
The local gateway module stores the cluster state and shard data across full cluster restarts.


    protected void configure() {

2.1 DanglingIndicesState

 * The dangling indices state is responsible for finding new dangling indices (indices that have
 * their state written on disk, but don't exists in the metadata of the cluster), and importing
 * them into the cluster.

2.2 GatewayService 


    public static final Setting<Integer> EXPECTED_NODES_SETTING =
        Setting.intSetting("gateway.expected_nodes", -1, -1, Property.NodeScope);
    public static final Setting<Integer> EXPECTED_DATA_NODES_SETTING =
        Setting.intSetting("gateway.expected_data_nodes", -1, -1, Property.NodeScope);
    public static final Setting<Integer> EXPECTED_MASTER_NODES_SETTING =
        Setting.intSetting("gateway.expected_master_nodes", -1, -1, Property.NodeScope);
    public static final Setting<TimeValue> RECOVER_AFTER_TIME_SETTING =
        Setting.positiveTimeSetting("gateway.recover_after_time", TimeValue.timeValueMillis(0), Property.NodeScope);
    public static final Setting<Integer> RECOVER_AFTER_NODES_SETTING =
        Setting.intSetting("gateway.recover_after_nodes", -1, -1, Property.NodeScope);
    public static final Setting<Integer> RECOVER_AFTER_DATA_NODES_SETTING =
        Setting.intSetting("gateway.recover_after_data_nodes", -1, -1, Property.NodeScope);
    public static final Setting<Integer> RECOVER_AFTER_MASTER_NODES_SETTING =
        Setting.intSetting("gateway.recover_after_master_nodes", 0, 0, Property.NodeScope);

2.3 TransportNodesListGatewayStartedShards

 * This transport action is used to fetch the shard version from each node during primary allocation in {@link GatewayAllocator}.
 * We use this to find out which node holds the latest shard version and which of them used to be a primary in order to allocate
 * shards after node or cluster restarts.


posted on 2018-12-13 11:09  一天不进步,就是退步  阅读(289)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报