
GPSTK is a library of support routines designed for use by programmers developing applications that read and write (particularly in RINEX format), process and otherwise manipulate GPS data. It is characterized by the following:

  1. Modern, ANSI C++; highly object oriented
  2. Uses  template, the Standard Template Library (STL) and iostream classes
  3. Portables and platform independent
  4. Includes full implementation of the RINEX (Receiver Independent Exchange Format) I/O


All GPSTK code is placed within the gpstk namespace, other namespaces are defined for certain specialized functionaliyt; these include

  • gpstk::BinUtils in the Binaary utilityies module
  • gpstk::FileUtils in the File utilities module
  • gpstk::StringUtils in the String utilities module

Namespace std is also used throughout the GPSTK.

Library Content

The library consists of several modules, which are more or less dependent upon each other. These include

    • Exceptions for use throughout the library
    • Binary utilities
    • STL "helpers"
    • String utilities
    • Command line options
    • Date and time conversions
    • Formatted file I/O
    • File utilities, including file filters and filter hunter
    • Vector and Matrix algorithms
    • Mathematical algorithms
    • Geodetic coordinates, conversions, etc
    • Complete RINEX implementation (including Glonass and other data), with extensions that allow user-defined observation types
      1. Rinex Meterological file I/O
      2. Rinex Navigation file I/O
      3. Rinex Observation file I/O
    • Ephemeris calculations, including almanac and ICD-GPS-200 algorithms
    • Ephemeris I/O and storage
    • SP3 format file ("precise ephemeris") I/O and storage
    • GPS navigation solution algorithms
    • Basic application frameworks
    • P-Code generator
    • GNSS Data Structures handling


This distribution also includes several stand-alone application programs which also serve as examples of how to use the GPSTK. These include

  1. Rinex summary
  2. Rinex editor
  3. Discontinuity Correction (i.e. cycle slip fixing)
  4. Residual and correction generator




[from doc of GPSTK]

posted on 2012-05-15 09:39  A.V  阅读(339)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报