
Homework 9




时间定额是指在一定生产条件下,规定完成单件产品(如一个零件)或某项工作(如一个工序)所需的时间。它是衡量劳动生产率的指标,是安排生产计划,计算生产成本的重要依据。 单件时间定额是完成单件产品或一个工序所消耗的时间,主要包括基本时间;辅助时间;工作地服务时间;休息与生理需要时间;准备终结时间。


  • Process costing is an accounting methodology that traces and accumulates direct costs, and allocates indirect costs of a manufacturing process. Or rathe say, process costing is related with the process is called the primary expenditure.

  • Process costing consists of two parts: the variable cost V and the constant cost C.
    S s i n g l e = C + V S_{single}=C+V Ssingle=C+V
    1) 可变费用:与零件年产量直接有关的费用。它随产量的增长而增长。如材料和制造费、生产用电费等。
    2) 不变费用:与产品年产量无直接关系的费用。其不随产量的变化而变化,如设备的折旧费。

  • When different economic schemes are analysed, the comparison of process cost is made for a whole year. For example, if there two different process schemes, their year-process-cost S_year1 and S_year2 are compared.
    S y e a r 1 = V 1 N + C y e a r 1 S_{year1}=V_1 N+C_{year1} Syear1=V1N+Cyear1
    S y e a r 2 = V 2 N + C y e a r 2 S_{year2}=V_2 N+C_{year2} Syear2=V2N+Cyear2


Rotary parts are the part whose cross-section is circle. It can be formed by workpiece’s movement of outline rotating with circle.


Turning is a process that workpiece’s rotary line is cut. When the workpiece rotates, cutting tool make a straight or curved movement in a plane to machine the workpiece.


  • Operational properties:
    Drilling is the easiest way to cut a hole on solid metal.
    钻孔最常用的刀具是麻花钻,用麻花钻钻孔的尺寸精度为 IT13~IT11,表面粗糙度Ra 值为 50μm~12.5μm,属于粗加工。钻孔主要用于质量要求不高的孔的终加工,例如螺栓孔、油孔等,也可作为质量要求较高孔的预加工。
    Core drilling or counter drilling is applied to enlarge holes.
    扩孔是用扩孔钻对工件上已钻出、铸出或锻出的孔进行扩大加工。扩孔可在一定程度上校正原孔轴线的偏斜,扩孔的精度可达 IT10~IT9,表面粗糙的 Ra 值可达 6.3μm~3.2μm,属于半精加工。扩孔常用作铰孔前的预加工,对于质量要求不高的孔,扩孔也可作孔加工的最终工序。
    Reaming is used to slightly enlarge a hole, to provide a better tolerance on its diameter and improve its surface finish.
    铰孔是用铰刀从被加工孔的孔壁上切除微量金属,使孔的精度和表面质量得到提高的加工方法。铰孔是应用较普遍的对中小直径孔进行精加工的方法之一,它是在扩孔或半精镗孔的基础上进行的。根据铰刀的结构不同,铰孔可以加工圆柱孔、圆锥孔;可以手工操作,也可以在机床上进行。铰孔后孔的精度可达 IT9~IT7,表面粗糙度 Ra 值达 1.6~0.4μm。

  • Operational relation:
    All of them are operated in drilling and related hole-making machines and they are applied to drill a hole. But the requirement of the hole is different such as surface finish, tolerance, the size of the diameter and so on.



切削部分担负主要切削工作,切削部分由两条主切削刃、两条副切削刃和一条横刃及两个前刀面和两个后刀面组成。导向部分有微小的倒锥度,即从切削部分向柄部每 100mm 长度上钻头直径do 减少 0.03 mm~0.12mm,以减少与孔壁的摩擦。麻花钻的主要几何角度有顶角 2φ,螺旋角β,前角γo,后角αo 和横刃斜角ψ等。这些几何角度对钻削加工的性能、切削力大小,排屑情况等都有直接的影响,使用时要根据不同加工材料和切削要求来选取。



8. 机床的主要技术参数有哪些?



In forming, it can be sort out into simple motion and compound motion by the compound of motion. If a dependent forming motion is simple rotating or movement, it is a simple motion. For example, turning an outline of a cylinder is a simple motion. If a dependent forming motion consists of two or more simple rotating or movement in a specific relation, it is a compound motion. For instance, turning to form a thread is a compound motion.
The main difference between simple motion and compound motion is that the references are different. 本质上说,简单运动是机床最基本的运动;复合运动是有两个或3 两个以上的简单运动叠加而成的运动, 组成复合运动的各简单运动之间有着严格的运动关系。
(例子或)车床主轴的旋转为简单运动。 车螺纹时,刀具相对工件的运动为复合运动。

10. 画简图表示用下列方法加工所需表面时,需要哪些成型运动?其中哪些是简单运动,哪些是复合运动?

① 用成型车刀车削外圆锥面
② 用尖头车刀纵、横向同时运动车外圆锥面
③ 用钻头钻孔
④ 用拉刀拉削圆柱孔
⑤ 插齿刀插削直齿圆柱齿轮
Answers: see table 2.


Drive chain includes power source, drive equipment and executor.

  • External drive chain is a drive chain that connects with source power and executor and it help executor obtain speed and motion direction.
  • Internal drive chain is a drive chain that connects with several decomposition of the whole motion, which determines the track of the compound motion.
  • Main difference:
    Changing the motion ratio of external drive chain only influences production rate and surface roughness, which does not affect the shape of machining surface.
    Internal drive chain can influence the properties of the machining surface.
  • Requirements:
    External drive chain can have the transmission pair, whose motion (such as frictional motion) ratio which is not accurate.
    Internal drive chain should satisfy the strict requirement of relative speed between executors. Thus, the motion ratio of the transmission pair is required to be accurate.
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