class MutexLock : boost::noncopyable { public: MutexLock():holder_(0){ pthread_mutex_init(&mutex_,NULL); } ~MutexLock(){ pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex_); } bool isLockByThisThread(){ return holder_ == pthread_self(); //原本是holder_ == CurrentThread::tid(); } void assertLocked(){ assert(isLockByThisThread()); } void lock(){ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_); holder_ = pthread_self(); //如果两行反了,当前线程还没拿上锁呢,isLockByThisThread就会返回错误的结果了 // 原本是holder_ = CurrentThread::tid(); } void unlock(){ holder_ = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_); //同上 } pthread_mutex_t* getPhreadMutex(){ return &mutex_; } private: pthread_mutex_t mutex_; pid_t holder_; }; } class MutexLockGuard : boost::noncopyable{ public: explicit MutexLockGuard(MutexLock& mutex):mutex_(mutex){ mutex.lock(); } ~MutexLockGuard(){ mutex_.unlock(); } private: MutexLock mutex_; };
class Condition :boost::noncopyable { public: explicit Condition(MutexLock& mutex):mutex_(mutex) { pthread_cond_init(&pcond_,NULL); } ~Condition(){ pthread_cond_destroy(&pcond_); } void wait(){ pthread_cond_wait(&pcond_,mutex_.getPthreadMutex()); } void notify(){ pthread_cond_signal(&pcond_); } void notifyall(){ pthread_cond_broadcast(&pcond_); } private: MutexLock& mutex_; pthread_cond_t pcond_; };
class Foo { public: Foo(); ~Foo(); private: int value; }; typedef std::vector<Foo> Foolist; using FooListPtr = std::shared_ptr<Foolist>; std::mutex mutex_; FooListPtr g_foos; //遍历 void travels(){ FooListPtr foos; { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lockguard(mutex_); foos = g_foos; assert(!g_foos.unique()); } for(auto it = foos->begin();it!= foos->end()){ it.doit(); } } void post(const Foo& f){ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lockguard(mutex_); if(!g_foos.unique()){ //如果不止一个人正在使用g_foos,那么将g_foos重置 g_foos.reset(new Foolist(*g_foos)); //Replaces the managed object with an object pointed to by ptr. //保证在写的时候g_foos只有当前线程在调用 } assert(g_foos.unique()); g_foos->push_back(f); }