, a method which returns all nodes descendant to the current node:


    public static List<TreeNode> Descendants(this TreeNode node)
        List<TreeNode> list = new List<TreeNode>();
        list.Add(Recurse(node, list));

        return list;

    private static TreeNode Recurse(TreeNode node, List<TreeNode> list)
        foreach (TreeNode sub in node.ChildNodes)
            list.Add(Recurse(sub, list));
        return node;