LF68.Missing Number I

Given an integer array of size N - 1, containing all the numbers from 1 to N except one, find the missing number.


The given array is not null, and N >= 1

A = {2, 1, 4}, the missing number is 3
A = {1, 2, 3}, the missing number is 4
A = {}, the missing number is 1

 1 //time o(n) space o(n)
 2     public int missing_method1(int[] array) {
 3         // Write your solution here
 4         //corner case
 5         if (array == null){
 6             return -1 ;
 7         }
 8         // since we know for sure there is one number missing from array
 9         int size = array.length ;
10         //1: put for 1 to size into hashset
11         Set<Integer> dic = new HashSet<>(size) ;
12         for (int i = 0 ; i <size ; i++){
13             dic.add(array[i]);
14         }
15         //2: and then loop through the array and cross check with the dic
16         for (int i = 1; i <= size +1 ; i++) {
17             if (!dic.contains(i)){
18                 return i;
19             }
20         }
21         return -1 ;
22     }
24     // time o(n) space o(1)
25     //use sum
26     public int missing_method2(int[] array) {
27         // Write your solution here
28         //corner case
29         if (array == null){
30             return -1 ;
31         }
32         int n = array.length +1  ;
33         long targetSum = (n +0L) * (n+1)/2 ;
34         long actualSum = 0L ;
35         for(int num : array){
36             actualSum += num ;
37         }
38         return (int)(targetSum - actualSum);
39     }
41     //xor bit operation - time o(n) sapce: o(1)
42     public int missing_method3(int[] array) {
43         // Write your solution here
44         //corner case
45         if (array == null){
46             return -1 ;
47         }
48         int n = array.length  + 1 ;
49         int xor = 0;
50         //xor from 1 to n
51         for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
52             xor ^= i ;
53         }
54         //then iterate all the items in array
55         /*
56         after this operation, all the numbers from 1 to n
57         are pair xor'ed except for the missing number.
58         since x ^ x = 0, the remaining number is the result
59         */
60         for(int num : array){
61             xor ^= num ;
62         }
63         return xor ;
64     }





posted @ 2018-04-05 07:15  davidnyc  阅读(168)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报