(一)jedis 接口之 KeyCommands
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The type can be one of "none", * "string", "list", "set". "none" is returned if the key does not exist. * <p> * Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @return "none" if the key does not exist, "string" if the key contains a String value, "list" * if the key contains a List value, "set" if the key contains a Set value, "zset" if the key * contains a Sorted Set value, "hash" if the key contains a Hash value * * 返回key的类型 {set,zset,hash} */ String type(String key); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/dump">Dump Command</a></b> * Serialize the value stored at key in a Redis-specific format and return it to the user. * <p> * Time complexity: O(1) to access the key and additional O(N*M) to serialize it where N is * the number of Redis objects composing the value and M their average size. * @param key * @return The serialized value * * 返回 序列化之后key的值 */ byte [] dump(String key); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/restore">Restore Command</a></b> * Create a key associated with a value that is obtained by deserializing the provided serialized * value (obtained via {@link KeyCommands#dump(String) DUMP}). * <p> * Time complexity: O(1) to access the key and additional O(N*M) to serialize it where N is * the number of Redis objects composing the value and M their average size. * @param key * @param ttl If ttl is 0 the key is created without any expire, otherwise the specified expire * time (in milliseconds) is set. * @param serializedValue * @return OK * * 反序列化 serializedValue 之后 与 key关联,ttl为过期时间,0则永不过期 */ String restore(String key, long ttl, byte [] serializedValue); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/restore">Restore Command</a></b> * Create a key associated with a value that is obtained by deserializing the provided serialized * value (obtained via {@link KeyCommands#dump(String) DUMP}). * <p> * Time complexity: O(1) to access the key and additional O(N*M) to serialize it where N is * the number of Redis objects composing the value and M their average size. * @param key * @param ttl If ttl is 0 the key is created without any expire, otherwise the specified expire * time (in milliseconds) is set. * @param serializedValue * @param params {@link RestoreParams} * @return OK * * 反序列化 serializedValue 之后 与 key关联,ttl为过期时间,0则永不过期 RestoreParams设置参数 */ String restore(String key, long ttl, byte [] serializedValue, RestoreParams params); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/expire">Expire Command</a></b> * Set a timeout on the specified key. After the timeout the key will be automatically deleted by * the server. A key with an associated timeout is said to be volatile in Redis terminology. * <p> * Volatile keys are stored on disk like the other keys, the timeout is persistent too like all * the other aspects of the dataset. Saving a dataset containing expires and stopping the server * does not stop the flow of time as Redis stores on disk the time when the key will no longer be * available as Unix time, and not the remaining seconds. * <p> * Since Redis 2.1.3 you can update the value of the timeout of a key already having an expire * set. It is also possible to undo the expire at all turning the key into a normal key using the * {@link KeyCommands#persist(String) PERSIST} command. * <p> * Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @param seconds time to expire * @return 1 if the timeout was set, 0 otherwise. Since the key already has an associated timeout * (this may happen only in Redis versions < 2.1.3, Redis >= 2.1.3 will happily update the timeout), * or the key does not exist. * * 设置key的过期时间 seconds */ long expire(String key, long seconds); /** * Similar to {@link KeyCommands#expire(String, long) EXPIRE} but with optional expiry setting. * @see KeyCommands#expire(String, long) * @param key * @param seconds time to expire * @param expiryOption can be NX, XX, GT or LT * @return 1 if the timeout was set, 0 otherwise. Since the key already has an associated timeout * (this may happen only in Redis versions < 2.1.3, Redis >= 2.1.3 will happily update the timeout), * or the key does not exist. * * 设置key的过期时间 seconds */ long expire(String key, long seconds, ExpiryOption expiryOption); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/pexpire">PExpire Command</a></b> * This command works exactly like {@link KeyCommands#expire(String, long) EXPIRE} but the time * to live of the key is specified in milliseconds instead of seconds. * <p> * Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @param milliseconds time to expire * @return 1 if the timeout was set, 0 otherwise. * e.g. key doesn't exist, or operation skipped due to the provided arguments. * * 设置key的过期时间 seconds milliseconds */ long pexpire(String key, long milliseconds); /** * Similar to {@link KeyCommands#pexpire(String, long) EXPIRE} but with optional expiry setting. * @see KeyCommands#pexpire(String, long) * @param key * @param milliseconds time to expire * @param expiryOption can be NX, XX, GT or LT * @return 1 if the timeout was set, 0 otherwise. * e.g. key doesn't exist, or operation skipped due to the provided arguments. * * 设置key的过期时间 seconds milliseconds */ long pexpire(String key, long milliseconds, ExpiryOption expiryOption); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/expireTime">ExpireTime Command</a></b> * Returns the absolute Unix timestamp (since January 1, 1970) in seconds at which the given key will expire. * <p> * The command returns -1 if the key exists but has no associated expiration time, and -2 if the key does not exist. * <p> * Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @return Expiration Unix timestamp in seconds, or a negative value in order to signal an error: * -1 if the key exists but has no associated expiration time, and -2 if the key does not exist. * * 返回key的过期时间(Unix timestamp)seconds,如果没有过期时间则返回-1 */ long expireTime(String key); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/pexpireTime">PExpireTime Command</a></b> * Similar to {@link KeyCommands#expireTime(String) EXPIRETIME} but returns the absolute Unix expiration * timestamp in milliseconds instead of seconds. * <p> * Time complexity: O(1) * @see KeyCommands#expireTime(String) * @param key * @return Expiration Unix timestamp in milliseconds, or a negative value in order to signal an error: * -1 if the key exists but has no associated expiration time, and -2 if the key does not exist. * * 返回key的过期时间(Unix timestamp)milliseconds,如果没有过期时间则返回-1 */ long pexpireTime(String key); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/expireat">ExpireAt Command</a></b> * EXPIREAT works exactly like {@link KeyCommands#expire(String, long) EXPIRE} but instead to get the * number of seconds representing the Time To Live of the key as a second argument (that is a * relative way of specifying the TTL), it takes an absolute one in the form of a UNIX timestamp * (Number of seconds elapsed since 1 Gen 1970). * <p> * EXPIREAT was introduced in order to implement the Append Only File persistence mode so that * EXPIRE commands are automatically translated into EXPIREAT commands for the append only file. * Of course EXPIREAT can also used by programmers that need a way to simply specify that a given * key should expire at a given time in the future. * <p> * Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @param unixTime time to expire * @return 1 if the timeout was set, 0 otherwise. * e.g. key doesn't exist, or operation skipped due to the provided arguments. * * 设置过期时间 (标准的unix时间,从1970年起)seconds */ long expireAt(String key, long unixTime); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/expireat">ExpireAt Command</a></b> * Similar to {@link KeyCommands#expireAt(String, long) EXPIREAT} but with {@code ExpiryOption}. * @see KeyCommands#expireAt(String, long) * @param key * @param unixTime time to expire * @param expiryOption can be NX, XX, GT or LT * @return 1 if the timeout was set, 0 otherwise. * e.g. key doesn't exist, or operation skipped due to the provided arguments. * * 设置过期时间 (标准的unix时间,从1970年起)seconds */ long expireAt(String key, long unixTime, ExpiryOption expiryOption); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/pexpireat">PExpireAt Command</a></b> * This command works exactly like {@link KeyCommands#expireAt(String, long) EXPIREAT} but * Unix time at which the key will expire is specified in milliseconds instead of seconds. * <p> * Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @param millisecondsTimestamp time to expire * @return 1 if the timeout was set, 0 otherwise. * e.g. key doesn't exist, or operation skipped due to the provided arguments. * * 设置过期时间 (标准的unix时间,从1970年起) millisecondsTimestamp */ long pexpireAt(String key, long millisecondsTimestamp); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/expireat">ExpireAt Command</a></b> * Similar to {@link KeyCommands#pexpireAt(String, long) PEXPIREAT} but with {@code ExpiryOption}. * @see KeyCommands#pexpireAt(String, long) * @param key * @param millisecondsTimestamp time to expire * @param expiryOption can be NX, XX, GT or LT * @return 1 if the timeout was set, 0 otherwise. * e.g. key doesn't exist, or operation skipped due to the provided arguments. * * 设置过期时间 (标准的unix时间,从1970年起) millisecondsTimestamp */ long pexpireAt(String key, long millisecondsTimestamp, ExpiryOption expiryOption); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/ttl">TTL Command</a></b> * The TTL command returns the remaining time to live in seconds of a key that has an * {@link KeyCommands#expire(String, long) EXPIRE} set. This introspection capability allows a Redis * connection to check how many seconds a given key will continue to be part of the dataset. * <p> * Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @return TTL in seconds, or a negative value in order to signal an error * * Redis TTL 命令以秒为单位返回 key 的剩余过期时间 */ long ttl(String key); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/pttl">PTTL Command</a></b> * The PTTL command returns the remaining time to live in milliseconds of a key that has an * {@link KeyCommands#expire(String, long) EXPIRE} set. * <p> * Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @return TTL in milliseconds, or a negative value in order to signal an error * * Redis TTL 命令以毫秒为单位返回 key 的剩余过期时间 */ long pttl(String key); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/touch">Touch Command</a></b> * Alters the last access time of a key. A key is ignored if it does not exist. * <p> * Time complexity: O(N) where N is the number of keys that will be touched. * @param key * @return The number of keys that were touched * * 修改指定 key 的 最后访问时间。忽略不存在的 key。 */ long touch(String key); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/touch">Touch Command</a></b> * Alters the last access time of a key(s). A key is ignored if it does not exist. * <p> * Time complexity: O(N) where N is the number of keys that will be touched. * @param keys * @return The number of keys that were touched * * 修改指定 keys 的 最后访问时间。忽略不存在的 key。 */ long touch(String... keys); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/sort">Sort Command</a></b> * Sort a Set or a List. * <p> * Sort the elements contained in the List, Set, or Sorted Set values at key. By default, sorting is * numeric with elements being compared as double precision floating point numbers. This is the * simplest form of SORT. * @see KeyCommands#sort(String, SortingParams) * @param key * @return Assuming the Set/List at key contains a list of numbers, the return value will be the * list of numbers ordered from the smallest to the biggest number. * * 返回排序的 Set or a List 值列表 */ List<String> sort(String key); /** * Similar to {@link KeyCommands#sort(String) SORT} but store the result in {@code dstkey}. * @see KeyCommands#sort(String) * @param key * @param dstkey * @return The number of elements stored at dstkey. * * 将排序的 Set or a List 值列表 存储到 dstkey 中 */ long sort(String key, String dstkey); /** * Sort a Set or a List accordingly to the specified parameters. * <p> * <b>examples:</b> * <p> * Given are the following sets and key/values: * * <pre> * x = [1, 2, 3] * y = [a, b, c] * * k1 = z * k2 = y * k3 = x * * w1 = 9 * w2 = 8 * w3 = 7 * </pre> * * Sort Order: * * <pre> * sort(x) or sort(x, sp.asc()) * -> [1, 2, 3] * * sort(x, sp.desc()) * -> [3, 2, 1] * * sort(y) * -> [c, a, b] * * sort(y, sp.alpha()) * -> [a, b, c] * * sort(y, sp.alpha().desc()) * -> [c, a, b] * </pre> * * Limit (e.g. for Pagination): * * <pre> * sort(x, sp.limit(0, 2)) * -> [1, 2] * * sort(y, sp.alpha().desc().limit(1, 2)) * -> [b, a] * </pre> * * Sorting by external keys: * * <pre> * sort(x, sb.by(w*)) * -> [3, 2, 1] * * sort(x, sb.by(w*).desc()) * -> [1, 2, 3] * </pre> * * Getting external keys: * * <pre> * sort(x, sp.by(w*).get(k*)) * -> [x, y, z] * * sort(x, sp.by(w*).get(#).get(k*)) * -> [3, x, 2, y, 1, z] * </pre> * @param key * @param sortingParameters {@link SortingParams} * @return A list of sorted elements * * 按照 sortingParameters 排序 */ List<String> sort(String key, SortingParams sortingParameters); /** * Similar to {@link KeyCommands#sort(String, SortingParams) SORT} but store the result in {@code dstkey}. * @see KeyCommands#sort(String, SortingParams) * @param key * @param sortingParameters {@link SortingParams} * @param dstkey * @return The number of elements stored at dstkey * * 按照 sortingParameters 排序 把啊结果存储到 dstkey 中 */ long sort(String key, SortingParams sortingParameters, String dstkey); /** * Read-only variant of the {@link KeyCommands#sort(String, SortingParams) SORT} command. * It is exactly like the original SORT but refuses the STORE option and can safely be used in read-only replicas. * @param key the key to sort * @param sortingParams {@link SortingParams} * @return list of sorted elements. * * 只读列表排序并返回 */ List<String> sortReadonly(String key, SortingParams sortingParams); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/del">Del Command</a></b> * Remove the specified key. If a given key does not exist, no operation is performed. * <p> * Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @return 1 if the key was removed, 0 if the key does not exist * * key 存在的时候 删除 */ long del(String key); /** * Remove the specified keys. If a given key does not exist, no operation is performed. * <p> * Time complexity: O(N) * @param keys * @return An integer greater than 0 if one or more keys were removed, 0 if none of the specified keys existed * * 删除 keys */ long del(String... keys); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/unlink">Unlink Command</a></b> * This command is very similar to {@link KeyCommands#del(String) DEL}: it removes the specified key. * Just like DEL a key is ignored if it does not exist. However, the command performs the actual * memory reclaiming in a different thread, so it is not blocking, while DEL is. This is where the * command name comes from: the command just unlinks the keys from the keyspace. The actual removal * will happen later asynchronously. * <p> * Time complexity: O(1) for each key removed regardless of its size. Then the command does O(N) * work in a different thread in order to reclaim memory, where N is the number of allocations the * deleted objects where composed of. * @param key * @return The number of keys that were unlinked * * 1:del和unlink的最大区别是del是同步删除,unlink是异步删除(目前异步删除的还没有讲解,下一篇文件讲) * 2:对于线上使用删除的尽量不要使用del,因为同步删除可能会造成本身服务停顿,特别是业务量特别依赖redis的服务。 * 3:redis的value删除之后的内存回收使用的引用计算器算法。 */ long unlink(String key); /** * Similar to {@link KeyCommands#unlink(String) SORT} but can be used with multiple keys. * @see KeyCommands#unlink(String) * @param keys * @return The number of keys that were unlinked * * 异步删除 keys */ long unlink(String... keys); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/copy">Copy Command</a></b> * Copy the value stored at the source key to the destination key. * @param srcKey the source key. * @param dstKey the destination key. * @param replace removes the destination key before copying the value to it, in order to avoid error. * @return {@code true} if source was copied, {@code false} otherwise * * srcKey 数据复制到 dstKey 中, replace 复制前是否 删除 dstKey中的数据 */ boolean copy(String srcKey, String dstKey, boolean replace); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/rename">Rename Command</a></b> * Atomically renames the key {@code oldkey} to {@code newkey}. If the source and destination name are the same an * error is returned. If {@code newkey} already exists it is overwritten. * <p> * Time complexity: O(1) * @param oldkey * @param newkey * @return OK * * key 重命名 */ String rename(String oldkey, String newkey); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/renamenx">RenameNX Command</a></b> * Rename oldkey into newkey but fails if the destination key newkey already exists. * <p> * Time complexity: O(1) * @param oldkey * @param newkey * @return 1 if the key was renamed, 0 if the target key already exist * * 复制 oldkey 到 newkey ,如果 newkey 已经存在则失败 */ long renamenx(String oldkey, String newkey); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/memory-usage">Memory Usage Command</a></b> * Report the number of bytes that a key and its value require to be stored in RAM. * <p> * Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @return The memory usage in bytes * * key 和 value 占的字节数 */ Long memoryUsage(String key); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/memory-usage">Memory Usage Command</a></b> * Report the number of bytes that a key and its value require to be stored in RAM. * <p> * Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @param samples the number of sampled nested values. By default, this option is set to 5. * To sample the all the nested values, use 0. * @return The memory usage in bytes * * */ Long memoryUsage(String key, int samples); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/object-refcount">Object Refcount Command</a></b> * Return the reference count of the stored at key. * <p> * Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @return The number of references */ Long objectRefcount(String key); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/object-encoding">Object Encoding Command</a></b> * Return the internal encoding for the Redis object stored at key. * <p> * Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @return The encoding of the object * * 返回对象的编码 */ String objectEncoding(String key); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/object-idletime">Object IdleTime Command</a></b> * Return the time in seconds since the last access to the value stored at key. * <p> * Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @return The idle time in seconds */ Long objectIdletime(String key); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/object-freq">Object Freq Command</a></b> * Return the logarithmic access frequency counter of a Redis object stored at key. * <p> * Time complexity: O(1) * @param key * @return The counter's value */ Long objectFreq(String key); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/migrate">Migrate Command</a></b> * Atomically transfer a key from a source Redis instance to a destination Redis instance. * On success the key is deleted from the original instance and is guaranteed to exist in * the target instance. * @param host * @param port * @param key * @param timeout the maximum idle time in any moment of the communication with the * destination instance in milliseconds. * @return OK on success, or NOKEY if no keys were found in the source instance. */ String migrate(String host, int port, String key, int timeout); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/migrate">Migrate Command</a></b> * Atomically transfer a key from a source Redis instance to a destination Redis instance. * On success the key is deleted from the original instance and is guaranteed to exist in * the target instance. * @param host * @param port * @param timeout the maximum idle time in any moment of the communication with the * destination instance in milliseconds. * @param params {@link MigrateParams} * @param keys * @return OK on success, or NOKEY if no keys were found in the source instance. */ String migrate(String host, int port, int timeout, MigrateParams params, String... keys); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/keys">Keys Command</a></b> * Returns all the keys matching the glob-style pattern as space separated strings. For example if * you have in the database the keys "foo" and "foobar" the command "KEYS foo*" will return * "foo foobar". * <p> * Note that while the time complexity for this operation is O(n) the constant times are pretty * low. For example Redis running on an entry level laptop can scan a 1 million keys database in * 40 milliseconds. <b>Still it's better to consider this one of the slow commands that may ruin * the DB performance if not used with care.</b> * <p> * In other words this command is intended only for debugging and special operations like creating * a script to change the DB schema. Don't use it in your normal code. Use Redis Sets in order to * group together a subset of objects. * <p> * Glob style patterns examples: * <ul> * <li>h?llo will match hello hallo hhllo * <li>h*llo will match hllo heeeello * <li>h[ae]llo will match hello and hallo, but not hillo * </ul> * <p> * Use \ to escape special chars if you want to match them verbatim. * <p> * Time complexity: O(n) (with n being the number of keys in the DB, and assuming keys and pattern * of limited length) * @param pattern * @return List of keys matching the pattern. */ Set<String> keys(String pattern); ScanResult<String> scan(String cursor); ScanResult<String> scan(String cursor, ScanParams params); ScanResult<String> scan(String cursor, ScanParams params, String type); /** * <b><a href="http://redis.io/commands/randomkey">RandomKey Command</a></b> * Return a randomly selected key from the currently selected DB. * <p> * Time complexity: O(1) * @return The random key, or {@code nil} when the database is empty */ String randomKey(); } |
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