The Console class also recalls some of my Unix programming memories. When I was a Unix programmer, I used a terminal called SecureCRT, whose window width can be wider than 80 characters. Is 80 enough... 阅读全文
注:C#语言发展十分迅速,而且仍然有很大的提升空间,所以现在写下的有关C#语言上的一些限制,可能过一两年就不同了,所以需要不断更新。至于C++,因为已经很久没怎么变动,所以就容易得多。 (*) 允许初始化成员变量 C#允许 C++不允许 (*) 编译器自动添加默认无参构造函数 c++:当用户实现了有参构造函数,编译器就不添加了。 c#:对于class与C++一样。但对于struct,无论用户实... 阅读全文
The class recalls my Unix programming memory :) 阅读全文
When we want to control the memory layout, we must use System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace, it contains some useful attributes such as StructLayoutAttribute, FieldOffsetAttribute and also some us... 阅读全文