
Snakebite currently implements the following protocol in snakebite.channel.SocketRpcChannel to communicate with the NameNode.


The Hadoop RPC protocol works as described below. On connection, headers are sent to setup a session. After that, multiple requests can be sent within the session.

Header bytes “hrpc”
Version uint8 7
Auth method uint8 80 (Auth method SIMPLE)
Serialization type uint8 0 (protobuf)
IpcConnectionContextProto length uint32  
IpcConnectionContextProto bytes  

Sending messages

When sending a message, the following is sent to the sever:

Length of the next two parts uint32
RpcPayloadHeaderProto length varint
RpcPayloadHeaderProto protobuf serialized message
HadoopRpcRequestProto length varint
HadoopRpcRequestProto protobuf serialized message

varint is a Protocol Buffer variable int.


The Java protobuf implementation uses writeToDelimited to prepend the message with their lenght, but the python implementation doesn’t implement such a method (yet).

Next to an rpcKind (snakebites default is RPC_PROTOCOL_BUFFER), an rpcOp (snakebites default isRPC_FINAL_PAYLOAD), the RpcPayloadHeaderProto message defines a callId that is added in the RPC response (described below).

The HadoopRpcRequestProto contains a methodName field that defines what server method is called and a has a property request that contains the serialized actual request message.

Receiving messages

After a message is sent, the response can be read in the following way:

Length of the RpcResponseHeaderProto varint
RpcResponseHeaderProto bytes
Length of the RPC response uint32
Serialized RPC response bytes

The RpcResponseHeaderProto contains the callId of the request and a status field. The status can beSUCCESSERROR or FAILURE. In case SUCCESS the rest of response is a complete protobuf response.

In case of ERROR, the response looks like follows:

Length of the RpcResponseHeaderProto varint
RpcResponseHeaderProto bytes
Length of the RPC response uint32
Length of the Exeption class name uint32
Exception class name utf-8 string
Length of the stack trace uint32
Stack trace utf-8 string


posted on 2015-08-31 19:24  一天不进步,就是退步  阅读(450)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报