Semaphore can be counted, while mutex can only count to 1. Suppose you have a thread running which accepts client connections. This thread can handle 10 clients simultaneously. Then each new client sets the semaphore until it reaches 10.
When the Semaphore has 10 flags, then your thread won't accept new connections Mutex are usually used for guarding stuff. Suppose your 10 clients can access multiple parts of the system. Then you can protect a part of the system with a mutex so when 1 client is connected to that sub-system,
no one else should have access. You can use a Semaphore for this purpose too. A mutex is a "Mutual Exclusion Semaphore".
简单的说 就是Mutex是排它的,只有一个可以获取到资源, Semaphore也具有排它性,但可以定义多个可以获取的资源的对象。
class Pool { private static final int MAX_AVAILABLE = 100; private final Semaphore available = new Semaphore(MAX_AVAILABLE, true); public Object getItem() throws InterruptedException { available.acquire(); return getNextAvailableItem(); } public void putItem(Object x) { if (markAsUnused(x)) available.release(); } // Not a particularly efficient data structure; just for demo protected Object[] items = ... whatever kinds of items being managed protected boolean[] used = new boolean[MAX_AVAILABLE]; protected synchronized Object getNextAvailableItem() { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_AVAILABLE; ++i) { if (!used[i]) { used[i] = true; return items[i]; } } return null; // not reached } protected synchronized boolean markAsUnused(Object item) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_AVAILABLE; ++i) { if (item == items[i]) { if (used[i]) { used[i] = false; return true; } else return false; } } return false; } }
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