

【实例3-1使用recon/domains-hosts/baidu_site模块,枚举baidu网站的子域。具体操作步骤如下所示:本文选自Kail Linux渗透测试实训手册


  • [recon-ng][default] > use recon/domains-hosts/baidu_site


  • [recon-ng][default][baidu_site] > show options
  •   Name      Current Value       Req     Description
  •   --------------  ----------------------    ---------  -------------------------------------------------------
  •   SOURCE     default            yes      source of input (see 'show info' for details)
  • [recon-ng][default][baidu_site] >



  • [recon-ng][default][baidu_site] > set SOURCE baidu.com
  • SOURCE => baidu.com

从输出的信息中,可以看到SOURCE选项参数已经设置为baidu.com,本文选自Kail Linux渗透测试实训手册。


  • [recon-ng][default][baidu_site] > run
  • ---------
  • ---------
  • [*] URL: http://www.baidu.com/s?pn=0&wd=site%3Abaidu.com
  • [*] map.baidu.com
  • [*] 123.baidu.com
  • [*] jingyan.baidu.com
  • [*] top.baidu.com
  • [*] www.baidu.com
  • [*] hi.baidu.com
  • [*] video.baidu.com
  • [*] pan.baidu.com
  • [*] zhidao.baidu.com
  • [*] Sleeping to avoid lockout...
  • -------
  • -------
  • [*] 9 total (2 new) items found.




  • [recon-ng][default] > use reporting/csv


  • [recon-ng][default][csv] > run
  • [*] 9 records added to '/root/.recon-ng/workspaces/default/results.csv'.

从输出的信息可以看到,枚举到的9个记录已被添加到/root/.recon-ng/workspaces/default/results.csv文件中。打开该文件,本文选自Kail Linux渗透测试实训手册如图3.1所示。

 图3.1  results.csv文件




  • root@kali:~# dmitry -h
  • Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool
  • "There be some deep magic going on"
  • dmitry: invalid option -- 'h'
  • Usage: dmitry [-winsepfb] [-t 0-9] [-o %host.txt] host
  •   -o  Save output to %host.txt or to file specified by -o file
  •   -i   Perform a whois lookup on the IP address of a host
  •   -w Perform a whois lookup on the domain name of a host
  •   -n  Retrieve Netcraft.com information on a host
  •   -s  Perform a search for possible subdomains
  •   -e  Perform a search for possible email addresses
  •   -p  Perform a TCP port scan on a host
  • * -f    Perform a TCP port scan on a host showing output reporting filtered ports
  • * -b   Read in the banner received from the scanned port
  • * -t 0-9 Set the TTL in seconds when scanning a TCP port ( Default 2 )
  • *Requires the -p flagged to be passed


  • root@kali:~# dmitry -s google.com
  • Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool
  • "There be some deep magic going on"
  • HostIP:
  • HostName:google.com
  • Gathered Subdomain information for google.com
  • ---------------------------------
  • Searching Google.com:80...
  • HostName:www.google.com
  • HostIP:
  • Searching Altavista.com:80...
  • Found 1 possible subdomain(s) for host google.com, Searched 0 pages containing 0 results
  • All scans completed, exiting

从输出的信息中,可以看到搜索到一个子域。该子域名为www.google.com,IP地址为173.194.127.51。该命令默认是从google.com网站搜索,如果不能连接google.com网站的话,执行以上命令将会出现Unable to connect: Socket Connect Error错误信息本文选自Kail Linux渗透测试实训手册。

posted @ 2015-01-09 14:49  大学霸  阅读(536)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报