SQL Mon 介绍
这是一个相当高级的SQL Server监控工具,全面监控SQL Server的活动与性能,分析性能瓶颈,给出优化建议。
是否想过:“SQL Server为什么那么慢?”,“为什么CPU占用那么高?”,“到底哪里死锁了?”,“为什么数据库那么大?”,“怎样才可以查看我的存储过程和函数的历史版本?”,“可以让我的SQL Server跑得更快吗?”。
- 监控SQL Server的活动:进程、任务,详细查看当前执行的语句与实际变量值,终止进程
- IO/CPU/网络等性能趋势图
- 函数/存储过程等的版本控制,这在商业软件中也没有(如果你知道,告诉我)
- 对象浏览器:服务器、数据库、表、视图、函数、存储过程等
- 数据库管理:收缩、日志清除、备份、恢复等
- 在整个数据库中搜索对象/脚本内容,这在SQL Server 2012中也无法做到
- 自动显示所有对象的脚本,如表、视图、函数、存储过程等
这些在SQL Server 2012中都没有。
SELECT DB_NAME(database_id) AS DatabaseName, Name AS Logical_Name, Physical_Name, CAST(size AS decimal(30,0))*8 AS Size, state FROM sys.master_files WHERE DB_NAME(database_id) = 'YOUR_DATABASE_NAME'
--search in script Select s.name, s.create_date AS CreateDate, s.modify_date AS ModifyDate, s.type, c.text from syscomments c left join sys.objects s on c.id = s.object_id where [Text] like '%YOUR_QUERY_HERE%' --search in jobs SELECT job_id, name, date_created AS CreateDate, date_modified AS ModifyDate, 'Job' AS type FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs
--To get table names and records SELECT [TableName] = so.name, [RowCount] = MAX(si.rows) FROM sysobjects so, sysindexes si WHERE so.xtype = 'U' AND si.id = OBJECT_ID(so.name) GROUP BY so.name --To get table used space EXEC sp_spaceused 'TABLE_NAME' --To get table script declare @Id int, @i int, @i2 int,@Sql varchar(max),@Sql2 varchar(max), @f1 varchar(5), @f2 varchar(5), @f3 varchar(5), @f4 varchar(5), @T varchar(5) select @Id=object_id('YOUR_TABLE_NAME_HERE'), @f1 = char(13) + char(10), @f2 = ' ', @f3=@f1+@f2, @f4=',' + @f3 if not(@Id is null) BEGIN declare @Data table(Id int identity primary key, D varchar(max) not null, ic int null, re int null, o int not null); -- Columns with c as( select c.column_id, Nr = row_number() over(order by c.column_id), Clr=count(*) over(), D = quotename(c.name) + ' ' + case when s.name = 'sys' or c.is_computed=1 then '' else quotename(s.name) + '.' end + case when c.is_computed=1 then '' when s.name = 'sys' then t.Name else quotename(t.name) end + case when c.user_type_id!=c.system_type_id or c.is_computed=1 then '' when t.Name in ('xml', 'uniqueidentifier', 'tinyint', 'timestamp', 'time', 'text', 'sysname', 'sql_variant', 'smallmoney', 'smallint', 'smalldatetime', 'ntext', 'money', 'int', 'image', 'hierarchyid', 'geometry', 'geography', 'float', 'datetimeoffset', 'datetime2', 'datetime', 'date', 'bigint', 'bit') then '' when t.Name in('varchar','varbinary', 'real', 'numeric', 'decimal', 'char', 'binary') then '(' + isnull(convert(varchar,nullif(c.max_length,-1)), 'max') + isnull(','+convert(varchar,nullif(c.scale, 0)), '') + ')' when t.Name in('nvarchar','nchar') then '(' + isnull(convert(varchar,nullif(c.max_length,-1) / 2), 'max') + isnull(','+convert(varchar,nullif(c.scale, 0)), '') + ')' else '??' end + case when ic.object_id is not null then ' identity(' + convert(varchar,ic.seed_value) + ',' + convert(varchar,ic.increment_value) + ')' else '' end + case when c.is_computed=1 then 'as' + cc.definition when c.is_nullable = 1 then ' null' else ' not null' end + case c.is_rowguidcol when 1 then ' rowguidcol' else '' end + case when d.object_id is not null then ' default ' + d.definition else '' end from sys.columns c inner join sys.types t on t.user_type_id = c.user_type_id inner join sys.schemas s on s.schema_id=t.schema_id left outer join sys.computed_columns cc on cc.object_id=c.object_id and cc.column_id=c.column_id left outer join sys.default_constraints d on d.parent_object_id=@id and d.parent_column_id=c.column_id left outer join sys.identity_columns ic on ic.object_id=c.object_id and ic.column_id=c.column_id where c.object_id=@Id ) insert into @Data(D, o) select ' ' + D + case Nr when Clr then '' else ',' + @f1 end, 0 from c where NOT D IS NULL order by column_id -- SubObjects set @i=0 while 1=1 begin select top 1 @i=c.object_id, @T = c.type, @i2=i.index_id from sys.objects c left outer join sys.indexes i on i.object_id=@Id and i.name=c.name where parent_object_id=@Id and c.object_id>@i and c.type not in('D') order by c.object_id if @@rowcount=0 break if @T = 'C' insert into @Data select @f4 + 'check ' + case is_not_for_replication when 1 then 'not for replication ' else '' end + definition, null, null, 10 from sys.check_constraints where object_id=@i else if @T = 'Pk' insert into @Data select @f4 + 'primary key' + isnull(' ' + nullif(lower(i.type_desc),'clustered'), ''), @i2, null, 20 from sys.indexes i where i.object_id=@Id and i.index_id=@i2 else if @T = 'uq' insert into @Data values(@f4 + 'unique', @i2, null, 30) else if @T = 'f' begin insert into @Data select @f4 + 'foreign key', -1, @i, 40 from sys.foreign_keys f where f.object_id=@i insert into @Data select ' references ' + quotename(s.name) + '.' + quotename(o.name), -2, @i, 41 from sys.foreign_keys f inner join sys.objects o on o.object_id=f.referenced_object_id inner join sys.schemas s on s.schema_id=o.schema_id where f.object_id=@i insert into @Data select ' not for replication', -3, @i, 42 from sys.foreign_keys f inner join sys.objects o on o.object_id=f.referenced_object_id inner join sys.schemas s on s.schema_id=o.schema_id where f.object_id=@i and f.is_not_for_replication=1 end else insert into @Data values(@f4 + 'Unknow SubObject [' + @T + ']', null, null, 99) end insert into @Data values(@f1+')', null, null, 100) -- Indexes insert into @Data select @f1 + 'create ' + case is_unique when 1 then 'unique ' else '' end + lower(s.type_desc) + ' index ' + 'i' + convert(varchar, row_number() over(order by index_id)) + ' on ' + quotename(sc.Name) + '.' + quotename(o.name), index_id, null, 1000 from sys.indexes s inner join sys.objects o on o.object_id=s.object_id inner join sys.schemas sc on sc.schema_id=o.schema_id where s.object_id=@Id and is_unique_constraint=0 and is_primary_key=0 and s.type_desc != 'heap' -- columns set @i=0 while 1=1 begin select top 1 @i=ic from @Data where ic>@i order by ic if @@rowcount=0 break select @i2=0, @Sql=null, @Sql2=null while 1=1 begin select @i2=index_column_id, @Sql = case c.is_included_column when 1 then @Sql else isnull(@Sql + ', ', '(') + cc.Name + case c.is_descending_key when 1 then ' desc' else '' end end, @Sql2 = case c.is_included_column when 0 then @Sql2 else isnull(@Sql2 + ', ', '(') + cc.Name + case c.is_descending_key when 1 then ' desc' else '' end end from sys.index_columns c inner join sys.columns cc on c.column_id=cc.column_id and cc.object_id=c.object_id where c.object_id=@Id and index_id=@i and index_column_id>@i2 order by index_column_id if @@rowcount=0 break end update @Data set D=D+@Sql +')' + isnull(' include' + @Sql2 + ')', '') where ic=@i end -- references set @i=0 while 1=1 begin select top 1 @i=re from @Data where re>@i order by re if @@rowcount=0 break select @i2=0, @Sql=null, @Sql2=null while 1=1 begin select @i2=f.constraint_column_id, @Sql = isnull(@Sql + ', ', '(') + c1.Name, @Sql2 = isnull(@Sql2 + ', ', '(') + c2.Name from sys.foreign_key_columns f inner join sys.columns c1 on c1.column_id=f.parent_column_id and c1.object_id=f.parent_object_id inner join sys.columns c2 on c2.column_id=f.referenced_column_id and c2.object_id=f.referenced_object_id where f.constraint_object_id=@i and f.constraint_column_id>@i2 order by f.constraint_column_id if @@rowcount=0 break end update @Data set D = D + @Sql + ')' where re=@i and ic=-1 update @Data set D = D + @Sql2 + ')' where re=@i and ic=-2 end; -- Render with x as( select id=d.id-1, D=d.D + isnull(d2.D,'') from @Data d left outer join @Data d2 on d.re=d2.re and d2.o=42 where d.o=41 ) update @Data set D=d.D+x.D from @Data d inner join x on x.id=d.id delete @Data where o in(41, 42) select @Sql = 'create table ' + quotename(s.name) + '.' + quotename(o.name) + '(' + @f1 from sys.objects o inner join sys.schemas s on o.schema_id = s.schema_id where o.object_id=@Id set @i=0 while 1=1 begin select top 1 @I=Id, @Sql = @Sql + D from @Data order by o, case when o=0 then right('0000' + convert(varchar,id),5) else D end, id if @@rowcount=0 break delete @Data where id=@i end END SELECT @Sql
在上图中,我们可以看见SQL Server历史/当前的IO/CPU/网络信息都在趋势图中显示。
- @@cpu_busy
- @@io_busy
- @@idle
- @@pack_received
- @@pack_sent
- @@connections
- @@packet_errors
- @@total_read
- @@total_write
- @@total_errors

declare @now datetime declare @cpu_busy int declare @io_busy int declare @idle int declare @pack_received int declare @pack_sent int declare @pack_errors int declare @connections int declare @total_read int declare @total_write int declare @total_errors int declare @oldcpu_busy int /* used to see if DataServer has been rebooted */ declare @interval int declare @mspertick int /* milliseconds per tick */ /* ** Set @mspertick. This is just used to make the numbers easier to handle ** and avoid overflow. */ select @mspertick = convert(int, @@timeticks / 1000.0) /* ** Get current monitor values. */ select @now = getdate(), @cpu_busy = @@cpu_busy, @io_busy = @@io_busy, @idle = @@idle, @pack_received = @@pack_received, @pack_sent = @@pack_sent, @connections = @@connections, @pack_errors = @@packet_errors, @total_read = @@total_read, @total_write = @@total_write, @total_errors = @@total_errors /* ** Check to see if DataServer has been rebooted. If it has then the ** value of @@cpu_busy will be less than the value of spt_monitor.cpu_busy. ** If it has update spt_monitor. */ select @oldcpu_busy = cpu_busy from master.dbo.spt_monitor if @oldcpu_busy > @cpu_busy begin update master.dbo.spt_monitor set lastrun = @now, cpu_busy = @cpu_busy, io_busy = @io_busy, idle = @idle, pack_received = @pack_received, pack_sent = @pack_sent, connections = @connections, pack_errors = @pack_errors, total_read = @total_read, total_write = @total_write, total_errors = @total_errors end /* ** Now print out old and new monitor values. */ set nocount on select @interval = datediff(ss, lastrun, @now) from master.dbo.spt_monitor /* To prevent a divide by zero error when run for the first ** time after boot up */ if @interval = 0 select @interval = 1 select last_run = lastrun, current_run = @now, seconds = @interval, cpu_busy_total = convert(int, ((@cpu_busy * @mspertick) / 1000)), cpu_busy_current = convert(int, (((@cpu_busy - cpu_busy) * @mspertick) / 1000)), cpu_busy_percentage = convert(int, ((((@cpu_busy - cpu_busy) * @mspertick) / 1000) * 100) / @interval), io_busy_total = convert(int, ((@io_busy * @mspertick) / 1000)), io_busy_current = convert(int, (((@io_busy - io_busy) * @mspertick) / 1000)), io_busy_percentage = convert(int, ((((@io_busy - io_busy) * @mspertick) / 1000) * 100) / @interval), idle_total = convert(int, ((convert(bigint,@idle) * @mspertick) / 1000)), idle_current = convert(int, (((@idle - idle) * @mspertick) / 1000)), idle_percentage = convert(int, ((((@idle - idle) * @mspertick) / 1000) * 100) / @interval), packets_received_total = @pack_received, packets_received_current = @pack_received - pack_received, packets_sent_total = @pack_sent, packets_sent_current = @pack_sent - pack_sent, packet_errors_total = @pack_errors, packet_errors_current = @pack_errors - pack_errors, total_read = @total_read, current_read = @total_read - total_read, total_write = @total_write, current_write = @total_write - total_write, total_errors = @total_errors, current_errors = @total_errors - total_errors, connections_total = @connections, connections_current = @connections - connections from master.dbo.spt_monitor /* ** Now update spt_monitor */ update master.dbo.spt_monitor set lastrun = @now, cpu_busy = @cpu_busy, io_busy = @io_busy, idle = @idle, pack_received = @pack_received, pack_sent = @pack_sent, connections = @connections, pack_errors = @pack_errors, total_read = @total_read, total_write = @total_write, total_errors = @total_errors
数据库开发人员总在想,每次修改了函数/存储过程,我们都得自己做备份,用以历史参考,当发现错误的时候,可以回滚。在SQL Monitor里面,这个是全自动的。

SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[VERSION_CONTROL_TABLE]') AND type in (N'U')) BEGIN CREATE TABLE [dbo].[{0}]( [ID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [databasename] [varchar](256) NULL, [eventtype] [varchar](50) NULL, [objectname] [varchar](256) NULL, [objecttype] [varchar](25) NULL, [sqlcommand] [nvarchar](max) NULL, [loginname] [varchar](256) NULL, [hostname] [varchar](256) NULL, [PostTime] [datetime] NULL, [Version] [int] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_VERSION_CONTROL_TABLE] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ID] ASC )WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] END GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TRIGGER [TRG_VERSION_CONTROL_TABLE}] ON DATABASE FOR CREATE_PROCEDURE, ALTER_PROCEDURE, DROP_PROCEDURE, CREATE_TABLE, ALTER_TABLE, DROP_TABLE, CREATE_FUNCTION, ALTER_FUNCTION, DROP_FUNCTION, CREATE_TRIGGER, ALTER_TRIGGER, DROP_TRIGGER, CREATE_VIEW, ALTER_VIEW, DROP_VIEW, CREATE_INDEX, ALTER_INDEX, DROP_INDEX AS SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @CurrentVersion int DECLARE @CurrentID int DECLARE @DatabaseName varchar(256) DECLARE @ObjectName varchar(256) DECLARE @data XML SET @data = EVENTDATA() INSERT INTO dbo.VERSION_CONTROL_TABLE(databasename, eventtype,objectname, objecttype, sqlcommand, loginname,Hostname,PostTime, Version) VALUES( @data.value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/DatabaseName)[1]', 'varchar(256)'), @data.value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/EventType)[1]', 'varchar(50)'), -- value is case-sensitive @data.value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/ObjectName)[1]', 'varchar(256)'), @data.value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/ObjectType)[1]', 'varchar(25)'), @data.value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/TSQLCommand)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)'), @data.value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/LoginName)[1]', 'varchar(256)'), HOST_NAME(), GETDATE(), ) SET @CurrentID = IDENT_CURRENT('VERSION_CONTROL_TABLE') SELECT @DatabaseName = databasename, @ObjectName = objectname FROM VERSION_CONTROL_TABLE WHERE ID = @CurrentID IF (@DatabaseName IS NOT NULL AND @ObjectName IS NOT NULL) BEGIN SELECT @CurrentVersion = MAX(Version) FROM VERSION_CONTROL_TABLE WHERE databasename = @DatabaseName AND objectname = @ObjectName UPDATE VERSION_CONTROL_TABLE SET Version = ISNULL(@CurrentVersion, 0) + 1 WHERE ID = @CurrentID END GO ENABLE TRIGGER [TRG_VERSION_CONTROL_TABLE] ON DATABASE
SQL Monitor会全自动给你的所有脚本修改做版本记录。你可以随时查看在什么时候哪个机器用什么身份修改了哪个对象的脚本。
SQL Monitor内置版本比较,你可以清楚知道不同的版本的差异。
--To get processes SELECT s.session_id AS spid, s.login_time, s.host_name AS hostname, s.host_process_id AS hostprocess, s.login_name AS loginname, s.logical_reads AS physical_io, s.cpu_time AS cpu, s.program_name, 0 AS dbid, s.last_request_start_time AS last_batch_begin, CASE WHEN status = 'running' THEN GETDATE() ELSE dateadd(ms, s.cpu_time, s.last_request_end_time) END AS last_batch_end, s.status FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions s JOIN sys.dm_exec_connections c ON s.session_id = c.session_id
--To get jobs SELECT job_id AS spid, name AS program_name, 0 AS dbid, 0 AS cpu, 0 AS physical_io, NULL AS login_time, NULL AS last_batch_begin, NULL AS last_batch_end, NULL AS status, NULL AS hostname, NULL AS hostprocess, NULL AS cmd, NULL AS loginname FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs
这是商业级的数据与性能分析,SQL Monitor自动给你的系统、数据库、数据表、索引等进行分析。

//database & disk free space var databases = GetDatabasesInfo(); var files = new List<tuple<bool, />>(); databases.AsEnumerable().ForEach(d => { var database = GetDatabaseInfo(d["name"].ToString()); database.AsEnumerable().ForEach(f => { files.Add(new Tuple<bool, />(Convert.ToInt32(f["type"]) == 1, f["physical_name"].ToString(), Convert.ToInt64(Convert.ToDecimal(f["Size"]) / Size1K))); } ); }); var spaces = new Dictionary<string, />>(); //MB free var driveSpaces = Query("EXEC master.sys.xp_fixeddrives"); driveSpaces.AsEnumerable().ForEach(s => { //could not use name but rather index, because the column name will change according to locale spaces.Add(s[0].ToString(), new KeyValue<long, />(Convert.ToInt64(s[1]), 0)); }); files.ForEach(f => { //maybe some access issues try { var drive = f.Item2.Substring(0, 1); if (spaces.ContainsKey(drive)) { spaces[drive].Value += f.Item3; } } catch (Exception) { //mmmm.....what can we do, mate? } }); spaces.ForEach(s => { if (s.Value.Key < s.Value.Value / 100 * Settings.Instance.DatabaseDiskFreeSpaceRatio) { analysisResult.Add(new AnalysisResult { ResultType = AnalysisResultTypes.DiskFreeSpace, ObjectName = s.Key, ReferenceValue = s.Value.Key, CurrentValue = s.Value.Value, Factor = Settings.Instance.DatabaseDiskFreeSpaceRatio + SizePercentage }); } }); //database data file & log file space databases.AsEnumerable().ForEach(d => { var name = d["name"].ToString(); if (!systemDatabases.Contains(name)) { var database = GetDatabaseInfo(name); var databaseSpace = new Dictionary<databasefiletypes, /> { { DatabaseFileTypes.Data, 0 }, { DatabaseFileTypes.Log, 0 } }; database.AsEnumerable().ForEach(f => { var key = (DatabaseFileTypes)Convert.ToInt32(f["type"]); databaseSpace[key] += Convert.ToInt64(Convert.ToDecimal(f["Size"]) / Size1K); } ); bool? shrink = null; if (databaseSpace[DatabaseFileTypes.Log] > databaseSpace[DatabaseFileTypes.Data] / 100 * Settings.Instance.DatabaseDataLogSpaceRatio) shrink = false; else { var logSpaces = SQLHelper.Query("DBCC SQLPERF(LOGSPACE)", GetServerInfo(name)); var logSpace = logSpaces.Select(string.Format("[Database Name] = '{0}'", name)); if (logSpace.Length > 0) { var logSpacedUsed = Convert.ToDouble(logSpace[0]["Log Space Used (%)"]); if (logSpacedUsed < Settings.Instance.DatabaseDataLogSpaceRatio) shrink = true; } } if (shrink != null) analysisResult.Add(new AnalysisResult { ResultType = AnalysisResultTypes.DatabaseLogSpace, ObjectName = name, ReferenceValue = databaseSpace[DatabaseFileTypes.Log], CurrentValue = databaseSpace[DatabaseFileTypes.Data], Factor = Settings.Instance.DatabaseDataLogSpaceRatio + SizePercentage, Key = (bool)shrink ? 1 : 0 }); } });
var tables = GetObjects(KeyTables); tables.AsEnumerable().ForEach(t => { var name = t[KeyName].ToString(); var space = Query(string.Format("EXEC sp_spaceused '{0}'", name), CurrentServerInfo); if (space.Rows.Count > 0) { var row = space.Rows[0]; var dataSize = ToKB(row["data"]) / Size1K; var indexSize = ToKB(row["index_size"]) / Size1K; if (indexSize > dataSize / 100 * Settings.Instance.TableDataIndexSpaceRatio) analysisResult.Add(new AnalysisResult { ResultType = AnalysisResultTypes.TableIndexSpace, ObjectName = name, ReferenceValue = dataSize, CurrentValue = indexSize, Factor = Settings.Instance.DatabaseDataLogSpaceRatio + SizePercentage, Key = (int)TableIndexSpaceRules.DataIndexSpaceRatio }); } });
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