php spl库的使用(PHP标准库)【摘抄引用】

文章来源与推荐阅读阮一峰--PHP SPL笔记  &&  PHP SPL使用方法和他的威力 

1.SPL 是什么?

  • SPL:standard php library php标准库,此 从php5.0起开始内置的组件和接口,在5.3以后逐渐成熟。因为内置在php5开发环境中,无需任何配置。

   根据官方定义,“a collection of interfaces and classes that are meant to solve standard problems.” 然而在目前的使用者,spl更多地被看做是一种使object模仿的array行为的interfaces和classes。

  • SPL对PHP引擎进行了扩展,例如ArrayAccess、Countable和SeekableIterator等接口,它们用于以数组形式操作对象。同时还可以使用RecursiveIterator,ArrayObjects等其他迭代器进行数组的迭代操作。 




  • spl的核心概念是Iterator,这指一种设计模式(Design Pattern),"provide an object which traverses some aggregate structure,abstracting away assumptions about the implementation of that structure." 通俗的说,Iterator能够使许多不同的数据结构,都能有统一的操作界面,比如一个数据库的结果集、同一目录的文件集或者一个文本中每一行构成的集合。
  • SPL规定,所有部署了Iterator界面的class,都可以用在foreach loop中。Iterator界面包含以下必须部署的五个方法:


* current()

      This method returns the current index's value. You are solely
      responsible for tracking what the current index is as the 
     interface does not do this for you.

    * key()

      This method returns the value of the current index's key. For 
      foreach loops this is extremely important so that the key 
      value can be populated.

    * next()

      This method moves the internal index forward one entry.

    * rewind()

      This method should reset the internal index to the first element.

    * valid()

      This method should return true or false if there is a current 
      element. It is called after rewind() or next().
  • ArrayAccess界面
 * offsetExists($offset)

      This method is used to tell php if there is a value
      for the key specified by offset. It should return 
      true or false.

    * offsetGet($offset)

      This method is used to return the value specified 
      by the key offset.

    * offsetSet($offset, $value)

      This method is used to set a value within the object, 
      you can throw an exception from this function for a 
      read-only collection.

    * offsetUnset($offset)

      This method is used when a value is removed from 
      an array either through unset() or assigning the key 
      a value of null. In the case of numerical arrays, this 
      offset should not be deleted and the array should 
      not be reindexed unless that is specifically the 
      behavior you want.
  • IteratorAggregate界面
  • RecursiveIterator界面
  • SeekableIterator界面
  • Countable界面
3.SPL Classes
  • spl内置类
foreach(spl_classes() as $key=>$val){
    echo $key."=>".$val.'<br/>';


  • DirectoryIterator类
foreach(new DirectoryIterator('./') as $Item)
  echo $Item.'<br/>';
catch(Exception $e)
    echo 'No files Found!';
  • ArrayObject类
  • ArrayIterator类
  • RecursiveArrayIterator类和RecursiveIteratorIterator类
  • FilterIterator
  • SimpleXMLIterator类
  • CachingIterator类
  • LimitIterator类
  • SplFileObject类
posted @ 2016-06-28 15:09  DDDDemo  阅读(363)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报